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Book Bro

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Posts posted by Book Bro

  1. 2 hours ago, SavageVolug said:

    Frankly I agree with you here, there are things I've heard regarding the team that worked on Fates such as a divide more than 50% of the script for the story was cut, etc. However all that aside, Fates feels like a game that was SUPPOSED to be more it also feels like the (the developer) didn't know what they wanted to do with Fates. Fates has a very strong lack of a unified vision and direction. For example a lot of Iago's dialouge seems to indicate that he's a usurper or something of that nature, but in the end he is just the minion of Garon, which conflicts with statements that Iago has said. While I have my own hopes for the next FE game, I really hope that the developers all know what they want to do with the it, and that there is a unified vision and goal with it.

    Ugh, Iago was the worst disappointment among the villains. Like, with such an iconic name, you have to make him a good character that lives up to it. Instead we got Validar lite.

    I'm pretty sure his Japanese name is Macbeth, isn't it? Doubly so then.

  2. The window for an FE Direct is quickly closing, if you ask me. The DLC for Warriors was released, and the spring banner for Heroes is out, while Thracia and the Legendary one are fast approaching. I'm not sure if they would hold one just to announce the Switch game and nothing else. There has to be some other announcement(s) and unless there's a surprise remake or port also coming, most of the other things they could announce are what I mentioned already. 

  3. Less focus on skills and grinding. My favourite skill system is still RD's. Something like that but modernized as a lot of skills in RD weren't super useful.

    Base conversations need to come back. I also like what they were going for with My Castle, so I'd want a traversable base camp that changes as you progress through the story (ie: one chapter you're in a Castle, then in a field in tents, then in a forest, etc.). Traversable towns would be amazing too, if done right.

    Maps with multiple objectives, less gimicky than some of Fates' but with the same creativeness behind them.

    Some maps with several armies like FE4.

    Memory prisms and the turnwheel from SoV.

  4. With all the main lords and most of their closest allies added now with Leif coming soon, it's gonna be hard to guess who's coming when. We're probably gonna keep getting alts for lords like tome Eirika and Legendaries.

    There's still high profile banners they could do without repeating characters though. 

    There's the second generations from 4, 13, and 14.

    The laguz from Tellius.

    Most of the shepherds from Awakening. 

    The Spotpass characters from Awakening.

    Just to name a few ideas. If FE16 does come out this fall, that should hold us over without things getting stale until characters from that game start getting added.

  5. 2 hours ago, Troykv said:


    1.- Micaiah <3

    Micaiah was one of my most wanted newcomers when RD was recent. She would be so fun and different from the other fighters. Alas, I fear her chance has passed until a Tellius remaster gets released. On the plus side, she's still fairly popular going by her placing highly in both CYL Heroes polls.

  6. 9 hours ago, Troublesome Knight said:

    It kind of annoys me how people keep talking about wanting a serious or dark story like that's the same thing as a good story. What we should want is a good/ well-written story first and foremost. The problem with Fates especially was that it wasn't well written, not that it wasn't serious enough. It's inability to balance the more serious aspects of the story with the sillier stuff was part of it being badly written. 

    As another poster said, FE is a series about war. Too much silliness detracts from the main theme of the series. I realize you can have war stories that are "black comedies", but I don't think FE can or should be that. There can be funny and cheerful moments, especially in supports and character building, but even then they should avoid high school type mischief and reliance on gimmicks. Otherwise we get a situation like in Fates where a character gets murdered and then we're back to joking around like nothing happened.

  7. Hmm my personal most wanted...

    1. Pyra and Mythra (Xenoblade)

    2. Isaac (Golden Sun)

    3. Lyn (FE)

    4. Celica (FE)

    5. Impa (Zelda)

    6. Mipha (Zelda)

    7. Neku (The World Ends With You)

    8. Agnes (Bravely series)

    9. Micaiah (FE)

    10. Toad/Captain Toad (Mario) 

    It was really a struggle to think of 10 characters I want that are somewhat possible. Realistically I'll be happy with Pyra and Mythra and a Zelda newcomer.

  8. I hope I don't regret it but I'm feeling optimistic. SoV took its story and cast more seriously than the other 3DS games and even Heroes hasn't been so bad with their OCs. And there was that interview where they said this game would let us get to know the characters like never before (paraphrasing) - hopefully this means better development and not more face petting.

    I don't think the story will be up there on a Jugdral or Tellius level, but if it has world building and is cohesive I'll be satisfied. Anything more than that will be a very welcome bonus.

  9. Make them like Robin but without the plot usurping aspect. The Lord's bff with an unspecified past. That's it. They shouldn't be the focus, because it doesn't work in FE. Also, limit the sucking up other characters do towards the avatar. It's embarrassing and it takes away from the other characters.

