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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Why Levin, though? Also, where exactly does he appear on the map? I don't see him yet...

    Explanation in previous post.

    Levin appears in the town that is to the farthest right, nearby Mackily if I remember correctly, with Sylvia by his side.

  2. Least favorite FE game and why?

    In a fashion two questions, but anyways XD

    Mmmm, I guess Sword of Seals so far. Why? Because in comparison to the others, the story seemed forced IMO at some points, the first "final boss" is not that difficult to defeat, as well as the last one; aside from it, even if supports are used, there's no actual end for other characters that are not Roy and his girl (I mean there aren't many endings like in other games, then again FE9 and 10 followed the same formula) and personally I expected something more from it.

    Favorite song that is a movie theme?

  3. Did you join SF right when you found out about it, or did you wait a little?

    Well, I waited just a little. I had found about it when I was playing FE9 and 10, then saw the forums and joined right afterwards. However, when I joined I was out about 1 year and returned by the end of that year, beginning of the 2009.

    Favorite super hero from DC or Marvel?

  4. About those bandits destroying the villages...would I be able to do something about that?

    Conquer castle Herheim, then move all units to strike them down, but be careful because Vortz and Beowulf appear with a mercenary team, as well as the knights sent by castle Anphony. Once done, don't conquer until you have someone back in your main base with Levin.

    He can recruit a Peg. Knight that appears right after you conquer Anphony.

    Do all of Lachesis' paladins have to survive, or can at least just one in order to obtain that bonus that someone mentioned earlier?

    Unfortunately, they all must survive, but they always attack the nearest enemies to them/keep close to Lachesis, so this becomes a problem when healers are not close to them or you're in a dire situation.

  5. I don't understand the hate for the reclass system. I just don't. It's, IMO, one of the best additions to the series.

    Where I live, they say because that allows you to take advantage up to some point of the soldiers you carry and the chapter you face. I also like it, it makes you use different strategies than the ones you use the most, like adapting to the fight.

    Oh, I wouldn't mind the return of skills like in and FE4, FE5, FE9 and also with new additions to it. The reclass system would also be welcome too.

  6. They can have as many of those rings as they can carry and receive the bonus of each.

    As for Sigurd and Deirdre, I always gave Sigurd the Speed one for improvement, but he may not need it in the future, the Skill ring in him could be of use for somebody else, perhaps Ardan or any character that has a tough time hitting enemies (just be sure to have money for it); Deirdre would do well with a Magic Ring, that way you can put to Sleep almost anything. Save some uses of the Sleep Staff for a Bishop boss in next chapter! That will be useful fighting it, since that boss has a similar staff. Just like before, if you will use the Sleep staff in the future with another healer or staff wielder, sell the staff and the ring to give them to someone else.

  7. Personally, a new saga would be a nice bet; also, Fir Emblem has left behind too many interesting gamplays and features and not looking at them again. The fatigue system is nice and allows you to train your team in a new way, mixing the support and lovers system would also be interesting, there's also the MU one that can become a favorite IMO.

    Then again, remakes with something "new" as Marth's games have been would be a nice touch too.

  8. So Manfroy and Shamina were talking about resurrecting some kind of Dark Lord or something by...mixing the blood of the offsprings of some guy who descended from some other guy? Could anyone please clarify this for me? I kind of forgot the details of this part and it seems really important.

    Spoilers go here, but basically Joekitty has answered the question. This won't be of much importance in the game, until you get to Gen. 2...maybe also in Chapter 3, but that's something else. It would be a good idea that by the end of Chapter 2 you sell Deirdre's Sleep Staff and give it to Aideen or later staff users you will get; you'll see why in Chapter 3.

  9. If you could change any one thing in your life, what would it be?[/color]

    Well, I haven't made or passed through a thing that maybe I would like to change in my life. On second thought, there are a two things, like a nickname I was given here in college or maybe messing up chances I had with a girl ._.

    Favorite mage unit besides Tinny?

  10. Will you play FE12 after the translations done/it's released?

    Sure, but I was hoping Nintendo actually localized the game over here, but I will play it no matter what. Now if only I had an emulator and/or a card compatible

    Favorite mage unit beside Tinny?Ninja'd

    Favorite axe unit?

  11. Will she attack if I'm in range of her, though?

    Also, about arenas... You can only use them seven times per unit, yes? Do losses also count towards this? In addition, is it better to just use the arenas when the current map is pretty much done, or what?

    Yes and no. She actually moves when you get near. You can move to the forest to the left side (where Aideen and Dew come from), Cuan would do, use him as a decoy to lure Ayra then escape a bit and strom the castle, seizing it, and then talk to Ayra with Sigurd to recruit her, that will do. This decoy is tricky sometimes, because if Cuan is a bit far from her and the other units that will storm are close, Ayra will go after them instead.

    As for Arenas, there are 7 enemies in it, you can fight them during the entire chapter, but using your weapon (it drops its durability) and also what I pointed out before of HP. This time, you don't lose units, but their HP goes to 1 (if I recall correctly) if you lose a fight.

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