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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. If you're new to the series, then get Fates. Either version is a good choice, but keep in mind Conquest is harder than Birthright. You'll still have difficulty modes to choose from of course. Fates takes all the mechanics from Awakening and improves on them, so Awakening is really made rather obsolete in this regard imo.

    If you have played FE before, then it's really dependant on what you value most: gameplay or story. For gameplay, Conquest is by far the best choice. For story, then Shadows of Valentia is best.

  2. Maybe Arden will be on an upcoming banner, like maybe an armour knights banner, and was added early for the FE4 paralogue? It's been a while since we've had a new non game specific banner, and armours are still very few. Could be something like Arden, Kellam, and Brom to launch along with a Halloween banner at the end of the month. I dunno, I just don't see him as a TT or quest reward.

  3. Got Sigurd, Deirdre, and fittingly Seliph after a fair number of orbs (also some good repeats to merge).

    Then I went over to the dancer banner and spent the rest of my orbs to no avail. It seriously feels like there's some hidden odds on special banners. I've thrown literally hundreds of orbs at it by now and gotten none of the focus units back.

    Anyway, awesome to have Arvis and Ayra datanimed! Arden is a surprise, and a meh one tbh. But always nice to have more Jugdralis.

  4. Dang it, this is like the Crimea banner. I should be more excited but Tailtiu is very unexpected and it's only three characters for some reason. :( Sucks to have waited so long for more Jugdral and that's it. I guess Ayra and Arvis are coming but where is my Lewyn? D:

    Hopefully we get RD next and after that FE5 to make up for it.

    Anyway I will be pulling for all three, mainly want Sigurd and Deirdre though.

  5. I don't think the story will be very long. Probably around the length of the 3DS titles. But I do expect there will be more of a focus on post-game, so there will probably be a lot of extras which will significantly increase the total length of the game. Dungeons and side quests may be a part of this, improved from SoV. Which tbh, isn't quite what I want from an FE game, though it is enjoyable to an extent. But as long as the story and characters are good, I don't mind if we don't get another RD size game just yet. 

  6. Story:

    Best: SoV. It's a competent story, for one, and while it does have some inconsistencies between its themes and narrative, it works. The world building is very strong as is the cast, both of which strengthen the plot.

    In the middle: Believe it or not, Conquest is my second place story. It beats out Birthright because it's more interesting, and it beats Awakening because while both have no idea what they want to be/accomplish, Conquest is at least bad because it tries to be different while Awakening is bad because it tries to do everything previous games already did but does it worse. I also much prefer the cast of Conquest to either of the other two. Conquest, Birthright, Awakening.

    Worst: Revelation. This lame excuse for a game came into being purely as a cash grab. The story makes no sense, the characters are at their worst here, it invalidates the entire reasoning behind the split, and it does nothing interesting or worthwhile. 


    Best: Conquest. Pair up is improved, skills are touched up, reclassing is more enjoyable, maps are varied and fun, and the UI is very pleasant. 

    In the middle: SoV's biggest flaw in gameplay is the maps, honestly. They were too faithful to the original, which unfortunately means a lot of boring maps which is especially glaring coming off of Fates. However, everything else is a blast. Birthright has a lot of what Conquest does, with the biggest difference being lack of map variety. It also has a bunch of new classes which are fun to play around with. Awakening was a good entry point for the 3DS era, but it's just been outclassed at this point, with the other games doing everything better than it. SoV, Birthright, Awakening.

    Worst: Revelation, again. It's annoying to play. It's very unbalanced. These things are enough to turn me off completely despite it being in the Fates series.

    Overall, my ranking of the 3DS era would be Fates, SoV, and then Awakening. Within that, Conquest, SoV, Birthright, Awakening, Revelation.

  7. I will always, always make room on my team for lance infantry. Nephenee, Oboro, and Lukas (even though he promotes to knight) are my favourite members of this class, and of course Ephraim. I would love another lance lord and hope FE16 keeps up the tradition of having at least one cool lance fighter.

  8. Oh hey, haven't been in this part of the forums in a while and it's been even longer since I did Smash speculation. It's always fun so let's see...

    I don't wanna speculate on cuts because it's trickier than newcomers imo. Assuming this would be coming out within the next year...

    Almost guaranteed: Inklings, ARMS guy, Rex from Xenoblade, Pokémon Switch postermon. These are all from up and coming franchises and Pokemon Switch is guaranteed to be a huge deal. I think Alola will be skipped for a playable monster but will likely get lots of other references.

    Very likely: Impa, because it's been a while since a new Zelda character was added and Impa has gotten a lot of moveset potential recently with SS and HW. Elma (Xenoblade), for the same reason as Rex, and because she would have a very different moveset from anyone else on the roster. Takamaru, because Sakurai likes him and wants him playable. 

