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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Today, we have 089 Titania Though nothing of note in here! That's one more down. : )
  2. Today's batch! 073 Danved 077 Sigrun 079 Stefan I do like two things: -Mentioning Danved serves the Royal Knights in Largo's stead, implying he would've been one if he could fight (and that Danved would not have been? xD) -The mention of the most elite daughters of nobles for the Begnion Holy Guard. Though the word can also mean "children," considering this game still has all-female Pegasus Knights, I went with "daughters" instead. Stefan's is straightforward, reaffirming him being Soan's descendent, but nothing new!
  3. Hi everyone! I'm on break now, meaning I can get to finishing this book over the next few weeks! (Yes, this is how I spend vacations xD) Today's updates! 064 Kieran 066 Makalov 067 Astrid 068 Brom 084 Lekain Makalov gets pretty grilled. xD
  4. This weekend I only got one done: 083 Jarod I liked how he had a profile though! The part about loyal soldiers despite the cruelty was interesting too, but made sense.
  5. I only bought the 4komas to translate thanks to the silly gags and daily post-friendly format, but wasn't really big enough on the story for Awakening or Fates to see how the anthologies were... so can't help you there! But paying 60 USD for the set sounds like a bit much! Where did you buy them from?
  6. Would also make sense rising to be known for his swordsmanship only after he trained with Gawain, too.
  7. Yes indeed, he mentions it briefly in that flashback. I do want to go compare those scenes to what they say in Japanese someday. xD As for Begnion to Daein to Begnion, perhaps if it was over a long period of time (due to aging differences) he may have simply outlived the people who knew him. Then again he may not be that old, so maybe he just never made a big name for himself until his return? xD
  8. I believe Kadohl was an NoE translation, where as I went with NoA's "Cador" spelling. : ) From the script: "Valtome: Uwee hee hee. You're not even a tiny bit surprised, Lord Zelgius of Cador? What a frightful bore you are. I came here in secret just to surprise you." And yeah it was really strange at the end there xD With Zelgius's death not being mentioned, and Ike getting the last thing there, being related to Altina again. And yes, likewise I was surprised he was Begnion, went to Daein, and then back with Sephiran. I thought he would have started in Daein, so that was nice to see too.
  9. Sorry for the wait! Here's 076 Zelgius ! It was a nice profile I thought. I liked the parts about Gawain/Greil as well. I explained in a translation note that his "regret" in winning that duel is likely a reference to how he never got to fight him as he was in his prime, but they may have used the specific word to refer to how he looked up to him from before simply because he accepted him.
  10. It's hasn't been translated yet, but yes he has a profile : ) Maybe that's why he left. xD
  11. Well, this is certainly the most active this thread has been in awhile. xD I just wanted to chime in that I played and liked that game a lot! Though I preferred that character who is your current avatar more than Yamato : )
  12. While I work on Zelgius (getting through it slowly), I did these two to cover the weekend: 108 Ulki 109 Janaff I like how the first and last paragraphs are copy pasted with name and term changed. xD I quite like that blog! : ) Great posts on there.
  13. While I get Zelgius's transcript typed up, I found out I had a few others I typed from before, so working on those too. So here we have 063 Ilyana !
  14. The original text only stated Micaiah, I suppose because they were considering the vessel and the fact she too can see what Yune does, but indeed Yune-Micaiah may have been a good compromise in that sense. I was thinking the other approach was simply to use passive voice, which too is popular in Japanese but looked down in English (a scene is shown, a memory was seen, etc) Yes, I found the Alondite and Ragnell thing odd, as he only does wield them a maximum of however long it takes for the player to give it to someone else. xD But I suppose they meant for that very moment! Indeed, that line with Soren could go many ways in the original, so I kept it that mine could be platonic or beyond if need be. He does! I did BK already, but Zelgius is still being worked on as is his also fairly lengthy. : )
  15. Here's Ike's page! 086-087 Ike A big thanks to @Soledai for transcribing it, saving me a lot of time on my busy schedule and enabling me to get it to all of you today. You can see that wall of text of a profile, imagine having to transcribe that from a language you haven't studied in depth too much! Anyway a lot there, mostly summaries, but I do like the part about how Ike would have had some land to him in addition to his court title in Crimea. Trying to imagine him as a landowner is pretty amusing. The part with Soren was really hard to translate, as it was equally vague just how dear that dear is! xD
  16. Judging by what they said in the Echoes interview from Dengeki, it sounded like it was an ultimatum directly from Nintendo itself, where as in this interview it sounds like just what they were thinking. The Echoes one is more recent, so I assume perhaps they were told that would be the case.
