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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Today I did Mia's profile and concept art (which included Rolf's as well). Then, I edited/fixed up AstroknighticalFeats' two translations (still more to do) featuring Nolan and Vika so far: 046 Nolan (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) 082 Vika (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) 097 Mia 190-191 Rolf and Mia Next up on priority is Nailah. He does, so noted!
  2. Ah, sorry it took so long! They are the first to have comments in the FE10 developer commentary section : )
  3. Here is the last major translation from this book! Developer's Commentary! (can read below too!): The most fun thing here for me was Kouhei Maeda mentioning how there could have been a branching story depending on if you followed Soren or Titania, which eventually was implemented in Fates. But there's some other fun trivia to be had. This is also the last major post for this project, too! This project is essentially complete, thank you all so much for reading, and to VincentASM, MicrowaveIt, and AstroKnighticalFeats for helping! I'll post a line art or two more from this book, but then focus all efforts on the FE10 post! See you there!
  4. Alright great! Thanks for pointing out where it was you three. : ) I may go back and edit in the exact quote at a later time. And you're most welcome, I do enjoy doing these even if they take some time because there is a readership for it. So thank you too for reading! These projects have helped me learn new digital editing skills and also has really helped me grow and improve as a translator. : )
  5. Well I ended up finishing Micaiah's earlier than expected, so here is her profile (longer than most but not much new info!) and concept art. 042 Micaiah 140-141 Micaiah and Sothe Also, I played the game recently, but did Ike ever directly express his views on the branded to her? Or maybe she just sort of overheard him in general. The book presented it as a quote, but on a quick scan I could not find it in either the Japanese or English scripts. Next up is Mia in terms of requests! Yes, though we don't get raw design sketches (like Titania for instance), we do get early character models for every playable character (and some bosses), so I think that itself is pretty good. Noted Lucia, Elincia, and Geoffrey! Though as Ana pointed out, Elincia's concept art is done. Geoffrey has another page to him though, so I will add him. Noted! Hehe, it was pretty amusing. xD I loved Hetzel (go figure why) and felt really bad for him. Though I do like in the cut dialogue how it was implied he could be saved, which made more sense to me. So I'll pin it down to design time that he had to die. I'll count that as a Sephiran request and look into it when I get there. : )
  6. Today I completed the next request: Oliver. Hetzel was on the same profile page as him so I did his too, and then Muarim, Vika, and Lekain's concept arts on the same pages as him too. 085 Hetzel and Oliver 178-179 Muarim, Vika, Oliver, and Lekain Next up is Micaiah, who has a really long profile, so may take me slightly longer. I hope to add AstroKnighticalFeats's translations in the meantime!
  7. Today I finish the remaining Pelleas pages (and those who were on the same pages). Next up is Oliver! 154-155 Haar, the Black Knight, Izuka, Pelleas 155-156 Pelleas, Elincia, Geoffrey One of my biggest hopes was that the book would have cut supports, but, it did not... so I assume the profiles won't be referencing them either...
  8. Today's page is the profile for Pelleas. Not much new info, and it's odd how it didn't really go beyond Part 1. I suppose Izuka's profile and such will have the rest of the info.
  9. Today's translation: 144-145 Edward and Leonardo (concept art). That completes Edward who had highest priority! Next up is Pelleas. AstroKnighticalFeats has been helping translate a ton of profiles (all lower priority ones) so once I'm done checking/editing those then we should get a nice flow of profiles from there too. : )
  10. Concept art of Sothe and Edward (Sothe because he was on the same page, but he has another page I'll get to after priority people are done) I have the script in Japanese, so just a matter of getting time to check. ^^ I think Vincent mentioned such though, about additional convos between the two that weren't there otherwise.
