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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. I'll keep an eye out for it! Also do we need a list of how the Japanese names are written out in this book/romanized? Or was that already discovered long before the book came out? (I'm going through the profiles now and was wondering if I should add them). Because I just love how Brom is "Chap." xD
  2. Hmm the picture hasn't updated for me yet, Vincent. Send me the new version via PM and I'll upload it to the post : ) I added Mist, Elena, and Greil's design pages to the post. Also thanks for the profile text from tumblr above! Though there are some iffy translations there (and II think we could all really do without the added commentary in parenthesis...xD) Maybe I ought to go through every single profile and just get that text out of the way, and get to the in-depth notes later... since some of those look a little off, such as Ike's:("Fawning sycophantic people" from 好き嫌いの激しい人間 is a little questionable...since I would translate that as "picky or judgmental people" which makes more sense for his character too...) And the part about free range chicken, for instance, says 鳥(自由に生きてるから) which can also mean "Birds (because they live freely)", rather than "Chickens [to consume[ that live(d)freely"( though in Japanese 地鳥 is often used for that...) So I wouldn't worry about that discrepancy Anacybele! But it does mean we need to double check the translations we get from elsewhere...
  3. Just quick opinion, I was working on the format for profiles a bit, but please take a look at Stefan's page. English name emphasis (this doesn't fully zoom, but you only need to see the top) Japanese name emphasis Basically, I figured most people are not actually as interested in the Japanese names (I am since I love seeing differences and all), so I switch them around, the English name getting the spotlight and Japanese name getting more of a subline (still there though! Since it's nice to have both, and in Stefan's case, it's needed to make sense of the Soan thing xD) Obviously people will be able to tell who is who from the character picture, so it's a purely aesthetics question! Any input is highly appreciated. Also changed Hates to Dislike on the profile, since I started with petrine, on who "hates" was more fitting. xD Likewise, special skill to "talent"
  4. This is another main reason I kept his Japanese name larger, it would make less sense otherwise. xD
  5. Yep! Still good to have it stated outright : ) at least Petrine and Stefan's profiles show there are some gems in the full profile descriptions, which can raise their priority for translating.
  6. Updated main post with Stefan! Explicitly stating he's Soan's descendent, too! Also noted tumble translations, will update later on. Mordecai requests noted too! Talent is probably better than special skill too. As is dislike rather than hate. Will see if I should go back and edit for consistency... Also hope no one minds the Japanese name being bigger than the English ones. Was wondering if I should swap them... Also wonder if I should use their English quotes or keep translating their Japanese ones just in case of small differences that may pop up...
  7. Noted down for priority : ) Hopefully after I do the Mist/Elena/Greil concept art page I'll get to that!
  8. All playable and major characters! (Check the age chart/page I provided, those are all the characters that have profiles : ) ) Any you would like to see in particular next?
  9. Updated main post with a character profile: Petrine! (page 99). Someone was asking for proof of the reference to her Tiger heritage, so I provided the full page (also a model on how these pages will look. I keep the Japanese names as they are and add the English one above them). When translating this page however, I ran into a possible translation discrepancy. The term used for 精霊の護符 the "Mark of the Spirit Charmer" is referred to as "charm of the dead" when Petrine says it to Soren in her English convo (in Japanese it's still 精霊の護符). Yet everywhere else its just referred to as the mark of the spirit charmer... so I went with "Mark of the Spirit Charmer" even if that is not exactly what they may call it in the game.
  10. Updated post with Elincia's page that deals with the "Elena-esque" design! I think next I'll go for the Mist/Elena/Greil page. : ) Perhaps she was there in case of flashbacks, or bonus characters in the Trial Maps : )
  11. Microwaveit has provided the height comparison chart! Main post has been updated with it too : ) Great work on that Vincent! Updated the main post! It's what makes digging through these and finding any new info, even the smallest bit, even more exciting : ) I quite liked it too! xD
  12. I haven't actually played FE since... I finished my last Fates play-through a few months ago... but I have still been doing a ton of FE related translation work since then! Oh dear, I still have that game lined up to play, I guess I should be worried about my already limited free time. xD
  13. Yep! I don't mind at all, and it gives me some direction as to what to do next. : ) So will do the Elincia one next. I think for Rajaion it's an error, since his age still has the sub-note about Laguz ages relative to Beorc ones... and still lists him as black dragon. xD @Anacybele: It's possible, or she was one of those "adults disguised as children" archetypes, which would sort of fit the way Ike first meets her too, just that she would suddenly grow into an adult when she reveals her true identity, rather than being really mature for her age... but that's just a random guess. xD
  14. Why yes, there is, seeing her holding a staff in an alternate outfit and such. Want me to get that done for you next? : ) (I also looked at Petrine's profile Vincent, it does indeed say Tiger there! Curiously, Rajaion is put down as a Beorc though... xD)
  15. Sanaki, Zelgius, & Sephiran's concept art is up! The grown up Sanaki is pretty cool xD I guess I'll look at Petrine's page next regarding the above?
