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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Eirika: I like crossovers, they are interesting and let you meet new people.

    Ike: As long as we stay in character it should be fine.

    Nergal: Don't think about it! We always end up suffering if there's no new enemy OC!

    Hey Jill, do you think I should join crashman_alpha and stop the GS once and for all?

  2. Most recent game you played?

    Well, as a recent new game, none, the last I played was Metroid Other M, but in the past few days I played YGO 5Ds WC 2010 just to have some nice duels online and worldwide. I'm saving for the new games that are going to be released (as well as still hoping that FE 12 gets released in the next 3 months in USA).

    Any other character aside from Mia you had a crush in?

  3. Feeling like asking this already. What would you say is more important? To have a Deck that can give some beat ups to your opponent with high rarity cards or with low rarity ones?

    Many people over here wish to build their Deck with high rarity cards, but once I played with a guy that by the moment he saw my Stardust suddenly began laughing, for it's the Super Rare one, not the one of the highest rarity. He just laughed a bit and in the end I won the duel. He then got a Stardust of the highest rairty but couldn't play it very well, when he brought it when we were playing I got rid of him easily.

    What I mean is, does rarity counts if you want to build a good Deck?

    Oh, that image is pretty cool too shadowofchaos, nice playmat.

  4. Sety: Umm, I guess you should defeat it in a Pokémon battle? But your Charizard is in typ disadvantage, so good luck.

    Hey Zelgius, why did you choose the title Black Knight for your guise while in Daein? It's a bit redundant.

  5. Light Lord: Why not update to the newest ban list?

    Updated to that one, but it doesn't affect the general strategy I want to pull, which is some swarm and then bring powerful Synchro Monster, or with useful effects like Catastor, Trishula or Stardust in low turns.

    I'm not really seeing a theme in either deck... >_>

    Main theme is to Synchro Summon useful and powerful monsters quickly, Catastor for example erases any non-Dark monster instantly. Brionac lets me dish some cards from the opponent to his/her hand under desperate circumstances, Stardust obvious reasons, Trishula removes three cards, things like that.

    Personally, talking about the cards in topic, I prefer Dimmensional Prison. Easy way to restrain your opponent of a useful monster for some time, unless he/she packs a card that brings them from the removed zone. And my second choice wouldn't be Sakuretsu, maybe old Mirror Force, a bit predictable, but if played right, you can clean your opponent attacking monsters with a single card. Though, with Dark Hole back I would go for it, keeping my key monsters safe if that's the case or with Monster Reborn in hand to bring one of them.

  6. >.> Mia was never my favorite.

    Though I tell you what, L'Arachel is mighty fine. I'd follow her and put evil to slain wherever I go.

    Favorite ballistic missile?

    Bold: The question is for the above poster, in my case, someonewhodied. You ask something to the above poster and answer something someone asked you earlier.

    As for your question, I'm not fanatic of that kind of weaponry. Fire weapons are useless IMO.

    When did you started liking L'Arachel to become a fan of hers?

  7. Tinny: Yeah, I finally got a few memories, Zakie. *hugs Zak strongly*

    Hey Aless, if you consider yourself a Black Knight, why are you the only one that is recruited and is not a promoted enemy that we must fight to death?

  8. I would take out Felgrand, since there's only one other dragon in the deck. Felgrand won't have too much help in its Atk or shine in a deck like that. That's the only suggestion I can think of at the moment.

    Here's teh new deck I'm working in (under the September 2010 Banlist), any suggestions would be really appreciated, thanks in advance.

    [spoiler=New Deck]Monsters

    Breaker the magical Warrior x2

    Cyber Dragon x2

    Cyber Valley

    D.D. Warrior Lady x2

    Dandylion x2

    Dark Resonator

    Defender the Magical Knight x2


    Junk Synchron x2



    Mobius the Frost Monarch

    Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

    Quillbolt Hedgehog

    Rose, Warrior of Revenge x2

    Shield Wing

    Speed Warrior x2

    The Tricky



    Gold Sarcophagus

    Lightning Vortex

    Mind Control

    Monster Reborn

    Mystical Space Typhoon x2

    Pot of Avarice



    Swords of Revealing Light

    United We Stand


    Dark Bribe

    Dimmensional Prison

    Dust Tornado

    Magic Jammer

    Mirror Force

    Scrap-Iron Scarecrow

    Synchro Deflector


    Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

    Ally of Justice Catastor

    Black Rose Dragon

    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

    Goyo Guardian

    Junk Archer

    Junk Warrior

    Lightning Warrior

    Magical Android

    Red Dragon Archfiend x2

    Stardust Dragon x2

    Thought Ruler Archfiend

    Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

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