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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Which is your favorite Pokémon ever?

    What would you do in my situation (You know what I mean. Also Frosty, I'm not negating what you said, but I want to get as many opinions as I can get on the matter. A misstep can screw me over big time).

    Personally, I would ignore what happened and keep going with what I was doing. This may be a bit hard to explain, but basically I wouldn't care what was said of that and I would still go with what I was doing...I'm not sure if I explained myself or just confused you even more.

  2. If Mist Stones were a real item in the Pokemon games, but you could only get one, which Pokemon would you use it on?

    (The Mist Stone is a very famous rumor. It evolves any Pokemon, even ones that are otherwise fully evolved.)

    Mmmmm, I'm not sure, maybe on a Pokémon that late evolves like most dragon types, or those that use a lot of friendshipe like Lucario.

    My answer is Togepi XD! Nah, talking seriousy I would go for Dragonair.

    Favorite Final Fantasy game?

  3. Hawk: Well, you have to stab him or her with a wood pike, maybe a crucifix and some holy water.

    Me:...but isn't that for a vampire?

    Hawk: Vampires are GS. But seriously, maybe with an ultimate technique or a Mastery Skill. Theiir humans after all, unlike vampires.

    Hey Mia, do you think you could spar with me a moment with sword techniques?

  4. Diadora: Because it was meaant for my daughter to defet Loputouso again...I just feel sorry that her twin brother had to die, as many other innocents...

    Hey Jill, what do you think of remodeling the house? I've earned enough money with the jobs I took this summer.

  5. Tinn: I want to, but he says I'm cheating him.

    Volke:...You're not. Nergal sent a morph as always.

    Tinny: That's great to know Volke! Can you tell that to Zak please? I will too, but for what did he sent it now?

    Volke: 10000 gold.

    Volke, do you think it would hurt you to do a single job for free?

  6. Astrid: Not you too, I already explained General Geoffrey and Calill that Makalov is quite the clam knight and a skilled paladin.

    Makalov: Look girl, you would do much better with Rolf than with me. And that's way too much to say, since Rolf is still a kid.

    Sure Jill, I just want to master a few techniques, not be a complete master. I like swords the most for that to help you XD

    So Shinon, what will it take someone for you to teach him or her masksmanship?

  7. Shanan: I suppose I could, with Balmung with me nothing and no one will stop me! However, do you want me to simply clean the floor and seize it while you guys return?

    Hey Jill dear, could you help me master lance techniques and such?

  8. Sara: Sure, but...are you sure you want to bet your life in that battle?

    Aless, if Manfroy is killed will that mean you will be back to your old self? That means you won't try to steal any other girl again.

  9. Paola: I'm here to make sure you don't break my sister's heart or try anything funny.

    Katua: Sorry about that, we can leave if you want.

    Mia, how do you take training to the level you actually don't care how wounded you end up?

  10. All in unison: NEVER!!!!

    Wendy: Come on guys, it'll be fun!

    Roy: But I haven't agree with it either!

    Hey Nolan and Edward, would you two mind sparring with me once again? No holding back, give it your best...without killing me of ourse.

  11. I suppose XYZ catapult cannon might work with all the draw power of Hyper libarian and likes give.

    Stops bad puns

    Well, I meant the XYZ monsters, not related to the VWXYZ XD

    Anyways, I can't be lucky getting Formula Synchron or finding Chevalier de Fleur, oh well I can still do without them.

    And Brionac in a Dark World/Fabled deck? But isn't the discard a cost to activate the effect? That would leave them useless, wouldn't it?

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