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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Tinny: NOOOOOOOO Zak!!! TT_TT, what will I do now?! Sety: Well, I can take care of you in Zak's stead Corple: But the Valkyrie Staff is perfectly fine guys *revives Zak* Sety: Well, I'm happy he's back. Marth: And we still have Aum too. My sister has it...somewhere around here. Marth, why don't you try weakening them for Zak to finish those thieves?
  2. Celice: Trying to get Yuria to forgive me...and rule Grandbell correctly. I have to live to my parents name. Hey Sety, why don't you try your Blackwing Deck against my Dragons?
  3. Tinny: Was I? Oh! Sorry dear, it was the onion I was cutting. Hey Jill, do you need any help soloing the map you said? *readies sword*
  4. Well, I think I'm closest in appearance to Raven (except for the hair color), tough a few friends have said I resemble Roy the most (once again, no hair color similarity).
  5. Welcome to Serenes Forest! I prefer AyraxHolyn better for the massively destructive power of Lakche and Skasaher, but that's cool too. Hope you enjoy your time here and make friends or get to know more people XD. Anyways, welcome aboard.
  6. Tinny: I'm pretty fine dear, a bit tired, but some rest and time with you will do just fine. Sety, why in the world did you want to challenge Zak with a Blackwing Deck? Dragons are way better than those birds.
  7. Sety: Umm, maybe in a duel! I have a Blackwing Deck that can throw you aside in seconds! Tinny: But duels are no possible in here. Sety:...I've got enough time to still think of a way to do so. Hey Jill, wanna travel to New Domino City again?
  8. Tinny: I don't want you to throw away what you want to do in your spare time, you could find an assistant or ask Nergal nicely for a moprh for those tricks. Hi Jill, I'm done with everything that held me up all this time, sorry. Has anything happened while I was gone?
  9. Finally, back from a LOOOOONG period of hiatus.

    1. Darros


      Good to see you again.

    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Thanks, it took me a while to settle some work here, but I'm finally done with them.

  10. I'm really curious about the next Smash Bros, I hope they still keep doing the good work thay have been doing.
  11. Dew: Kind of, but I endure a bit more once promoted as most soldiers do...at least most of them *steals money while not watching* Hey Anna, why is FE12 not released yet in America XD?
  12. Tinny: I'll be okay with you coming home dear. Arthur: But if you could bring something for the little kids, I don't know a toy or diapers. Tinny: But brother, we have them here already. Hey Arthur and Fee, how does it feel to be uncle and aunt now?
  13. Tinny: Sorry honey, but you scared me a bit. I'm really sorry. Hey Tinny, so how did you named yours and Zak's child?
  14. Tinny: Because I... Tinny: Zak, she's a morph made by Nergal! Look out! Morph Tinny: Darn it, I must retreat now. *teleports* So Nergal,why are you persistent with the Tinny's morph and sending them to Zak?
  15. Tinny: You're a gentleman that doesn't go around trying to hit with girls or kidnap them. You're honorable Zakie. Plus, we have our children too. Hey Oscar, could you give me some cooking lessons?
  16. Serra: Of course! People of my status should do this to prove themselves worthy of our post, I would be glad since I'm generous to a fault... Erk: Just do it already! *Serra used Heal on Zak* *Zak recovered 20 HP* Hey Jill, I came back from a long journey, but I got this for you as an apology for being gones some time *gets a pretty dress and necklace with a photo space in it* Do you like them and will you forgive me for being gone?
  17. Well, I'm stuck right now facing Toru's Turbo Duel (in which I'm so that he gets his Scarp Dragon or the Twin headed one in his first round). I have troubles building my Turbo Deck, that's the middle of Chapter 4 I guess. But I'm going slow because between playing it, dueling online (which I shouldn't until I get the cards I want to beat them easily), drawing, and many other stuff, I have little time; my bad for doing so many things XD.
  18. *Back from hell finally and trying to keep the pace heh* Ninian: I think I would, if she's not evil or anything. So Roy, why is Marth's counter better than yours?
  19. I'll give it a try, but I'm just going so slow in WC11. I can't pull the cards for my combos and I have to work with warriors for the moment. But its true, sometimes I just pull my killing strike in 5 turns or maybe 8, but almost neutralizing anything the opponent has to offer in game.
  20. Armor Master may seem pretty tough and almost unbeatable, but every card has a weakness. I like to think of Blackwings as Flying type Pokémon that will say goodbye thanks to Lightning Vortex XD, I have done this to crow about...5 times I think. Maybe limiting the use Catastor? Think of it, that thing can take out anything that is not Dark Attributed and is easy to bring forth, and having three of them with DNA Transplant in hand equals suicide; that's just my opinion, I like Catastor too.
  21. The Dueling Network looks cool, I'll possibly go there soon. Garei, you're making decks for other characters huh? That sounds fine, I'll see what I can think of with other anime/videogames. And I just hate my luck and irony. IRL, I can pull most cards I need from my Deck, but in WC11 I just get average cards or even one that I needed at least four turns ago...no joking XD EDIT: Anyone knows the name of the song used in the register page? I liked it and would like to see where it comes from. Thanks
  22. I've no problem in sharing Skyla, but Elesa not right now, sorry about it.

  23. Now you only need the rest of the T.Gs. You got them or are you about to get them?
  24. I like the Regal Blade and Sword of Seals pretty much. Least favorite anime you've seen?
  25. Happy Birthday smw! Hope you enjoy it the most. Have a nice day!

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