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Everything posted by Frelia

  1. Sigh why are the Kamuis so high up in the results? Anyway I'm glad that Oboro, Takumi, Leo, Elise, and Marx/Xander made it to the top 5. I wish Kagerou and Orochi were ranked higher and I'm not surprised to see most of the child characters further down the list. I can understand why some people don't not like Orochi that much, but why is Kagerou close to the bottom? It's nice seeing that Zero (I like him even though I have few issues with him), Sakura, and Hinoka are not that far down the list.
  2. Joker got trolled by Kamui in Deere's first comic. Good. Shigure comics were nice and he's one of the few second gen characters that I actually like in this game.
  3. This is the best thing I have seen tonight. Flora's comics are good esp the first one with the snow magic. It worries a bit that Kamui can't be independent with all the coddling they get though.
  4. The Luna and Belka/Felicia comics are pretty good. Poor Felicia though.
  5. Okay it's official that Setsuna, Hinata, and Oboro are amazing people in my book. As I expected in their comics Odin was being Odin and Zero is being well Zero (Zero no). I didn't really care for Nyx before, but her comics are really good and I like her a bit more now.
  6. Elise why did you tell Effie to eat a rock and why won't you eat your veggies? Elise please. Effie's comics are cute even when she is told to eat a rock and Elise's vegetables. Saizou's second comic is fine, but I am not a fan of how Saizou and Kamui talk about taking a look in the women's hot springs during the first comic. Not cool you two. :/
  7. I seriously hope not. Kellam's invisibility got really repetitive and it wasn't even funny to me.
  8. Harold's comics are nice and the one with Lutz is really cute. I really worry about Harold's health though. How is it possible for someone to be that unlucky?
  9. Kazahana's comics are pretty simple, but at least they show how sweet she is to Sakura. Tsubaki's comics felt really boring to me especially the first comic.
  10. Yeah for personal reasons the way Rinka's culture gets treated in some of her supports really grosses me out. I hope I don't see it happen again (I very likely will though). Anyway I like Cyrus' comics too. He's sweet and it would be really nice if Kamui paid more attention to him in the second comic. He wanted to see you again Kamui pay attention! The horse does deserve some praise for being ridden all that way in armor with an armored person, but still.
  11. I like both of Rinka's comics especially the one to the right. Ryouma's way of meditating is interesting. Okay Ryouma. I love Rinka's supports with him because they show some actual chemistry and there are no iffy reactions to her tribe's traditions which is nice to see.
  12. Felicia's comics were disappointing and they once again focus on her gimmick which I find not very funny (it was amazing see her freeze Kamui in an ice block though). Gunter's first comic is a bit Kamui-centric, but it wasn't too bad. Gunter's second comic was nice though.
  13. When I watched the IH DLC the whole time I was like "okay, but why didn't you do that in the main story?" and "why didn't you three not a anything worthwhile in the IK route?". It made me sigh in my head about how worthless those three were in affecting the story. I can see why some people started calling them "The Three Idiots". The writing in that dlc really boggled my mind because it was such a mess and it felt like it added more questions than answered.
  14. Yeah it's definitely not okay. I was happy with Takumi when he apologized to Kisaragi for being jealous of him. When I got to Joker's b and a supports with Deere I was disturbed at what I read. He should never be a parent. I hope they tone it down too, but considering how Tharja and Noire still went in the localization I am not feeling very hopeful unfortunately.
  15. Exactly. All the first one showed me is that Jakob shouldn't be a parent. Ever. Parental jealousy is not okay especially when its at that level or at the level of Zephiel's father.
  16. Uh wow. Really Joker/Jakob? Being jealous of your child's abilities is already pretty bad, but that is ridiculous.
  17. I regret looking in that link. What kind of person thinks of a game like that? Anyway I can't in any way see Elise becoming a maid. She's a princess and a child so seeing her have the maid class in her natural promotion path is pretty gross. For the Cleric/Curate names maybe they could have used Valkyrie.
  18. Yeah... That is really unfortunate. They could have thought of a class that uses hidden weapons without the fetish fuel, but they chose not to. Sigh. I like the butler design, but the maid design just irks me to no end. What is with the thigh holes? That would have been a great idea instead of the maid/butler class. While it is cool that thieves got bows this time around that would have worked too.
  19. That is exactly what I dislike about Eirika's FE13 artwork and the bride class. She developed so much in FE8 and she gets treated like that. It also doesn't help that her personality gets reduced so much in her outrealm dlc. I'm glad the bride class didn't get brought back.
  20. Elise is so sweet. She is a little ray of sunshine bouncing around and loving her siblings and retainers all the time.
  21. Yeah it still amazes me that she has better strength growth than Rinka.
  22. Along with that the royal siblings who have divine weapons have to get their egg from their them and walk/ride around with the egg until their child hatches.
  23. Sakura is so sweet and she wants to be helpful to everyone. Azura trolling her like that was not a good idea. Sakura's comics are really cute and there is no ounce of Kamui's unnecessary creepy behavior (thank naga).
  24. Exactly. Like I said earlier the customization feels like a waste of time when you can't see the avatar's face in cutscenes. If this is the best IntSys can do they might as well take out the customization and have a set face for the avatar. I love the customization, but that is just bad.
  25. I know right? The remakes would get 7.8: Too little incest. In all seriousness though I'm glad FE4 and FE5 aren't getting remade. Can you imagine what it would be like playing the remakes with an avatar character like Kris, Kamui, or Robin?
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