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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. It makes sense. I would never sacrifice a Lv 4 with 1900 for a 5 Lv with 1300, unless I would defend myself with it.

    As for Harpies, I know the deck and it clearly helps when dealing with trap or magic cards.

  2. Seth: That's quite impressive. I'll be able to take the frontlines easily and survive with much ease, protecting Lady Eirika. Thanks, I owe it to you. Tiki, what's going on between you and Marth? I read your epilogue and it kinds of feels you love him or something like that.
  3. It's safer that way, sometimes. I just have a few monsters capable of surviving and then tribute them for the real power.

    Traps are my hard time with this.

  4. Kind of. I try to pick strong effects for spawning or bring in strong fighters soon enough.

    It's kind of an old strategy, so it has not worked out much of the time on wi-fi.

  5. Oh, my title, it's linked to a fanfic I'm writing.

    As for the deck, I prefer something that allows me to build an army to hit fast and strong. Kind of power over mind haha.

  6. It's been some time since I played with my old deck.

    These days I've been playing on the DS games.

    Why do you ask?

  7. Thanks.

    I know I will, since I'm liking the precourse.

  8. My bad, I didn't saw what was in white color. Mmmm, then I'll go for Sandra this time.
  9. Don't worry about it. I'm just finishing the previous course and the career it's quite good.

  10. Rhys: Wh-what do you mena? Tell me! I need to know it! Bryce, why did you agreed to fight for Ashnard when he told you he killed every single member of the Royal Family in his way to the throne?
  11. You could try on this page. Hope it helps you, but it has a few.
  12. Welcome to Serenes Forest and hope you like the place. Interesting image, the original power rangers were the best from all the series.
  13. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest Doga!

    Enjoy your stay and hope you like it.

  14. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you like it and enjoy it, have a nice day!

  15. My goodness, I don't even want to think the size of a burger made by that cow.
  16. Welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you like it.

  17. Mmm, what most people have said up to now, death and heights. Death, well, it doesn't need any explanation, but I'm trying to overcome it already (sees shadowy figure with scythe, runs away) Heights, i don't really know how, but I fear them. I can be on second floor, watch to the first one and say: "I want to jump and land on my feet!" but if I go to a third floor and watch to the first floor I say: "...Why did I look in the first place?!" Also, being alone and dying like a loner. I WAS a loner on junior high first years and it doesn't feel good. And well, I guess there's no greater fear than die and not being remembered by anyone.
  18. Hmm, I remember two at the moment. A kind of research I did in pre high school about Marvel and the comics it released, as well as the path they took and all that stuff. Pretty cool, but I lost my draft. A math research project that involved probability and I tried to link consoles and videogames genres or series to popularity. This one really took me a while, because I had to use math formulas, concepts, explain a little bit the procedure and analyze the result and at that moment I did not liked math (truth be told, I don't like them). It was as cool as the marvel one.
  19. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it.

  20. Hello!

    Welcome to SF, enjoy your stay and hope you like the place!

  21. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy it.

  22. It feels worse when you eat cheese fingers, sticks, or whatever it's called, believe me and don't try it. You feel like you can't breath, talk, or swallow. Also, it feels like you want to vomit or spit the food but you can't.
  23. Light Lord


    Nevermind. I never introduced myself like this. Either way, welcome to Serenes Forest and enjoy your stay around, there's quite a lot to do in here, so enjoy.
  24. Congratulations for having a new one. Also, give it some time. It's like when meeting new people...I guess haha. By the way, which is her breed?
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