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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. I feel like claiming Kleine and Eremiya from FE 12. Tough I'm not sure how their names are written correctly, sorry about that. Also, whoever claimed Katarina, would you mind sharing?
  2. Happy Birthday, hope you enjoy it.

    Also, welcome to Serenes Forest, I was kind of late.

  3. I'd say The Dark Knight. Quite an epic movie in my opinion. Also Batman Begins and Batman Forever too, I saw them when I was little.
  4. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay around here.

    Also the following greetings.

  5. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay around here.

    And also the following greetings.

  6. Sorry for my stubborness with this, but is Katarina playable or not then? Someone said she had a support with My Unit, which makes me believe she's playable. Also, I would like to thank all you guys for keeping us informed of how the game develops and things like that. I would like to help, but unfortunately I don't understand a thing in japanese so I won't be able to play the game well.
  7. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay.

  8. Oh, I get it now. It makes sense, now that I think it.

  9. Wow, quite an odyssey then hehe. Well, at least you're okay.

    I've just one doubt, why take you to see an ophthalmologist for a scar?

  10. Cool! That reminds me, I should apply for the driving test too anytime now, I guess.

  11. Umm, I don't get it. I didn't do such a thing. If you could please explain me.

  12. Marcia: I don't know. Maybe I'll try to help him with his horse like last time, or giving him an axe as a gift. Any suggestions? Hey Mia, have you found your rival already?
  13. Hey I just thought about it. In last game, Nyna had a Sage sprite while speaking with Marth. I just wondered, is she going to stay like that or be turned into a bishop (her class in FE 3)?
  14. Well, sorry to say this but new ROMs are getting harder to run on R4 and DSTT cards. They are getting harder and harder to make roms and they crash if you find one and you don't have the needed system on the card. Just out of curiosity, any news on Katarina being playable or My Unit having supports with any other unit in the game?
  15. Ashunera: I guess I'll stay in the Tower of Guidance, watching over humanity for some time and helping when needed. Lehran, could you sing a song for me like in the old times? Lehran: Of course. After all, it can get boring around here. Ike, if you were to duel Zelgius once again, would you still hate him for killing your father?
  16. Never mind, I don't know why I wrote it like that. On a sidenote, I can't wait for this game to reach America, it's looking actually pretty good.
  17. Wait, Katarina dies?! I would like someone telling me she's playable, please IS.
  18. Calill: The bar is good business. You're just imagining things about me. By the way, Largo is looking for you and he has a Killer Axe. Zelgius, why were you always trying to save Micaiah? Don't say she was needed to save Daein, there must be another reason to do it even after that.
  19. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it and like it.

  20. I'm doing quite fine, thanks for asking.

    Back in college, but either way enjoying free time.

    How are you?

  21. I can confirm the rumor. For some unknown reason, Aether just heals twice when the enemy would die in the FIRST strike, Sol, the second one still goes on and heals you (the normal damage it would do). How do I know it? I played it a while ago and noticed the same thing. Many generic enemies would die, bu Ike still recovered much HP with Aether if he was low on HP. Also, it works on the Black Knight and Ashnard. I saw it with my eyes, but it's useless in this cases because the battle ends with your victory (unless playing hard mode, but I don't feel like testing it yet).
  22. Proto, Rhythm, Lightning, sorry for the tardiness in replying, I claimed all of Elibe. But don't worry, I will share with you guys, enjoy Sacae! By the way Lightning, I think Jungby was already claimed, completely.
  23. Yeah! I got accepted in College! =)

    1. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare

      Wheee!!! Congratz! n___n

  24. Weapon Claims! Claim Solais, Death's Scythe, Valmanway, Joyeuse from Castlevania Dawn of Darkness. Durandal and Sword of Seals from FE 6 and 7.
  25. More claims for me I guess. From Bakugan series, Mira Clay, Alice Gehabich and Fabian Sheen. From Fruits Basket, Tohru Honda. From DN Angel, Riku Harada and Risa Harada. None of them showed results in the search option, if I'm wrong I would thank any corrections. I just noticed you guys started claiming places too, so I feel like claiming all of Tellius and Elibe.
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