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Light Lord

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Status Updates posted by Light Lord

  1. Happy birthday pal! Hope you're doing great over there, take care!

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Thank you a ton. :)

  2. NEW FIRE EMBLEM!!!!! FOR 2015 :D *hype mode*

  3. Aaaaannnd my 3DS seems to have passed away...or fainted...can't turn it on for quite some time now :|

  4. Finally back! After a VERY LONG absence xD happy holidays everyone.

  5. And back in action again, just had a very deep moment of thought but I'm finally back here.

  6. Security issues over, I am back and I hope to be more active now around here.

  7. Hey there, thanks for the profile visit, hope you're doing fine here!

  8. Had a security issue with my Hotmail account, won't be logging in for a while. Ignore anything I post after this until it is solved.

    1. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Ah... I'm sorry to hear that. :<

  9. Hi Freohr,thank you!

  10. Hi man, thanks alot!

  11. Thanks Crash, I appreciate it!

  12. Thanks Phoenix!

  13. Hi pal, thank you very much!

  14. Thank you Pariah!

  15. I'm still alive...but not active as I thought...

  16. Oh joy, I won't be able to watch the E3

    1. Zak Something
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Projects, too many to spare some time :

  17. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy your day the most.

  18. Hi Freohr, Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy your day the most you can!

  19. Happy Birthday! A tad late, my bad (no connection in college and I was all day there).

  20. Goodbye, Feel like a Dragon Sir

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Umm, not really, I meant my last avatar of the Sir Salamance...got tired of it and decided to change it.

    3. Zak Something

      Zak Something

      Ah, alright.

    4. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Sorry, maybe left it quite unspecified, my bad guys.

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