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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Formula Synchron is around $14-18 now it's insane!

    As for Effect Veiler's only $14 for a Rare or $22 for an Ultra Rare. Ultimate Rares suck so who cares about Ultimate Rare Effect Veiler.

    Then again you might be trying to pull it instead while I generally buy singles. >_>

    I try to get both from easier to get packs. Formula, I have to stick with Startstrike Blast, while the Effec Veiler, I can try to get it from Yusei Fudo's duelis pack 3, as well as Starlight Road as an extra help.

    Now that I think of it, another Stardusst could be useful just in case, but I have no easy access to card packs right now. I've heard there is one shop in my area, but I can't get there easily at the moment (more over in one pice or with my money intact).

    By the way, congrats on getting Trishula eclipse.

    Requesting some hlpe guys, I want to build a new synchro deck in WC 2010 (just to see if it works and try to get those cards when WC 2011 is released over here), but I have some trouble deciding which cards to keep in it.

    I know a general strategy of having monsters that can be Special Summoned easily and around high levels with Tuners that allow the same thing to bring the synchros, also using level 4 tuners with non-tuners of the same level; but I'm out of ideas of which cards I could use to keep them around or protect them. Any suggestions? If you need to see the cards I have up to now, I'll post them tomorrow.

  2. Hawk: Of course I am, he won't have any way of turning me agains tyou my friend.

    Me: The secrets of the Clear Mind, that's what you need to defeat Manfroy as far as I can see.

    So Manfroy, would you care to stop hypnotizing people to do your bidding? That trick won't work in me.

  3. I got two from two separate packs XD, my best luck at the moment.

    Right now, I'm looking to get only Formula Synchron, which I haven't got and it's a rare one only...Also an Effect Veiler too, but from Yusei Pack 3.

    Hope you can get your Trishula shadow.

  4. Well, from what I've seen and heard from duelists, Stardust and Archfiend have become Synchro staples for almost any deck that involves synchro summoning for their effects. Black Rose works as a substitute to clear the field immediately. The others dragons, they depend on what kind of archetype or strategy you have for them to work well.

    As for your general theme, it works out fine IMO, but yeah you need to find a way to get rid of Skill Drain just in case. Stardust would get rid of Black Rose Dragon's destruction effect too. Technically, you have Trishula and Red Dragon Archfiend with over 3000 Atk, since tuners can tune up even if Skill Drain is active, it's not an effect, but an ability. Those two can still give troubles to your opponent but in any case you are out of effects, something not good for a deck that relies a bit on the Ice Barrier's effects.

  5. Tate: Who do you mean?

    Katua: Huh? Is this some kind of mirror joke?

    *both stare at each other confused*

    Both at the same time: So that's what they mean with a clone in another part of the world...creepy.

    Marth, who's better? Your or Roy?

  6. Nergal: Now you fell for it, I was using my recently Tinny morph to test how real they could look. It seems they work fine now! Time to conquer the world!

    Tinny: Don't you dare!

    *Thoron's Nergal back to the otherworld, as well as the Tinny morph*

    Sorry about that Zak, you're not fat or anything. *hugs him happily*

    Ashnard, if you could face the Demon King, who would win?

  7. What's the deal with your name?


    Partly, it's related to the song of Iron Maiden, Lord of Light. I liked it a lot and thought of way to usse that for a username, coming up with Light Lord (not too creative heh, but I liked it a lot).

    Favorite Fire Emblem moment ever?

  8. Yeah, I remember that No. monsters have that weakness when their material monsters are gone, for example No. 39 Emperor Hope gets destroyed when it's selected as an attack target without Exceed Material Monsters on it.

    I can't believe I just bought two Hidden Arsenal 4 packs and I got really lucky pulling of Trishula. That's my new best TCG moment ever.

  9. I understand that you find Exceed Summon to be easy to pull off but the same can be said with Synchros. From my point of view, it would seem like you dislike noobs. But you have understand that everyone was a noob once. That same person can be your best friend someday and you guys might exchange strategies. However, seeing as though that you're a veteran YGO player, I can understand that noobs can be annoying but good cards at the hands of noobs have little to no use. But at the hand of an experienced player, it can get him/her out of sticky situations and may sometimes turn a duel around.

    Well, I can see and agree with your point there. I mean, first when I saw Synchros I was like "Hey they look cool, but they don't need Polymerization." When I suffered their power then I got "Dang it, they are indeed strong. Must be careful when they're around". Now, most of my friends I hang out that still play YGO have at least five synchros, I enjoy playing with them because we can learn new tricks, strategies, and all that, but mainly you get to know new people with the same interests like you and maybe new friends. Right now, I'm confused of Exceed Summon, a bit angry they are immune to Gravity Bind and Level Restriction related cards, they may look easy to bring, but if you can't keep the cards to bring them, they are hard to pull.

    As for the anime, I haven't seen the first episode, tough I was told it's acceptable. I'm still trying to understand 5Ds has reached an end already.

  10. I'm sorry of how things went up Althenian.

    I can't say it wasn't possible, but too think it happened too fast, really sorry.

    This is like the third time a young person dies like that, the only reason I can find is that, supposedly, heart attacks are pretty strong in young people, while with older people they are a bit weak. That's the only thing I can think of right now and what a friend of mine studying medicine told me some time ago.

  11. Claude said he would go with the twin swords if they were accepted like that, which Cam said he approved.

    Anyways, the later sprites look really cool, this will be quite interesting for the voting time, can't wait to see that.

  12. Has happened in my father's family, but the results were never...pleasant. Most of my father aunts' husbands died (of old age, but a heart attack is a heart attack).

    Well, on the way I was taught, I simply leave evertyhing up to God (or to any force that fits that description) and accept the result, tough I know I would feel really sad for the loss of a relative (even more if he/she is about my age). Hope things get better. I also hope she doesn't have any sequels or anything like that.

  13. Roy: Because if I can avoid taking a life, that's the path I would like to take. Idoun, as Yahn said, was brain washed to serve the dragons and their purposes in the Scouring, I want to help her.

    Hey Fir, how are things going for you and Noah?

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