    Possible: FE Switch protagonist, if they aren't a new sword lord their chances go way up, but if they have a sword then it may be hard to justify adding them. Bandanna Dee, as the Kirby series continues to be strong and he's been showing up a lot and is popular. Captain Toad, he got a spinoff after all and Toad is one of the most iconic Mario characters yet to be playable. Hades, especially if around the same time there's another KI game coming out or being planned. 

    May have a shot: Dixie Kong, depending on whether or not the DK franchise comes back. Ridley, purely based off the insane hype that Sakurai must surely be aware of by now and the return of the Metroid series. Isaac, as he now definitely qualifies as the obscure retro pick (rip gs). 

    3rd parties: Someone from Shin Megami Tensei (Atlus). Probably the most deserving 3rd party company right now, having a good relationship with Nintendo for the past few years. Square Enix may get another rep if the rumours of them bringing more games to the Switch are true, or even somebody from the Bravely series could show up. And Capcom may also get a Resident Evil rep seeing as the Revelations series were on 3DS and are coming to the Switch.

  9. I think one thing they could do that wouldn't be too drastic but would ultimately have a big effect is improve on the ledge mechanic from RD and make maps multi-dimensional. Have terrain be more useful as well.

    FE4 in a way was the first "reimagining" of the series. It looked at what had been done before and did everything different. They could use it as a reference point if they wanna try doing something totally different again.

  10. I made a comment in another thread that focusing on the Smash roster plus key pals may have been better. Let's see if it holds up, keeping to 25.


    Marth, Caeda, Tiki, Minerva, Hardin

    Roy, Lilina, Zephiel

    Ike, Soren, Titania

    Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Lucina, Robin, Walhart

    Corrin, Azura, Xander, Ryoma, Camilla, Takumi

    9 swords, 1 Pegasus, 1 manakete, 2 Wyverns, 3 mages, 4 horses, 1 axe/healer, 1 lancer, 1 archer, and 2 armours. The villains mesh well together I think, each wanting to reshape the world for one reason or another (Gharnef and/or Medeus could cameo as NPCs behind the evil plot/manipulations). Each lord is accompanied by their closest allies.

    DLC could add: Fates pack (Leo, Hinoka, Elise, Sakura); Archanea pack: (Camus, Merric, Gharnef); and Ylisse pack (Cordelia, Tharja, Gaius)

    Seems doable to me.

  11. Fates > SoV > Awakening for me. 

    Fates had the best gameplay despite a shit plot. I love the cast of both Fates and SoV. SoV wins in world building and writing, but the maps really drag the otherwise enjoyable gameplay down. And Awakening really doesn't do much for me beyond a few characters I like.

  12. Now that I've gotten to near endgame (yeah, I've been taking my time with this game), I'll give my thoughts on this. I tend to agree that Alm being more aggressive in Gaiden is people misremembering things. However I do think it would have made sense to make the contrast between him and Celica more pronounced in the remake to further develop what was already established in Gaiden.

    I like Alm, I do. But he does suffer from 3DS syndrome in that he gets praised way too much. It's also dull to me when characters are presented as near perfect. So while I enjoy his little quirks, and he is a likeable character overall, I do wish they had let him be a bit more than Mr Nice Guy.

    I like Celica much more for how her struggles play out and because I see her as a more complex character. 

  13. So it seems like KT came up with the focus on 2.5 games, and IS basically requested popular characters regardless of whether they came from other games.

    In my humble opinion, KT are the ones who screwed up here. As the first game in a potential spin off series, you want to hook fans. The best way to do that isn't by having a boring roster full of Fates royals. You want the fan favourites like Lyn, Lucina, and yes, Ike. I think a much better choice would've been to have the cast be the Smash crew with a smaller group of characters joining each one. But eh.

    So I don't get scolded for being negative, my guesses for DLC:

    Fates - Azura, Felicia, Kaze

    Awakening - Severa, Inigo, Emmeryn

    SD - Camus, Linde, Minerva 

  14. I would really rather not have a story where the romance is so stereotypical and where it overshadows everything else. I like Marth and Caeda because their love blooms as a result of what they face in the story. I like Sigurd and Deirdre because their story is a tragic romance that's just one of many consequences of the political scheming around them. I like Alm and Celica because their story is about the way two very different people can find common ground, and their romance is a reflection of this. But I don't like the idea of a story being built around dating, break up, eventual teary reunion, etc. That just sounds cheesy to me. I would enjoy a more political plot that featured arranged marriages and backstabbing, for example. Where the lords have to learn to trust each other despite people trying to manipulate them. Where romance is a device to further the plot instead of the main focus of the plot. 

  15. It's one thing to get your summoning interrupted by someone from the current banner who you're not looking for, but getting interrupted by someone completely random is rage inducing. Thanks 5☆ Cordelia and Catria, you will both be sacrificed. I spent almost half my orbs and no Shigure. :(

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