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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Draug: How can I be a hunter if I'm a knight? I can't change like that. Idoun, when Roy took you to Nabata did you return to your formerself, the girl before the dragons crushed your soul?
  2. Light Lord

    I'm new!

    Welcome to Serenes Forest! I hope you get more replies in this topic. See you around the forums.
  3. Micaiah: I guess so, especially when I wear my heels as a Light Priestess, hehe. Soren: *stares angrily at Micaiah* Jahn, did you and the other dragons feel any guilt when crushing Idoun's soul to make her the Demon Dragon?
  4. Hi there


  5. We can't forget Ikeypoo, for Ike, I recall it was in FE 9 where he was called that way. Personally, I call some characters of the series this way: Celice-Cel Lakche-Laky Skasaha-Skas Lethe-Leth Lyre-Lyr Ilyana-Bottomless Well Shinon-Mr Brightside Lilina-Lil Oliver-The Thing I'll think of a few more later.
  6. Haha yeah Chainy! I can't think of another one for that description.
  7. Hello Frost and welcome to the community of Serenes Forest. Enjoy your stay around. Also, FE 9 and 10 are awesome, I really recommend you playing them when you have the chance.
  8. Shanan: Don't worry, he won't be posing as me anymore *evil laugh* Elincia, if you could choose any LORD from the FE series as a boyfriend, would you stay with Ike or choose another?
  9. Well, if I'll choose mine (would like to help select songs for others, but I dont' know many that well) I'd say: Bon Jovi-It's my life Here's the link for you to hear/watch it. I'm still opened to any other song as a theme, if you wish to choose one for me. I can also help assigning theme songs, but I need to know a bit more about anyone who wishes so.
  10. Well, even if I don't get it to good I'll post one I designed. Mystic Slayer Weapon Level: C Effective against. Mages/Sages, Shaman/Druid, Priest/Bishop Weapon Type: Sword Description: A cursed sword that cancels magic and works against magic users. MT: 7 WT: 8 Range: 1
  11. Lilina: I tried once, but I barely could move it. They are really heavy for me. Black Knight, what foes it feel your name/title is known by many? Or did you used Aless' title?
  12. Hello and welcome to the forest, enjoy your stay around! Don't worry, he wants to hug you. I would like that! It's been a month since I last played a videogame...well, not so accurate. Never mind, hope you like your stay once again and see you around the forums.
  13. Well, mine would be a new class of Lord, kind of. Class: Hero Lord Weapon: Sword, Bow, Lance, Light, Anima Basically an improved version of the Great Lord or Vanguard, capable of wielding magic and weapons with ease.
  14. I finished last week, june the 10th. Such a nice day, and I finished high school already! I felt these last three years passed really quick.
  15. Time to join you guys! Well, I claim Alexis Rhodes from Yugioh Gx and Akiza from Yugioh 5Ds (it is impossible to notice I'm still a fan of the series) By the way, who's the official original claimer of Lakche and Jill? Mind sharing them or her?
  16. Marth: Hmmm, a hard one. On one way, without pants I woud be comfortable, but on the other pants make me more decent for society. Hmmm. Caeda: I would say pants. Marth: It's settled then! Pants! To Lakche, can we be friends?
  17. Welcome to Serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay around here.

  18. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it a lot and have fun!

  19. Tibarn: Because that foul traitor said he wanted to protect the Herons from human scum of Begnion! Now that you mention it, I still have a score to settle with him after the war with Begnion. Naesala: ...Oh no, here we go again! To Nergal, why did you seeked so much power? I mean, if a Druid is the most powerful magical unit a Dark Druid should be even stronger isn't it so?
  20. I agree. I guess the BK orders them to leave Ike and they go for Mist if she's in range. Also, they would attack Ike if he's in range too.
  21. They are really great! You have quite a gift in drawing. Your characters look great. BTW, I was watching your images and saw that of the armor tutorial, I was wondering, if you'll continued them? I have many problems when designning a character's armor. Thanks and keep drawing!
  22. By now they look good, I never expected that. Honestly, when they made the Diamond/Pearl/Platinum ones I said to myself: "...They ran out of ideas already." But with these I guess they are doing a fine job.
  23. Eyvel: I learned while fighting to protect the village. We're a militia after all. Roy, how does it feel your battle sprite never changed unless you used the Sword of Seals?
  24. Lehran/Sephiran: Of course it does. After knowing of the murder of my own kin I finally recolved that living was needless, so I decided to wake up Ashera for the Final Judgement. Tanith, are you in love with Oscar? Ninja'd?
  25. What hat? I don't see any on me. Or do you ask about my headband? If it's so, then I got it in Gallia of course. I guess it was carried by someone that called me subhuman. Zelgius, do you think Ike is as skilled as Greil or even more?
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