  10. Good memorable villains, main character, and world.

    The 3DS era was hit or miss for me in these three things. Awakening had a couple ok villains but the main ones were awful, Lucina I liked and Robin is ok but Chrom is dull, and the world wasn't very developed. Fates had some good royal family members but Corrin was awful, no world building, and no good villains. SoV did step it up a notch so I'm pretty confident FE16 will even more.

    I also want a story that's less shonen and more epic fantasy.

  11. 18 hours ago, Lord_Brand said:

    As I often say around the Zelda Universe forum, just because you don't want to do something doesn't mean other players shouldn't have the option. If you want Link and Zelda to stay platonic, you can do that in your playthrough, but other players, like myself, would enjoy the chance to see them actually get married. The relationship system is a big part of Fire Emblem's depth, not to mention a major source of character development; without it, there just isn't as much investment in the characters.

    The thing is that for a romance between the two to be believable, their entire relationship throughout the game would have to reflect and build up to it. Otherwise, it would come out of nowhere.

    As for the bolded, you're right of course and I'm all for developing Link, Zelda, and other characters through supports. But, like in FE, I'm not sure building the relationship system around marriage and kids is the best way to go about it.

    Anyway since this is purely hypothetical there's no point getting in an argument haha. I'm sure there would be plenty of that if they ever developed such a game.

  12. Ideally and somewhat realistically I would want Marth, Ike, Roy, and Robin to return, and I would want Celica (or Micaiah but let's face it she's not likely), Lyn, and someone new from FE16.

    In reality, I feel Marth, Ike, Robin, and Lucina are safe. Roy may be requested by IS if they're planning to remake his game. Corrin is imo the least likely to return even with a unique moveset. I'd rate their chances at 50/50. As for newcomers, it'll be either Celica or FE16 protagonist, depending on whether the latter is another sword user or not.

  13. I like the concept of a Zelda strategy RPG. It would be interesting if they took a split route approach with Link commanding one army and Zelda another. A political/cultural story about Hyrule and the different races could be really cool. I don't like the idea of kids being involved, nor marriage (especially not Link and Zelda... It would feel odd after so many years. I prefer to think of their relationship as strong mutual respect/friendship and that's it).

  14. 18 hours ago, thanny said:

    However! I speculate that we might be getting a Fire Emblem Direct maybe in a few weeks.

    Here’s why:

    1. Remember the random announcement of Thracia 776 characters being added to Heroes in April a whopping month ahead in advance? This could be just me reading a bit too deep into this, or it could be Nintendo announcing an Echoes: Thracia remake alongside with the new Fire Emblem game and maybe releasing it before the new game to make up for the delay in info/release, perhaps the two games could even be linked together in some way.

    While a Thracia remake would be awesome, I just don't see it coming before FE4. They could tie in Leif and co with announcing an FE4 remake since they also appear in that game, buuut I dunno. It doesn't seem like it's time.

    Actually, I'm afraid they could surprise everyone with an FE6 3DS remake. I would absolutely buy it, but I dread the thought of having to boot up my 3DS again. It's so hard to go back to it after Switch. Another possibility is announcing Tellius HD collection.

    The rest of your points suggesting an FE Direct make sense though. I'm going to be cautiously optimistic for this possibility. Even without a remake they could have enough material for one.

  15. FE has gotten a lot bigger but I still don't think it's an E3 game, especially not a "share the E3 spotlight with Smash Bros" game. If Nintendo follows the pattern of recent E3s, they'll have one main game which is likely to be Smash this year, and showcases for other already announced games. I guess there's the off chance there will be an FE direct before June, but I don't see why they wouldn't have included a short trailer today if the game is going to be shown soon anyway. I don't think the chances are high for another direct before E3. I'm almost sure FE16 is getting delayed to 2019 worldwide and we probably won't see it until a direct near the holidays. Sucks but it's very odd we haven't even gotten a title yet. 

  16. FE was literally the one thing I was sure would be announced and the one thing I wanted info on. I'm feeling it's getting delayed until next year now. It's beyond time we should've heard something if it was still coming out this year.

    Smash is amazing dont get me wrong but it's for sure a holiday release. Other than that I was pretty let down.

  17. I've been dying for FE 16 news, I really hope it's formally announced and coming soon. 

    Other than that I want to know release dates for Hyrule Warriors, TWEWY, and Octopath, and my out there wishes are some FF games and Kingdom Hearts collections/KH3. A new 2D Zelda or the rumoured Link's Awakening remake would be awesome as long as it's on Switch, haha.

  18. Not excited about this but I don't mind as I can save orbs for Leif. I do kinda want Morgan as I don't have a flier mage yet. Nice art all around even if I'm not a fan of these characters.

    Oh and colourless breath is intriguing... hope it isn't for all laguz. I would rather they be classed by colours.

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