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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Florina: W-well, h-he is a g-g-ood man and all. After Huey landed on him, I... Hector: Yo, Florina, what's up? Florina: Eeeeeek! I-I'm... Hector: As always, hahaha. See you around. *Florina starts crying in embarrasment* Brunya, do you feel something for that anti-humans king of yours, Zephiel? Pay no mind at all.
  2. Kieran: You kidding?! I'm the Captain of Crimea's Royal Knight Fifth Platoon and right hand to General Geoffrey, Kieran! Everyone in Tellius knows of the time when I faced thath Giant Spider and the Giant Whippoorwill of Southern Crimea- Marcia: Kieran, stop being so selfish you meat head! Is that helmet too tight for your head?! Eirika, would you really use the last Sacred Stone to bring back Lyon from the dead, even if it means releasing Fomortiis once more?
  3. Wallace: Haven't you see I'm a General? I carry a big gray armor and I'm a giant walking among you! Hahahaha! I don't need a horse. So, Zephiel, what does it feel that your daddy wanted to kill you like some 20 years ago? I mean, how did it affect your life?
  4. Hello there and welcome to Serenes Forest.

    Hope you enjoy your stay!

  5. Lyre: Because I was hoping Captain Ranufl trained me like he did with my sister, not that fool of Kyza! Lethe I'm going to kill you! Jahn: Why did the dragons just accept they would lose the war instead of destroying a young girl's mind and soul?
  6. I'm going for another playthrough for Radiatn Dawn's transfer data, but I always get a hard time against the Black Knight and Ashnard. This time, I wish to know how to fight the Black Knight. Well, when I fight him I always have Ike with skill, strength, speed, and defense maxed. His skills are Miracle and Aether for the fight. However, I wish to know if there is another way to face the Black knight and defeat him without Aether used. Thanks in advance to any answers.
  7. Ephidel: Because I was one of Master Nergal's first morphs, I think I'm superior to anyone who dares face me...that dragon took me by surprise, that's why I died. Ike: Are you ever planning to return to Tellius?
  8. Double post, sorry. Lucia: Not really, I fit well in it. It's just tight, not small. Shinon: Which is your problem against Ike? I mean, you get really angry when he's around.
  9. Ashnard: Before testing other men's strength, I fought against useless sub-humans myself. After all, I want the strong to prevail in my new world, which I shall rule! Hahahahaha! Question for Shinon: Which is your problem against Ike? I mean, you get really angry when he's around. ...Pay it no mind.
  10. Happy birthday, Rhythm!

    Hope you enjoy it the best way you can.

  11. Happy birthday!

    Enjoy it the best way you can.

  12. It would be nice for him to have a story in the sidequests. But also that he could get paired with a girl in the story (other than Sheeda/Caeda of course).
  13. Don't worry about it. You'll do fine. Welcome and enjoy your stay!
  14. Welcome to the Forest!

  15. Welcome to Serenes Forst. Hope you liek your stay and see you around the forums.
  16. I believe this is my order: 3rd.- Fire Dragon, really easy to kill if you have trained enough. 2nd.- Ashanrd (either NM or HM) I haven't faced him in HM, but I've heard he's a beast. As far as I've played PoR he's one of the annoyest bosses in the game (second to the Black Knight of course). 1st.- Ashera, first time I fought her I was like "WHAT?! Those auras deal me damage?!" then her judgement, dealing severe wounds to the Heron and Sanaki if unlucky, finally the fact she returns from the dead if Ike is not the one dealing the killing blow.
  17. Interesting name. Never mind, welcome to the Serenes Forest, hope you enjoy your stay.
  18. Thanks for the help, the controls finally worked!

  19. Hello everyone! Well, I guess I should as well show some sprites I've been working on for some time. I'm a starter in this, but I wish to improve with time. So say anything you see wrong for me to correct it. Also if you have something to say, say it, no problem. First, I'll start with my own version of the main character in Darkness Dusk: Rafael. It's just a mug sheeting I made this week. Next we have some sprites I made based in the mastery skills of Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn. There's an additional one, which is a new mastery skill I designed for certain lords in Darkness Dusk. Sorry if they're too small, but I'm still looking for a web page other than Deviantart to show them. I'll also try to enlarge them a bit before doing so.
  20. Well, I'm playing the Thracia 776 in the an emulator with the patches in this page. I've reached the Chapter 8 and I'm trying to change a few items of the characters, but I have this error in the emulator that just translates some chapters' information. I go to the Inventory menu and when I finish chaging stuff I can't leave because I don't know how and those menu options are not translated. Please, any comments or suggestions are welcome.
  21. ...................is bored

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Ironic, I have a few projects to do haha

    3. ikelover


      Hey, I just noticed that that ryhmes! *Calls self lame*

    4. riariadne


      Archer cosplay eh? Or is that a sheath?

      And what's with the red background?

  22. Welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you like your stay around here. I also started Fire Emblem around that age, but I was a complete novice. Anyways, welcome once again.
  23. Hello there! So you're a neighbor right? Anyways, welcome to Serenes Forest. Hope you enjoy your stay around.
  24. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall nergal offered Hector to make a moprh of Uther in exchange of Nergal continuing his plans. Could it be related to this somehow? It's been too long since I finished the game in Hector's mode and I guess I saw it there (never pitted them in Eliwood's campaign)
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