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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Hmm I was referring specifically to avoiding discussing unmarked plot details within the Echoes board itself. Those can be done over on the Gaiden board after all. Players familiar with Gaiden will of course be aware of its status as a remake and so can freely discuss speculation over there, as can anyone who has not played it but doesn't mind spoilers. Those unfamiliar with it and who are genuinely treating it like a new game will thus be safe on the Echoes board to freely speculate without any knowledge of what Gaiden consists of. Those other two boards would indeed be at the user's own caution, self spoiler-tagging would be helpful but not really a requirement. I typed up summaries for Fates really fast when they came out, but were marked appropriately. However, some people do have a habit of wanting to spread as much info in the "I know something you don't" mentality that also helps rumor culture prevail these days. It may be best to stay off entirely. That is of course the other extreme, just caution users to avoid the boards entirely, even though I would say that is more extreme than just having spoiler tags everywhere. xD As usual, these are just suggestions, I see people agreeing with either side of it, so I wonder if any common ground can be reached.
  2. The process of translation is simple, but it is the process of localization that takes so long, even in the team. There are many things they go through which a fan translator does not have to worry about. -Securing licenses, coming up with a plan of action, release, optimal times, etc discussion, even if planned from the start this sort of thing can take a little while. -The initial literal translation run of every single piece of game text, from unused to used, all supports, story, descriptions, etc. Working without context most of the time, so have to line it up, discuss, etc. -The next run has the editors working with translators to make it make more sense. They have to run through every bit of text again to ensure that it is up to a common standard. This is where they discuss what stays or what gets left out for the audience. -Third run now has the writers come in and make it "flow" better. (This is where the memes sometimes happen...). These writers often don't speak Japanese and are focusing simply on the English (and why some nuisances get lost in translation). -Final edit run, all that text, again. -Board approval? No? Need to fix something? Go back to fix it. Present again! -Any assets being changed? Menu's? Text size? Font? Programming changes are a big part of the process too. -Will there be voice acting? Will someone else sing the song? They now have to outsource this part to a recording studio, prepare proper translations for them, oversee them, correct them, see what fits the ideal plan. -During all of the above is communication with NoJ, whether it comes to something they wanted changed (and hence scrapped a part of the translation for a new one), etc. -Advertising? Assets used for it? Logo? Other marketing tidbits? -Then comes the question of shipment, how many copies will be prepared, when? The game can be all done but still release weeks later as a result. -Being a regular 8-5 job, they won't work on weekends, already removing a significant amount of time to work per month. Don't forget holidays and such! Fan translators don't need to worry about any of that. Phew! With all this, you can see why it takes that long even for a team. xD I hope that gives some perspective. This wasn't even everything to consider, I'm sure I missed a few things.
  3. I am happy with the new (Hidari's) artstyle and the fact it is getting a remake. "Hype" would not be the word I use, simply "cautiously, but optimistically, looking forward to." My greatest fears would be if they forced in a child/marriage mechanic, which would not really fit in the first place. But I suppose anything is possible with the FE games these days... xD
  4. I would say to treat it as a new game, namely because there may be something plenty of new fans and those unfamiliar with Gaiden may want to discuss without actually knowing any plot point. Where else would/should they go to discuss such things without fear of running into a spoiler? Hardin may have said that they should take responsibility for themselves, but they hardly have anywhere else to go... So, I would suggest to leave those story discussions to the Gaiden sub forum and treat this as a new game, as hard as that may be for we who may be more familiar with the game.
