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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 14 hours ago, NoirCore said:

    Is Heroes really obscure, though? I mean, it was announced in a Direct as a F2P game alongside the poll. I imagine a free game would at least draw some if not plenty of interest from Smash fans not into FE to at least vote for Ike (especially if just for the sake of his memetic quotes), Lucina, and especially Roy, given what I've observed of the FE fandom's perception of him not being positive enough to mostly make up his 2nd place standing among males (according to my intuition). I'll excuse Lyn, though, given her lack of notability in Smash outside of an Assist Trophy.

    Heroes isn't obscure, but the poll sure would have been for anyone who wasn't already an FE fan. I just don't see someone who only likes Ike in Smash going out of their way to visit the Heroes site and find the poll. Maybe a few people but enough to make a difference? I doubt it.

    57 minutes ago, SoulWeaver said:

    Ah, dang. Oh well, maybe someone will fish the data up in the future and make up a Project M for Smash 4 with her in it.

    Or hey, playable in Smash Switch? Ah who am I kidding, she and Isaac will just have to live on as assist trophies forever.

  2. I think it's very important. The detailed lore is a big part of why I like Tellius, Jugdral, and Elibe so much (even if Elibe is a lot less developed). It helps add believability to the story when you can imagine the setting as if it were a real place. In comparison, I think a part of why Magvel and Archanea didn't leave such an impression on me despite enjoying both stories is because the worlds are barely developed beyond what's immediately relevant. Valentia in the remake also did worldbuilding very well.

    Fatesland in comparison has no actual name, barely there political details, no real history, and a dull map that shows nothing of interest. And the story suffers from it.

    Narrators are a huge boon for worldbuilding. I was so disappointed when Awakening and Fates didn't have one. SoV at least brought one back in limited capacity. 

  3. When will the meme of "these characters I don't like are only popular because of Smash " end?

    Smash fans aren't going to vote on some obscure FE mobile game poll. Nor the various other polls where Ike and Lyn have done well. Smash helped Ike's popularity sure, just as it helps Marth's or Lucina's popularity. More exposure is always going to make a character more memorable than if they only appeared in one game. Lyn is a random assist trophy in Smash, so only FE fans would really remember her cameo there in the first place. Project M, maybe, as I think she was made playable, but only hardcore Smash fans would really know about that, and her being made playable is a result of her popularity, not a cause for it.

    It's pretty clear that within the FE fandom people like Ike because he's generally considered the best developed lord, even if you personally dislike him. And Lyn is liked mainly for being the first Western lord. And yes there are a lot of FE characters but main characters will always be more popular than supporting ones. I don't know about Japanese fans, but that's the reasoning I've consistently seen for Western fans.

    I personally consider both Ike and Lyn to be very strong main characters. The main complaints are usually that Ike is boring in RD and Lyn is irrelevant after the prologue. I see RD Ike as a continuation of the development he got in PoR, so I don't see him as boring at all. And I think Lyn's story is a really good albeit short story.

  4. I get why they added new characters to SoV and to a certain extent Archanea. But starting with Jugdral I feel they should focus more on taking the characters already there and fleshing them out more/bringing in characters from the related games as cameos. The exception is FE8, where as others mentioned a route split would require a few new characters. But the rest of the games have large to huge casts already.

  5. Ike, no amount of criticism will change that. He is the most interesting and best written lord imo, which includes him in RD as imo that version of him shouldn't be seen as separate from his PoR self. Many people say he is too praised, strong, whatever in RD, but that is thanks to all he goes through and learns in PoR. 

    Lyn is second, I love her story even if it's a short one. In it, she is a tragic but strong character and I find the whole thing about her dual heritage interesting and well done. 

    After that I would rank them: Ike, Lyn, Micaiah, Leif, Ephraim, Celica, Roy, Hector, Seliph, Marth, Lucina, Sigurd, Alm, Eliwood, Eirika, Chrom, Corrin

  6. Sakura is really cute in this. As for the others... Henry is tempting. What a troll move to add him as an armoured mage right after Arvis debuts as a normal one. And then there's Nowi... will there ever be an unembarrassing flying mage?

    Oh, I missed that Jakob is armoured too. Well that's interesting but I don't think it's worth rolling for.

  7. Corrin, for the usual reasons. I'll sum it up as him being an idiot who is worshipped despite that fact.

    Chrom, he actively ignores history and just marches around acting high and mighty because he's the prince. He's selfish and hypocritical, shown in the ending where he prefers to save one life to doom countless others just bc it's Robin. He's made out to be more talented and wiser than he is. He's also pretty dull otherwise.


  8. Re: Faye, I'll just add that, at least with Camilla and Tharja I can see what they were going for with their personalities, but I have no clue what the intent is with Faye. I can't feel sorry for her, I can't be amused by her, I can't find other ways of looking at her beyond her being a creepy stalker. If she wasn't such a good cleric, I would bench her.

    Mae: I just generally don't like this type of upbeat, preppy character. Her voice acting isn't bad but I feel it doesn't fit in this game. 

    Tobin: I don't dislike him, I just find him boring, starting with his design. I wish his whole "big brother" thing had been more prevalent in his personality instead of his inferiority complex and nervousness, as it's the most endearing part of him.

    Clive: again, he's boring to me, and a meh unit. Such a stark contrast to his bride and sister, both of whom I love.

    Nomah: he comes so late and is so bad that I know nothing about him beyond his introduction and recruitment (which is admittedly funny).

