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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Haha, becausse of my image right? Yeah, Roy is a cool lord, even if his promotion sprite stays the same. Ninja'd Marth?
  2. Elincia: I will as soon as things in Crimea start getting a bit easy. My uncle will take the throne. Oliver, which is your definition of beauty, because you say you're way too beautiful for this world and I doubt it to reach that level?
  3. Mmmm, not too much as Jill Mist and you living happily ever after, with you taking Ike's stead in the family business.
  4. ^^Johalva: When you get to use an axe and ride a horse, I'll take you on for her!Ninja'd ^Both at the same time: Of course I! *stares evily at each other, start fighting* ^Mist: I know, thanks for saying. Boyd: Hey, what you doing flirting with my girl?! Sigrun, do you have feelings towards Zelgius?
  5. Then we have the knight's patterns. I mean cavalier/social knights. They've been around for, what, 4 or 5 games right? Maybe more, I don't remember that fact.
  6. Was succesful on requesting Jill Fizzart's claim share
  7. Mist taking you to meet her family and declaring she'll marry you
  8. A FE 10 Shanan teaching you how to use Astra and asking you out (He was moved from his continent temporarily, don't worry).
  9. Geoffrey: Okay, what was that for? Oh, a pie, great. Zelgius, how could you accept someone as coward as Septimus in the Central Army? I don't understand it.
  10. Tinny giving you a massage after a pretty tough day and not in your room.
  11. Olimar is tricky and pretty strong if you know how to use his Pikmins. I got pwned by a friend with those things, pretty annoying the boy.
  12. Possibly angry with me because of the other thread's doing.
  13. Possibly trying to recover from her nosebleed of today.
  14. Would like to be an Oiffey/Titania/Seth kind of Jeigan.
  15. How could I forget Joshua, after all Marisa would accept him in the band Yeah, it could be way better for the band to have two guitars. Correcting it.
  16. *Force Push* Hope you enjoy free falling
  17. Ladies and gentlemen, I bring you the Swordhires! In the drums, Gerik! In the electric guitars, Marisa and Joshua! In the electric bass, Ewan! And the lead voice, Tethys! Enjoy the show!
  18. Alan: Seeing it from my life, it gets pretty annoying, since he is taking my place in most things. But I also took a few of his life: Geoffrey gave me a Silver Axe that was for him hahaha. Now, Septimus, what's the matter with you? How in the name of Begnion could you become a high ranked General in the Central Army of Zelgius and be a coward at all times?
  19. My most sincere condolences for the poor thing and you. It's hard to replace things that you hold dear.
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