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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Are you still going to continue it? If so, from the FE 12? Because there are a lot of characters in it.
  2. Lakche: Pretty cool if I'm using my improved sword skills. Nothing will stop me now. Makalov, is it true you lost your sister AND Astrid calling a coin with Joshua?
  3. Athena: Because ve are cool talking like that, manchild. Franz, is it true you fell for Amelia (FE 8)?
  4. Seth: One step ahead of you. I'm already there. EDIT (bad computer) FE 11 replacements, how does it feel you lost your jobs in FE 12 because gaiden chapters do not require genocide and the Casual mode is up?
  5. Directly from yugioh GX , by BOWL.This song always manages to lift me up when I had a bad day.
  6. Kieran:*dead thanks to the axe in his head* Nergal, who would win a fight between the most dangerous magical bosses in the entire FE series: you, Gharnef, Yurius/Julius, Veld, Manfroy, or Sephiran? Be honest, you planned to gain power when most of them were about to destroy the world.
  7. Happy Birthday LB!

    Hope you're enjoying it the best.

    *gives a doll that looks like Seth*

  8. Touché, but I guess you just said you are. ...I still don't know if I should be happy or sad of starting college tomorrow.
  9. Skasaher: Mmmm, I don't know. Would I look good with long hair like my cousin or that guy Navarre? Also, thanks for being a fan, fans make us do better. Navarre, when will you give up and date Feena? It's pretty obvious she's interested in you and the feeling may be mutual.
  10. Sure, no problem. Sorry for being a tad late.
  11. Hmm, a change of avatar.

    Who is she? FE character?

  12. Sorry about it. I am the original claimer on both Kleine and Eremiya, but I would like to know if the ones I share with (in this case Ether) are fine with it too. If Ether is alright with it, go ahead with the Kleine share. BLS, can we share Lara (FE)?
  13. *each pair stares at the other one* Geoffrey: Milday...do you see what I see? Elincia: Yes, I do Geoffrey. It's like... Both at the same time:...looking at a mirror! Seth: Milady, do we have something on our face? Eirika: I don't think so, my dear. Maybe they felt identified with us. Hey Lakche, I've being practicing the swordplay and I think I got the hang of it now, can we be friends now?
  14. Yeah, of course. Ether, you agree with sharing? On the topic, Proto, I guess you're the current claimer of Ishtar (FE), would you like to share? Let me know if you would like a share in exchange. Also, claiming Mana and Femina from FE 4, I searched for them and no result came.
  15. L'Arachel: Ohh, the love of the gossip! It went really good, we took a ride on our horses and then raced towards my castle in Rausten, he ended up serving an entire week as my personal guard. On the topic, Kieran, you should stop attacking people that ask you things about us dear! Apologize at him right now! Kieran: WHAT?!...I'm sorry. Fir, how does it feel everyone believes your deceased mother is Mia's real rival? I think you'd do a better job.
  16. Just to clear out the doubt, because I also had it, the blessing that both armors have is not a real Ashera blessing. When in the prison cells map in PoR, Sephiran has the skill Mantle, which is the equivalent to Deghinsea's and his blessing in Part 4 Endgame of the RD game, which is the real Ashera Blessing. In PoR, we see that neither the Black Knight or Ashnard has such skill, which leads me to believe they have a minor blessing of some kind (pretty probable Sephiran's magic or something granted by the Galdr) that reduces damage of most weapons to 0, except Ragnell. As for the origin of the armors, I support Sephiran's doing. Zelgius worked under Sephiran ALL the time; as the Black Knight, he approached King Ashnard and gave him the armor with the blessing both armors shared. As for Gurgurant, that sword is a belonging of Ashnard, it was no gift from Sephiran or Zelgius. Remember, even if Ashnard says his dragon, his armor and weapon were given by the Black Knight (FE 9 conversation), the dragon and weapon were already under his command when he secured the throne of Daein slaying his family and any other rightful heir to it.
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