  9. I would recommend Sacred Stones (GBA, Wii U VC) or Fates: Birthright (3DS).

    SS is pretty easy but still enjoyable and has a solid story and cast. For a newcomer, it will still present some challenge without getting frustrating and it's a good introduction to FE.

    Birthright is pretty much the official "starter" Fates game. It has the easiest gameplay of the three routes, but for me it was still an enjoyable playthrough. The characters are good, and the story is pretty basic FE, which is why I'd say it's a good starting point. The gameplay in Fates is pretty unique, so just keep that in mind when going back to older games afterward.

    Both are easy to get a hold of, too.

  10. Previously I was torn between FE4 and FE6 for my preferred next remake. I love both games, but now I'm leaning much more to wanting FE4 first, due to two reasons. One, having recently cleared SoV it left a very very good taste in my mouth and I'm sure this team could do Jugdral justice. Even if they don't completely overhaul some of the more tedious gameplay elements from 4, SoV sets a precedent proving they're willing to make alterations to improve on the original game. And two, having recently bought a Switch, I can really picture having a grand, large scale FE like we got with Tellius, and Jugdral fits this definition for me. Tellius took some inspiration from Jugdral, after all. The story presentation would be killer having SoV's style and the power of a console behind it. Just imagine the cutscenes. I also don't see the darker themes being too much of an issue. They've already hinted at some stuff in Heroes. And Fates got pretty dark at times. I think they're comfortable now with FE being geared to an older audience than some of their other franchises.

    Ideally we'd get 4 and 5 on the Switch after FE16. The potential is massive. It also makes sense to continue in chronological order. Though 6 has Roy, which makes for a guaranteed success, so who knows what they'll do first.

  11. 10 minutes ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

    Because I said my opinion and you're trying to convince me that it's wrong.

    Is it shitty? I guess. But as a F2P player I've gotten so used to the "can't have everything I want" mentality, that I really have trouble grasping why this situation is that much different than any other, even with the "special scenario" she's in. She's still a hard pull in a banner with another color (not the first time, even if the complaint is Eldigan is old), and even if unannounced, I'm willing to bet the general populace isn't following the announcements close enough for them to matter. That much.

    This could be a sign that heroes could be slowing down if they are doing things like this, which is more concerning than whatever character for whatever reason.

    That's a reply I can work with.

    Obviously there's a point where we have to realize this is a ftp game, and believe me I know and accept I can't get everyone I would like. I'm sure most of us understand that. That's not the problem, the problem is that it seems like they did this knowing fully that she's a popular character from a popular game and that based on previous experience most people who would be interested in Ayra would expect her to be available by other means if she was excluded from the new banner featuring her game. So, those of us interested in FE4 saved up orbs, saw the banner, saw Ayra and Arden teased and assumed they would either be free units (through TT or GHB) or would appear in another banner two weeks from now, as per the precedent set by the developers. Because of this we spent more orbs than we would have if we'd known that wasn't the case. It's the first time many of us feel Heroes has done something scummy, which sucks because up to now the developers have been very good at communicating and making the game fair for everyone. 

  12. 17 minutes ago, ChibiToastExplosion said:

    Should we also be mad at the dancer banner that drained everyone (and still is) while this super amazing bait and switch ayra thing is going on?

    The difference is that this Arya banner doesn't follow the trends of a) announcing new characters in advance so players can stock up/save orbs in anticipation, and b) new characters coming in banners every two weeks. 

    There was also no indication she would be released on a banner days after a new banner, when previously the developers have told us of upcoming events so we can prepare. 

    To be clearer, I'm saying even those of us who are careful with our orb spending (like me, when I stopped pulling from the dancer banner because I knew a new one would be coming two weeks later) were pretty much tricked because the developers have set a very clear standard which they decided to break from with no warning.

  13. On 11/8/2017 at 1:37 PM, Book Bro said:






    Well, Elincia and Arvis have joined, so to replace them on my wish list:

    Lewyn - I have plenty of green mages I like already, but Lewyn would definitely take over as my most used of them. He is important to the Jugdral games so it's surprising he didn't show up this month.

    Dheginsea - as was made clear in the last gauntlet, we need a dragon who isnt a cute little girl, and who better than the black dragon king? He could be added as a GHB. It would be cool if he were an armoured dragon.

  14. 3 hours ago, Charmeleonbrah said:

    Do you have Nino?  If you do, throw Desperation 3 plus L&D on her and she should be able to one-shot all non-red units on the map.  FYI I used El Nino, Rein, Performing Azura and Olivia.  Regarding dancers on this map, P! Azura is best due to the buffs she gives obviously, but if Olivia has Hone Attack plus a Hone Sacred Seal that should be fine.

    Thanks for the advice, I actually managed to beat it using Klein, Rein, and my dancers. I'm ftp so I'm not a huge SI player and the dancer banner has given me nothing but trash so :/

    What's everyone doing with Arvis? I already merged the two 4☆s but I dunno if I should keep the 3☆ for possible inheritance of Def Ploy or promote him to have a +3 Arvis.

  15. Ok so without Galeforce and Brave Lyn infernal is getting frustrating. 

    I've come close using Rein, Brave Ike, Ninian, and Olivia but I get swarmed by the cavalier reinforcements.

    Also have Klein and Sigurd as possible teammates that I think may be helpful, but it's tough to think of a strategy. And  most of the videos right now are cheese strategies. :/

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