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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Tinny: Mmm, maybe we could try getting some help from mercenaries, or we could live somewhere where they won't find us.

    *a few hours later* Ummmm, Laura could you heal these wounds Edward and I have? We overdid in training and I don't want to scare Jill with this heh.

  2. I did it a lot of times until I got rid off him to have place for more ganesha but my opponents just didnt say anything. I guess they didnt know it, too. (-_-)

    I fell so many times for this, until I tested a DS Fabled Deck that was originally for a fanfic, then I noticed that and started checking other effects. I also thought it, so I didn't got angry or anything, but I started to check rulings and that stuff.

    Anyways, anyone recommends me mixing Xyz and Synchros? I'm not sure how that will result.

  3. Tinny: But you don't dear! You're pretty cool and funny, you can do anything.

    Sety: Even I know that, you beat me fair and square and now we're good friends.

    Hey Ashnard, a friend of mine defeated you using Ena. How do you feel about that?

  4. Tibarn: So you know Captain Fallcon huh? Next time you see him tell him King Tibarn of the Hawks has some business to settle with him! Yes, I did teach him that move.

    Hey Ashnard, do you think you could fight and survive a fight against Ghost Rider?

  5. I also liked the movie, though I feel disappointed Michael Bay decided to kill Ironhide like that. Personally, the Megatron scene seemed really anti-climatic, it ended quite fast, but has slight sense if you try to analyze it some way. The battle scenes were good, but they could have been even better if they had put more effort in it.

    On a different note, it is until the last movie that they decidedt to give Optimus his real weapon, if I'm not wrong.

  6. Sety: Well, sure, why not? But friendship is not bought.


    Sety: Mmmm, no thanks, now's mine.

    Ike, if you could choose a tag partner for a combination attack, who of your comrades would you choose?

  7. Dew: Well, thinking it I could steal potions, guards, bracelets, bands, not equipped weapons that I can carry. That would be cool here in Jugdral, why am I only stealing money? Can anyone teach me how to steal weapons?

    Volke: 10000 gold is my usual fee, but for you, it will be 100000.

    Bastian, do you know why Volke charges everyone for any little thing such a giant fee?

  8. Sety: Mmmm, I woud rather choose...Archsage! Maybe doing so, I will be able to defeat you finally!

    Arthur: You would rather need to be in Tellius or Elibe to do so.

    Sety: *facepalm* I guess I'd rather stay as a Sage, thanks.

    Hey Ike, what's the worst that can happen while trying to learn using Aether?

  9. Ike: Possibly, tough maybe Gatrie will be too busy to do anything useful, or maybe we could have conflicts with our thoughts.

    Mia: Lloyd, I challenge you to a duel! Let's see if my skills are that polished now.

    Hey Ike, would you teach me how to do the Great Aether?

  10. Joshua: I keep it in a backpack to avoid get it damaged or anything like that. It really brings me good luck, so how about a bet now? *readies a coin* 1000 to whoever wins.

    Natasha, does it bug you that your husband is such a gambler even as a King?

  11. Tinny: NOOOOOOOO Zak!!! TT_TT, what will I do now?!

    Sety: Well, I can take care of you in Zak's stead

    Corple: But the Valkyrie Staff is perfectly fine guys *revives Zak*

    Sety: Well, I'm happy he's back.

    Marth: And we still have Aum too. My sister has it...somewhere around here.

    Marth, why don't you try weakening them for Zak to finish those thieves?

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