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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Gharnef: Of course he will! He's still under my control!

    Aless: Join Lord Loputouso. Or die opposing us.

    Yuria: Narga! *kills Gharnef, Aless is out of his control*

    Aless:...Uggh, what was I doing? My head hurts...

    Gharnef, will you finally stay in the Otherworld?

  2. Well, i know a a bit of programming, so i can tell you that you should listen to everything about the programming language you'll use. One of the easiest would be C++, but anyways. Look for tutorials and examples in Internet if you still find something amiss even when you asked, tough asking yet again would be the best.

    Programming is basically to know what an instruction in the code will do, so pay attention to those. Good luck with your programming course and if you want any help I could provide a bit.

  3. How would you react if you met Jill IRL?

    It's for sure I'd be saying half words and sentences, maybe lose focus and fall to the ground. It would be a mix of happines, joy, but with embarrasement of whatever I can come to say and nervousness too, also trying to not scare her XD

    I have thought that for a while too, but I'm not really sure how could I react to be honest.

    Did you like teh animated series of Kirby?

  4. What's the story behind your username?

    Actually it's from a song of Iron Maiden, not to mention that in two fanfics I'm writting I use the light and darkness reference. As for the username here, well the song is called Lord of Light, plus the year I was born, that's my usual combo. I've liked for a long time and changed it few times.

    Do you think Aless deserves the Black Knight title?

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