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Everything posted by Kirokan

  1. Page 111 is up! Fun with Charlotte and Setsuna!
  2. Page 110 is up! Takumi clearly disapproves of cross-dressing. xD (Good thing he said pay-cut, or that got rather dark!) Thanks! Almost done!
  3. With what we had to work with, this was one of the ways that made that make sense xD It's amazing what new avenues open up when looking at original text in older games! I'm going to comb through the game now to see what else I can find! You're welcome! Thanks to Vincent for bringing up the Japanese text for me to check : ) I could see that being a possibility too with how history can work! xD So it did make sense with what we were given : ) Yep, after all if he became his rival, then maybe Karel would've hunted him down (...and won) as a worthy opponent? xD
  4. Page 109 is up! Odin tries to spice things up, and the Fates find a way to balance themselves out. xD This image alone would make some scenes even sillier than accessories can already make them!
  5. Hey everyone! VincentASM brought up Guy's epilogue with me so that we could settle the mystery once and for all --namely, why the heck did he become the Sword Saint if Karel is also the Sword Saint? It turned out to be a translation error, and you can read about it in-depth here. : )
  6. A bit of silliness on my part, but was how I translated 戦う親父たち "Warrior dads" (as in, male characters who fight that can have children as well...xD I guess). The informal tone of the rest of the sentence made me opt for "battle-daddies" instead of "warrior dads" I like how it became a point of discussion though. xD
  7. Page 108 is up! Fun with Lilith as Corrin gets assertive! Imagine if he was like this in the main story. xD I wonder why they started from near the end of the book... maybe they were reading from left to right. xD (I assume it's actually picking out which ones would be most interesting : ) )
  8. Page 107 is up, and ends this chapter with some Ryoma x Kagero as well as silly cultural differences between Nohr and Hoshido. xD I think a lot of people can relate to that. : )
  9. Page 106 is up! Fun in the snow and Mikoto makes a cameo!
  10. Page 105 is up with a focus on Gunter getting a new friend and Jakob feeling out-done (again)!
  11. Page 104 is up, and it's all about Rinkah. xD I wonder about the censorship thing too, but I get the feeling they may not be aware/care about that, and just a funny coincidence! I wouldn't rule it out completely though : )
  12. Yes, this is definitely a reason as people went to see FE7 as a prequel and how it connected to 6 and such : ) Would really love to see it get something like a western release!
  13. Indeed! So I think it was good to take the poll right before release. I think the next one being a year or two after Fates will be the best way to get it without post-game hype and such in there too. : ) I had the opposite, I was so disconnected with Brawl info that I was amazed to see Ike from FE9 in there! xD (I miss those times of expert internet avoidance...!) I'm glad it encouraged you to play those wonderful games though : ) Indeed, the commenters/voters agree with you on that for Ike too! You're welcome! I always enjoy bringing and discussing things like this with the fanbase : ) I was happy to see the variety in results, showing their readership truly is both old and new fans alike. I was very happy to see FE7 place second for story reasons too xD Yeah... it seems like the main characters made it mostly, and its likely due to having the most screen time and such in general. They should try a non-lord poll sometime! I feel like they may have done a split for Tiki, but weren't too in-depth as she placed out of the top 3. I noticed for the top 3 they had much more detail/comments on the magazine page itself, so I assume if she placed higher they would have gotten into more detail. : ) (All the stuff about cuteness though makes me imagine they voted for the younger version though!)
  14. Page 103 is up! (and on the second post, as the first reached its limit). Today we get Peri being Peri, and a boob joke to man chest misunderstanding. xD
  15. You're welcome : ) I love reading and translating things like this so its no problem xD Me too, it's why I made sure to put a note that it was not released in Japan at that time in case people wondered why it placed low. xD And yet, it still beat out two games from pre-release info alone! Me too, Iron Sword! Love it. xD
  16. Hi everyone! Somehow, the June 2015 (not a typo, I mean last year) Famitsu poll went under my radar... anyway. I saw the character polls were already mentioned way back in this thread, but from skimming I saw nobody really translated the fun little comments/reasons people left on the characters. Also, did you know there was a Page 3 and 4? II didn't see them anywhere else, and so had to buy the Famitsu volume myself in order to get the scans. xD Though not with characters, but instead deals with things like favorite games, classes, and weapons. (Regarding classes, its funny there is a recent thread talking about Pegasus Knights being overrated too xD) Anyway! I translated the results, minus the fluff bits (that summarize who the characters are/what the game is, as fans on this forum probably know that already). Here are the Character Poll results, and here is Part 2 (Game,Weapon,etc) Note the polls were done right before Fates released in Japan! Apologies in advance if someone DID post page 3 and 4 already...I didn't see it anywhere though. xD
  17. Page 102 is up! Fun with bread, Niles, and Reina, and then Elise hiding her flower-seller-ness. It revolved around a Japanese pun (again...), so I hope what I did came through nicely. Feel free to read the notes if interested in what the Japanese was.
  18. Page 101 is up! More Selkie for Selkie fans (and silly Ignatius), as well as Felicia being a destructive Goddess (and Beruka being Beruka) It's interesting how cultures can relate based on how similar idioms can be : ) Is your country the Philippines? : ) That's pretty awesome to know! Thanks for sharing. Oh okay, interesting... wonder if that was a war report before too xD I should check later... I've been asked to take a look at it. Normally anthologies are a bit harder since they're not organized like 4koma which are easy to do a day. xD Is nobody already translating that? That's pretty surprising... I would love to if I get the time, but maybe a bit of a break first, yes. : )
  19. Page 100 is up! Begins a new chapter with a joke that revolves around Japanese idioms. See the notes here. 116 pages (which includes author info), so 114 with just comics. We'll be there in just 13 more days! I haven't looked yet, but does the support with his mother have the war report convo then? Since that would be interesting if it was a change too!
  20. Page 99 is up! Last page for this chapter. A joke on Kiragi's C support with Caeldori (though the Japanese version, which was slightly different), and then fun with Kana and Dad. Agreed, Hayase Reku also drew some of the better artworks in the 4Koma Character Book : )
  21. Page 98 is up! Some silliness with accessories and word usage!
  22. Page 97 is up! Fun with Nyx & Effie, as well as Beruka being Beruka! Oh I see. The Dicitionary of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Grammar are really good as a secondary reference, but they generally assume you have knowledge from outside of them. But yes, a lot of them assume you are a student or reading for a class, which is where that very focused vocab comes from. xD
  23. Page 96 is up! Some Shiro/Kiragi silliness to be had in this one! I loved the fishlips punch myself xD
  24. Page 95 is up! We get a lovely Oboro face (see below) and then some Takumi and Leo silliness! Hmm this is a good point, he does say Chief Fuga doesn't he? I'll probably fix that for the final edition. : )
  25. Page 94 is up, clearly Hayase Reku is not a fan of Selena. xD xD I always found that strange in learner's books. Which ones are you using? Indeed, I feel like that would be something that, if i were professionally translating, I would change to get a similar feeling across without the exact sort of joke!
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