  17. Vincent sent me some scans of an overlooked interview from the June 2013 issue of Nintendo Dream for Awakening's first year anniversary (for Japan. The issue would have come out in April 2013). As far as we saw, no one had translated it in full (we may be wrong of course). I spent the weekend translating it for you all. There shouldn't be any pronoun mishaps like last time, but if you spot other mistakes in spelling or terminology (I tried to use localized terms but may have muddled a few here and there), please let me know! But it should be fine for the most part. Fun stuff to take away from it. I hope you enjoy the read! See it on the blog here! (And submit mistakes there if I don't see them here)
  18. It's been like 18 days! xD No new pic, but just know I'm still very much aiming to finish this off. With new full time work and helping SF translate more interviews I've had my hands full though. I aim to do Ike next because he's in high demand, but his lengthy profile keeps putting me off. However, I decided if anyone wants to transcribe the profile for me (retyping the Japanese to a word format) that would be a huge help. No need to translate, just transcribe. If I can get a transcript that would be super awesome and cut a good hour (or two) off the process. xD Send me a note if you think you can do that! (That includes you @AstroknighticalFeats if you're up for it! Though you're pretty busy too xD) Of course if not I will get to doing it myself...eventually!
  19. Thanks for sharing! I know how much work goes into this sort of thing, so it's much appreciated. The full VAing is great for Japanese learners too who may not have understood some kanji but knew the word itself. I don't know how the ENG is though. xD
  20. Just an update with a definitive answer straight from Hidari himself: He is indeed a (36 year old) man. xD So I hope that settles that debate (and apologies again, all pronouns have been fixed).
  21. I see... for those reasons I do not have an account there, despite how much I would love to share all this info directly with the other 90%. But I'm glad the posts end up there somehow. : ) I did like how at least one person commented on the article with a link and politely stated the correct information. I feel that if a lot of people really cared about the inaccuracy of my translation, they would have stepped forward to tell me sooner rather than laugh among themselves about it. xD Oh dear. When translating that and the sort of in-fighting and differences of approaches, I was wondering how a lot of people would take that. xD
  22. Here's Tormod's page! Just like his presence in the game, it is rather lacking... 080 Tormod
  23. Thanks. xD I do check the referral links, but didn't scroll down past a certain point --I love and welcome (constructive) criticism, but slandering faceless people is all too easy I think... so I don't know specifically what may have been said, but perhaps it's better that way! Anyway it's been nice seeing the supportive people on this forum and elsewhere. So thanks for that! I'm working on some other stuff at the moment and can't wait to announce another project I hope to do alongside the Tellius Recollection one!
  24. Someone was kind enough to direct me to a tweet where they proclaim to be a man (while using female pronouns), so changed it to male pronouns for now until the next counter example comes along. See above! It really, really saddens me if that is the take away from the interview. A pronoun mishap and the entire thing goes out the window... I apologize and have corrected it after someone found a more solid piece of evidence for me. But to answer your question, no, the pronouns are all gender neutral. xD And Hidari using female first person pronouns does not help someone like me who is purely a text translator... sigh. Sorry. I'm also just going to tweet to them directly to get to the bottom of it. The fact it's still an argument means there's no clear answer on the matter... xD But some pictures look masculine, but it's really hard to count that these days. After all imagine the fallout from someone who looks like a man turning out to be a woman... It's more of a mishap in research though than translation... I do hope this doesn't become a thing in the future though. "Oh, that's Kirokan. Forget about their translations, they messed up Hidari's gender." xD...
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