  16. Updated main post with the lifespan info : ) They may have a more absolute one for her, after all people like Shinon did. xD We'll see come October 28th!
  17. Thank you! Microwaveit has been in touch with the reddit side of things, and it seems like people really want the height comparison chart (as well as some of the background/timeline stuff), so I'll get to doing those as I go through concept work too. : ) A new post shows Mia and Nephnee's concept! Just did it out of favoritism as I wait for more preference requests. Up next is Sanaki, Zelgius, and Sephiran!
  18. I do love to look at stuff like that out of pure completionism! xD But for now will focus on any new info the book can bring to the 11 year old game! (Though, I wonder if small tidbits in the recap may reveal something... may give it a look through later xD)
  19. UPDATE: With this project complete, please check out my donation drive for Volume 2: Radiant Dawn! Bulk download: Here! (Password: kantopia) Imgur gallery: Here! A big thank you to everyone who donated to help me on this project. It was a lot of work, but also a lot of fun. A big thanks to Microwaveit, VincentASM, and AstroknighticalFeats for their help as well! --- Original post: Hello everyone! It's me again here with yet another translation project (that is not a Yonkoma!) You may have seen me around helping VincentASM with things here and there. As you may know, the Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Memorial Book: Tellius Recollection (Vol 1) book has been released. I plan on scanning/translating quite a bit of the book (hopefully the whole thing!). Though it may take awhile as it is done on free time, I hope it will provide some meaningful information for the fans of these games. All images will be posted on an ongoing post on my blog. This time, however, I will have some help from the lovely MicrowaveIt in translating different parts of the book, as well as VincentASM helping out here and there, so we can get through it quicker. The pages they do will credit them of course! Please keep in mind this is all done on our free time though, and that we are making no money for it...so if there are some delays or if some posts take time, we are probably busy with some thing or another! If you have some good translation skills and would love to help out, feel free to send me a PM (and if you don't have the book, can give you some scans. Though, I highly recommend buying the book yourself above too!) If you have the book but cannot translate, you can still help by scanning pages I may not have scanned yet! I also want forum user input. I figure the best way to have direction in this project is to see what people want translated the most! Please check the table of contents below and see what interests you, and feel free to leave a request (for priority) in this thread! General discussion is fine too! Contents of the Book Now, we are assuming most people are interested in Chapter III. Chapter II is profiles with info most know (minus character ages and such). Chapter V may be second most interesting. IV and I's playback may be least important, so will be put on low priority. That's just my guess though, feel free to say otherwise. So, by default, I will be going through Chapter III first, translating characters in no particular order (usually by favorite/personal interest). Let's see if we can get the bulk of this done before October rolls around and Vol 2 comes out... xD Things Completed Thus Far: Cover Art (Front & Back) Chapter I Content: (World & Story) (P. 08) History of Tellius (Translated by Vincent ASM) (P. 09) Timeline (Translated by VincentASM) (P. 10) Beorc History (Translated by VincentASM) (P. 11) Laguz History (Translated by VincentASM) (P. 11) The Life Span of Beorc & Laguz (Translated by Microwaveit) Chapter II Content: (Profiles) Notes regarding profiles (from the book): All Character Personal Data (Hobbies, Likes/Dislikes, Talents, etc) All Character Ages (Just ages) Ike (P. 44) Mist (P. 45) Titania (P. 46) Soren (P. 47) Oscar (P. 48) Boyd (P. 49) Gatrie (P. 50) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Shinon (P. 51) Rhys (P. 52) Rolf (P. 53) Greil (P. 54) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Elena (P. 55) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Ike & Elincia (P. 56-57) Elincia (P. 58-59) Geoffrey (P. 60) Lucia (P. 61) Bastian (P. 62) Renning (P. 63) Mia (P. 64) Kieran (P. 65) Brom (P. 66) Nephenee (P. 67) Caineghis (P. 68) (Partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Giffca (P. 69) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Lethe (P. 70) Mordecai (P. 71) (Partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Ranulf (P. 72) Tibarn (P. 73) Ulki (P. 74) Janaff (P. 75) Reyson (P. 76) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Leanne (P. 77) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Naesala (P. 78) Nealuchi (P. 79) Dheginsea (P. 80) Kurthnaga (P. 81) Rajaion (P. 82) Ena (P. 83) Nasir (P. 84) Gareth (P. 85) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Sanaki (P. 86) Sigrun (P. 87) Sephiran (P. 88) Zelgius (P. 89) Tanith (P. 90) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Marcia (P. 91) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Astrid (P. 92) Makalov (P. 93) Tormod (P. 94) Muarim (P. 95) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Ashnard (P. 96-97) Black Knight (P. 98) Petrine (P. 99) Bertram (P. 100) Tauroneo (P. 101) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Jill (P. 102) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Haar (P. 103) (partially translated by AstroknighticalFeats) Ilyana (P. 104) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Volke (P. 105) (Notes translated by VincentASM) Zihark (P. 106) Sothe (P. 107) Stefan (P. 108) Devdan (P. 109) Calill (P. 110) Largo (P. 111) (Notes translated by AstroknighticalFeats) (All Portraits below can be seen in imgur gallery here) Page 112 Portraits Page 113 Portraits Page 114 Portraits Page 115 Portraits Page 116 Portraits Page 117 Portraits Page 118 Portraits Page 119 Portraits Page 120 Portraits Page 121 Portraits Page 122 Portraits Page 123 Portraits Page 124 Portraits Page 125 Portraits Page 126 Portraits Page 127 Portraits Soren, Zihark, Marcia, Titania, and Kieran's unused Character Portraits (with translations) Chapter III Content: (Concept Art) Ike (130-131) Mist, Elena, & Greil (132-133) Titania (134-135) Soren (136-137) Oscar, Boyd, Gatrie, & Shinon (138-139) Rhys, Rolf, & Elincia (140-141) Elincia, Geoffrey, & Lucia (142-143) Mia & Nephenee (144-145) Caineghis, Ranulf, Lethe, & Mordecai (146-147) Dheginsea, Kurthnaga, & Generic Dragons (148-149) Ena, Gareth, Rajaion, & Tibarn (150-151) Reyson, Leanne, Naesala, & Nealuchi (152-153) Sanaki, Zelgius, & Sephiran (154-155) Sigrun, Tanith, & Marcia (156-157) Ashnard & the Black Knight (158-159) Ilyana, Stefan, & Calill (160-161) Height Comparisons Chart (162-163) (Translated by Microwaveit) Horses & Wyverns (164-165) Basic Class Designs (1) (166-167) Basic Class Designs (2) (168-169) Sword Designs (170-171) Axe & Knife Designs (172-173) Lance Designs (174-175) Bow Designs (176) Magic Tomes + Brief History of Magic in Tellius (177) Beorc Landscapes (178-179) (Translated by Vincent ASM) Laguz Landscapes (180-181) (Translated by Vincent ASM) Battle Animation Sketches (1) (P. 183-184) Battle Animation Sketches (2) (P. 184-185) Chapter V Content: (Extras) Event Sketches (P. 244-245) Opening Movie Sketches (P. 246-247) Box Art Designs (248-249) Cover Art + Senri Kita Comments (250-251) Developers' Thoughts (252-253) Cut Ike Portrait (from Last Page)
  20. Thanks to shadowofchaos for bringing it to my attention. Looking for sources like that is fun, and is a stark reminder that when it comes to FE info, stuff is still relatively niche... xD
  21. Thanks for the kind words everyone, and you're all very welcome. Those wondering about the anthology, I feel like someone else was translating them already which is why I was reluctant to take them on if there is already another wonderful translator working on them : ) I believe Microwaveit is working on them, though they haven't been on SF lately, but I see they posted on Reddit, too. Also, a bulk download is finally up for those who wanted all of it at once. : ) Thanks again everyone!
  22. As of today (June 23rd), Page 115 (and 116, and 117) are all up and this project is officially complete! We end with Kaze and Corrin silliness, then some words from the authors. I went ahead and finished it today, but I'll be busy over the weekend so the bulk download won't be up until Sunday or so! Sorry for the inconvenience! Thanks for the fun times everyone! That wraps up my third 4koma project xD I'll be tackling the Path of Radiance design book when that comes out at the end of next month, and until then just be looking at more stuff in the 25th Anniversary Book!
  23. Page 114 is up! (Second last page). It features Midori giving Odin an innocent low blow and Rinkah being Rinkah. Also I'll probably translate the additional pages with brief author comments, but yes last comic will be up tomorrow!
  24. Third last page is up! Page 113 has silliness with the (Japanese version) of "My Room" as well Iago making an appearance. xD
  25. Page 112 is up! Cultural exchange and Soleil being Soleil and having her own idea of persuading. xD
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