  11. I'll double check when I have more time, but was that brother perhaps only in the English version? If so, the book would not mention it as it follows the Japanese one, and I heard that when it came to Edward and Leonardo, the English version had some lines that weren't in Japanese regarding those two
  12. Yes, Micaiah's age is how she appears, not how old she is. Today's translation goes to Edward, who had the most request "points." After his concept art, I will move to the next person which is currently a tie between Pelleas and Oliver. xD I've seen/known quite a few around that age with such appearances (mostly from Asian countries), but it is odd to the market they have in mind for sure (and considering the others, such as Kyza, who is close, looks nothing like being just a year apart xD)
  13. Right? It was the biggest surprise in this book I think xD As Samias said! I wanted to add too that these are my favorite sort of things to find in these books (like Adult Sanaki was last book)... but there doesn't seem to be much more beyond him in terms of cut content. xD Not too much unfortunately... xD But she's pretty high on translation priority so you will see her sooner than later!
  14. I got the page with King Lorazieh done! A picture and brief description of personality. Will be handy for trivia lovers. As that was the only really new thing in the concept arts, I'll start going down the priority list for character profiles and their concept art. : ) xD Yeah I knowww... just feel the need to due to donations and all...
  15. I'll be a little busy tomorrow (traveling) but then when settled down again I should be able to start getting more translations out there. Yes, her profile lacked additional data like hobbies and the like, but hopefully her full profile will reveal something : )
  16. Let me know if you're up for translating some profiles this time around Astro! You were a big help last time too : ) EDIT: Oh just saw your PM XD Anyway! After getting King Lorazieh up tomorrow I'll see about going in priority order. There isn't much history/else in this book compared to the previous one so mostly just profiles and the battle model/figures.
  17. Yes, the ages are strange... that's what the book says though. Either they miscalculated, or really wanted to keep them to a certain look. XD Next up is all the original face designs. This is a fun section to see how hair colors changed and the like since the early stages: Original Face Designs New avatars, anyone?
  18. Here are all the character ages Most people do it seems... Rafiel and Nailah were the only two aside from the core brigade members to have any...
  19. Well I got through all the profiles (scanned up to page 124 so far) and the above I posted are the only new profile infos (hobbies etc). Ages I compiled but will list out properly when done scanning. EDIT: At page 201 now, there are some concept pics of the Heron King, which is something I don't think we knew about! EDIT 2: Phew! After six hours, it's all scanned! I'll start translating things of interest tomorrow, and then follow the priority list I have. : ) But first, sleep!
  20. You know I love to contribute to the fanbase while I can. I also promised people who donated I would do this, so I am. xD It's going okay so far! My com can't handle extreme res, but the current one should work fine for what we need and for those who want to contribute to the FE wiki~ EDIT: Actually it seems only a few people have hobbies and the like... some new ones like Fiona, Aran, etc lack them... how odd. Well here are the new ones that do so far:
  21. Thanks for filling people in! That's pretty much right. I got the book unbound just now everyone! So now will be dong the tedious process of scanning every page. I will update character trivia as I go along. One thing to note though --characters that appeared in FE9 dont have any additional trivia, so it's only new characters. Therefore, I should be able to get them all up soon! I'll convert this thread into the info thread, stay tuned! EDIT: Updated this thread to the official discussion thread!
  22. Ah...it must have been a typo, my program erased the "not" xD Thanks, I'll fix that. EDIT: Fixed!
  23. Triple post... but another update. All mini-profiles complete! View them all on the compilation post, or below: (Update: Also created an imgur gallery)
  24. Just an update, my book has shipped and will arrive Nov 29th (Tuesday). I'll aim to get it unbound and fully scanned then! Wednesday I will hopefully make a project page, and then begin after the 1st (I will be traveling that day but then dedicate my time to it). So far my priorities are: -All profile trivia (likes, dislikes, etc) - I aim to do this on the first day, it'll take a few hours but is worth it and the stuff most people are interested in. xD -Concept artwork -Profiles as requested by people in this thread and elsewhere, as well as what donors wanted to see : ) (The list is ongoing but I will post the priority list when I get the book itself!) I would advise to avoid some other translations as some may have caused confusion last time (such as how Ike likes free-range chicken instead of birds because they live freely... xD) but if you all do find earlier scans/pics to please send the source pic so I can cross-check translations. I'll also be keeping an eye out on the amazon reviews to see what Japanese readers think and to give us a better idea of what is to come!
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