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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Happy birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it.

  2. If using her in Easy mde resulted in at least killin a few 20 units to get her to lvl 25, sum it that she surpassed Ranulf in Spd and Luck, but really left behind in Def and Str, I had to give her the Satori Sign, I don't want to see how it it in Normal Mode. Even so, it's hard for her to kill something that is not a magi unit with low defenses (at least in my experience, it's not the first time I tried to train her).
  3. Happy birthday, hope you enjoy it!

    Hello by the way.

  4. If I must choose a villain, I go for Zephiel. His past really setsup his present in FE 6, reason for which he wishes to destroy humanity. He wasn't loved by his dad, which lead him to believe everyone is like that. Others simply look for power, in extremes (Ashnard FE 9, Nergal FE 7). It would be better to make them somehow more realistic in that aspect wouldn't it?
  5. Welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Enjoy your stay and see you around the forums.

  6. For me, I'd say I like most sword users, Swordmaster are the best for me. For lancers I'd say Generals or Halberdiers. For magicals I prefer Sages, they are perfect for attaking and healing with not many troubles.
  7. Fire type offensives are the best! As for my favorites, here's the list: Fire: fire starters final form Grass: grass starters final form Water: water starters final form Electric: Pikachu, Manectric, Luxray Normal: Tauros, Slaking, Blissey Flying: Pidgeot, Staraptor, Togetic Fighting: Hitmonchan, Lucario Psychic: Alakazam, Gardevoir, Espeon Bug: Scyyyhteeer!! Ground: Dugtrio, Sandslash Posion: Nidoking, Toxicroak, Crobat Dark: Umbreon, Mightyena, Houndoom Rock: Onix, Tyranitar Ghost: Gengar, Spiritomb Ice: Walrein, Dewgong Steel: Scizor, Metagross, Aggron Dragon: Salamance, Dragonite, Garchomp
  8. Yeah, I've been reading it.

    Right now in Chapter 5, I had to read it over thanks to some works and projects.

  9. Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy yous stay in here!
  10. Happy Birthday Eternal Bond!

    Hope you enjoy it!

  11. Happy Birthday!

    Enjoy your day!

  12. BEXP, even if i't useless in some cases, it's helpful in others. Support conversations a little bit more important (not like in RD). Different Endings depending on supports! I can't think of any others right now, so I'll try to remember any other option.
  13. Hello and welcome to the Serenes Forest crew! Enjoy your stay.

  14. Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day.

  15. I hate Dracozombies when in Lagdou Ruins last floor, cause they killed my soldiers. But outside, Gorgons will be my archenemies! Those annoying snakes can kill easily with the Stone.
  16. You're welcome

  17. Hello and welcome to the site.

    Enjoy your stay

  18. Hope you like the site, welcome!

  19. Hello and welcome, enjoy your stay!

  20. Honestly, in stats I would chose Gatrie of RD, let's face it, the RD bonus of the third tier is quite amazing in this game. On the other hand, Oswin has a secret weapon that can be still pulled (if they ever crossed paths and dueled): the Spear of Vaida, which can be acquired with the mine glitch gives him an amazing extra bonus in all senses! I can't decide who's best, really.
  21. Light Lord


    Welcome and feel in home. Nice introduction, by the way.
  22. Hello and welcome to Serenes, enjoy your stay!

  23. Epic Wins Raised Nolan, he could solo mission 4-Prologue and receive little damage from each enemy, if they hit him Lyre got Spd, Skl cap, other stats decent enough Micaiah cap some stats, including spd which I never witnessed as a Light Sage Epic Fails Gave Laura the Matrone to bless it, forgot staffs didn't work so I she faile in endgame Lekain activated Corona against Micaiah and defeated her abruptly Forgot bonus damage and sent Marcia to her grave against a warrior wielding a crossbow, my mistake, he hit her with a 30 something hit rate! Got killing critical from a rate of 1, that was really unexpected I could mention more fails, but the list is really large...it was my bad luck, I guess
  24. I can give it a try, started once more RD. I tested it in the cats (Lyre and Ranulf) but with really few results and not worthy enough May test it in a beorc. Name the class and I'll see what I can do.
  25. They are cool if they get good stas, as any other character or unit does. Seriously, I got this rare chance where Guy of Blazing Sword ended up with 23 of speed; while Kent surpassed him in everything safe strength. I suppose it's basically luck or something like that. Other than that, paladins rock because they can move quite a lot and take some damage others don't.
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