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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Well, pretty much what everyone has been telling you.

    In next chapter, Lex can get a Brave Axe, you can find the info of that event in the FE 4 part of the Serenes Forest section.

    Also, sometimes a mid-boss will charge you with a group of enemies with them. If you beat a large amount of them, the mid-boss will retreat to his/her base and return with the complete squad after it; this can be; a) good if you need to train some troops a bit more; b) a dire situation if you're low in weapons, HP, and all around the map; also, the arena works pretty different than in other FE, you have a limit access to it, if you're unit loses a fight, it will still be around with 1 HP; use them to increase your level and get Exp for all units that can fight, if one loses then abuse staves by all means or leave it to guard the castle.

  2. The harder you have to think to think of something good about something, the worse it is overall.

    Actually I find good to be on afternoon, it will be like that for 4 years to me and I have passed 1, so I got used to it now.

    I'd love to have school in the afternoon. I get to wake up late (9:00 Am is great for waking up, not you know, 6:00 freaking A.M.). Have plenty of time to do stuff. Can just chill in my house in the peacefulness of morning (who is going to be around? Most people are working). There are also no distraction in the morning (seriously, most of the shows in the morning suck). I could also let time slip by during the night and then sleep comfortably knowing i don't have to get up early.

    School in the afternoon. It should be done.

    Now I knew there was a reason why I liked afternoon a bit more than morning classes, which I still have but once a week so it's okay.

  3. Best thing of having classes at morning: Having the afternoon free (who does HW at that hour when you can do from 23 pm :awesome: )

    Worst thing of having classes at morning: I don't think someone is fully awake at that hour.

    Best thing of having classes at afternoon: ...I'll think of something

    Worst thing of having classes at afternoon: The entire day is messed, you don't even feel time passing by or you feel it passing quite slowly.

    I've had a slight change of mind...now I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  4. Most difficult boss you've faced in an RPG?

    There are actually two. The first one was against Ganon in OoT, but this one mainly because I didn't made the sidequest to get the Big Goron Sword so...you can imagine how hard it was to beat him; the second one...I'd say it was against...a character in Tales of Symphonia Dawn of the New World, I don't remember its name, but he had red hair and glasses.

    Favorite animated movie?

  5. Levin: Fine, fine. I'll stop but that won't make that conversation appear magically. So now that I won't be blaming them, I'll blame you and Light Lord! Or maybe other people I find around, maybe Delmud and Faval.

    Hey Ike, what do you think of people saying that Edward can beat you easily?

  6. Well, in college we were given this assignment since it's something important in the career I choose to study. Basically, vote for the element that you believe its the most important in a movie or a videogame. If you feel like it, you can also say why you believe that element is important to you. Also, feel free to correct me if I forgot another important element or if one of the options needs to be more specific.

    As for me, in a videogame I prefer character development since it allows the players to identify themselves with one of the characters of it, allowing them to feel emotions when the character they like goes through events, be it bad or good. As for movies, I prefer the plot, since most of the time I like a movie it's because I got hooked on it through the story.

    Thanks an advance for your help!

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