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Everything posted by Frelia

  1. Wow that is so bad. What made IntSys think that entire support was okay?
  2. Wow hearing that Nohr is not what I thought it would be is really disappointing. When I saw that the Nohr path was supposedly about "changing Nohr from the inside" I was expecting exactly that. I was not expecting to hear about how Kamui does the opposite until the last part of the game. I really hope IS learns from the criticisms they are very likely receiving and the next time they include another story like Nohr's or another protagonist who is idealistic or really naive I hope they show improvement. I understand though that Kamui has been isolated and abused by Garon for a good amount of their life and it would be nice if their situation is explained somehow. Along with that Nohr siblings have been abused by Garon as well to the point where they are very likely too afraid to rebel against their abusive father which is understandable.
  3. Well that is really disappointing. I will still do Nohr after or before Hoshido, but from what I am seeing in this thread it is really disappointing that things weren't handled as well as they could have. I am not always a fan of naive characters especially if they are the main character. With Kamui though it could also be because of how abusive Garon is.
  4. +dragonstones use magic in this game? Thanks for telling me that. I will most definitely go +mag -luck for all of my avatars. I was thinking of +speed at first, but with kamui's good speed growth it doesn't really seem necessary. Magic most certainly does not look like a stat you can dump out in this game unless you really want to.
  5. Thank you for making this thread op. It is nice to see a FE14 related forum that talks about the game without spoilers. I have begun to plan my avatar's assets and flaws and for Nohr especially I am thinking of going +mag -luck to help Kamui be able to use black magic/healing rods decently. And since I really don't want to restart an entire chapter over and over again especially with Nohr I might try casual mode for the first time.
  6. That's a real pity. Outside of the bad boob armor I actually liked the female general design in this game until I saw the bottom half. Sigh.
  7. Goodness I already disliked Charlotte's design, but I had no idea about her full body design until today. I also had no clue about Ophelia's full body design. There is no excuse for it at all. Along with that Ophelia looks like she is in her young/middle teenage years. And thank goodness for the redesigns. I wish Charlotte's redesign was in the game instead. I can only dream at this point since the games are complete.
  8. I like the voice acting and the voice clips, but at times the voice clips do not match that well at all. It is nice that they wanted to try something new, but they could have done better.
  9. I did some thinking on this and after reading some of the posts in this thread especially the two above my vote goes to Gangrel. Gangrel has much more impact in the story and he overall he does very good as a villain. A lot of what Gangrel does are hard to forgive especially the Emmeryn's sacrifice scene and his reaction to it. But I do have to admit that he had a hard life and had to endure a country wide ethnic cleansing that was operated by Chrom's father. Due to wanting revenge Gangrel went insane which resulted in him making awful decisions that impacted everyone who was involved with him in some way. As much as I like Walhart I have admit that he that he falls hard in his own arc pretty bad and does not make as much of a impact as Gangrel did. Sorry Walhart.
  10. Thank you so much for posting these endings guys. A lot of these endings are pretty good, but some of them especially Henry, Gangrel, and Kellam's endings sound really morbid and sad. Kellam continues to be forgotten for the rest of his life, Henry very likely committed suicide, and Gangrel dies alone and unloved a few years later. Lucina's unpaired ending is not exactly happy either. Besides those are a lot of good endings. Thanks again for posting these.
  11. I read some of Vaike's support conversations and I take back what I said about him earlier. He has a lot of depth than I first thought and I really like how some of his back-story was revealed in the Liz x Vaike support conversation. I am sorry I doubted you Vaike.
  12. I don't seem to hate that many characters in this game so far, but if I have to pick the character that annoys me it would have to be Vaike while the characters that I really dislike are Severa and Tharja. I don't hate Vaike, but I find him to be quite annoying at times. I don't have that much of a issue with characters who speak in third person all the time, but if you combine that with haughtiness those two characteristics can create quite a bit of annoyance fast. As many people in this thread have mentioned it is hard to try liking Severa for various reasons. I was somewhat okay with Tharja at first until I found out about what she did to Noire and her husband in the future. Once I found out about that a good chunk of her brownie points were gone and will very likely stay gone.
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