  5. What the... yes what is with those changes in FE6 xD... Also amazing work compiling the pics!
  6. I also find Robin > Tobin (likely to avoid confusion with the FE13 avatar) very amusing. xD
  7. Yes. So now it's Binding Blade and Blazing Blade.
  8. Thanks for the hard work in compiling that! Looking forward to the final product and we can dig deeper into names.
  9. I didn't see anyone else post on it (may have missed it!) But came across the Japanese page, but saw a website already translated it so will quote them and their translation (seems accurate from what I see). From Nintendo Everything: Limited Edition (6,980 yen) (approx. 60 USD) – Copy of Fire Emblem Echoes – A Fire Emblem 0 limited card of Alm with drawn illustration – Download serial to get an extra DLC set that will be available as soon as it’s published – Sound Selection Echoes: A CD that contains both music from the original Gaiden game in NES and the arranged versions in Echoes Valentia Complete (10,980 yen) (approx. 100 USD) – Copy of Fire Emblem Echoes – A Fire Emblem 0 limited card of Alm with drawn illustration – A Fire Emblem 0 limited card of Celica with drawn illustration and hologram – Download serial to get an extra DLC set that will be available as soon as it’s published – Sound Selection Echoes – Valentia art book – Fire Emblem HD Movie Collection Blu-Ray: Collection of HD movies used in the games from Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates and Echoes The new My Nintendo Store will also allow fans to purchase the full set of Valentia Complete bonuses without the Fire Emblem Echoes copy itself. This will be priced at 6,980 yen. --- Personally, I am interested in that artbook, so may set up a drive to get it and scan it in the future like I have been for other books. Whether or not this will come to the west remains to be seen.
  10. Yes, meant to amend that! I don't know where 17th came from xD
  11. Yep, I came to say what many others have said about Hidari and its meaning and such. I like her style, feeling it's slightly more fitting for FE than Kozaki's, so I approve.
  12. I played the 3DS Virtual Console version relatively recently, so it should be interesting to see what changes and gets expanded upon. I personally hope mechanics such as marriage/children are not forced in, though. xD
  13. I agree that Fire Emblem Echoes may be a sub-series that involves remakes of previous games, considering this one is specifically "Shadows of Valentia" for Gaiden. (The Japanese title is Fire Emblem Echoes: Another Hero King ), so the Echoes is consistent between them. I am pleased with the designs, seeing as they opted for someone who was not Yusuke Kozaki as well. I hope no unnecessary mechanics (children/marriage/etc) are forced into it, it is looking pretty good and the wait is not long for once. Japan gets it April 20th on FE day, while US and EU at May 19th. So much better than what usually happens!
  14. Lilina on the first day, because of course. xD They were a little unclear on how it works. Different character everyday? Same character everyday? Both? Do the votes tally in total or only for that voting round? Guess we'll see...
  15. When making or editing a new post, highlight the text you want to link, and look across the top. Right next to strike through and before the quotes (fifth from top left) is a hyperlink icon. Insert that into the text. : ) You can test it with Ctrl + Click afterward. Today's!: 164-165 Marcia and Astrid
  16. The forum updates really mucked up a lot of formatting... anyway here's yesterday and today's post: 148-149 Aran and Tauroneo 162-163 Kieran and Makalov
  17. Next we have: 160-161 Bastian and Ilyana I like the pointy shoes Bastian! Ilyana's rough sketch also looked pretty nice.
  18. That's true! She does have one xD Today's: 158-159 Geoffrey and Lucia
  19. Nothing new for today's, but here is Jill and Haar's concept works: 152-153 Jill and Haar Yes, unfortunately that's all for Heather. She has a mini profile with her portrait, but at a glance it does not really offer any new info there.
  20. I think you pretty much got it down. I'll be happy if Lilina makes it in, though won't really look forward to much in story, and never was a fan of the repetitive gameplay style...
  21. Today's concept art: 170-171 Calill and Danved It really does! Thanks! She's just that shy...
  22. And now Heather! Yeah a lot of the profiles are lacking, I may start focusing on concept arts first before getting back to them. EDIT: Nephenee and Heather's concept art!
  23. Today is another character new to the game (but not much info on): Meg.
  24. Today's page is Aran! 048 Aran (I like the mention of his role in the final battle, since for me he was always dying, but they did mean a literal shield XD) You're welcome! I'm enjoying the slightest tidbits of info we get : ) Thank you for reading!
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