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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Athena - 25 Malice - 30 Sevr - 5 Jersey - 30 Deen - 25 Ayra - 46 Holyn - 37 Lakche - 56 Skasaher - 29 Shannan - 34 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 35 Shiva - 53 Mareeta - 53 Rutger - 15 Lyn - 40 Karla - 37 Eirika - 45 Joshua - 61 Marisa - 52 Zihark - 34
  2. Tinny: You mean your home right? It doesn't matter as long as we're together Zak. *hugs* Jill, the wedding will be in Daein then, December the 1st possibly. Sending invitations to Zak, Frost, Spy and the others. Talrega if you agree with it. Also, most of the things are already taken care of, don't worry. So, how's life working for you Stefan in your town?
  3. I'm getting out of Thany things, so I'll try something different. Mordecai perhaps?
  4. Arthur: Well, I'm pretty happy for you and Tinny. I can't wait for the wedding to take place. Hey Jill, any idea of where to hold the wedding? December is almost upon us.
  5. One expression for him: Kick Ass. Mmmm, maybe Gradivus wielding Thany?
  6. ...Okay, my bad for using that word. Apologizing. Too...many...magic...users!
  7. Loses sense since she's a wyvern rider, but it would be cool too. Mmm, reclasse Sage!Thany?
  8. Mmm, I would be afraid of her father, since he looks quite serious and cold most of the time. Mareeta as a Trueblade is way better. What about Kieran teaching you to wield melee weapons?
  9. Tinny: Well, I have good chances this time. Jill: You have a few other people in your debt too, Light Lord is helping you around. There are other you could ask for assistance too. Zealot: Juno is quite happy for her, she knows Thany was going to be better than her. Juno: I'm so happy for you Thany. Tate: Well sister, I must say you did a well job this time. Congrats. Mmmm, Kurthnaga which is Goldoa's future?
  10. Athena - 25 Malice - 30 Sevr - 15 Jersey - 30 Deen - 25 Ayra - 46 Holyn - 37 Lakche - 58 Skasaher - 31 Shannan - 34 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 35 Shiva - 50 Mareeta - 50 Rutger - 15 Lyn - 40 Karla - 35 Eirika - 41 Joshua - 61 Marisa - 52 Zihark - 31 Edward - 13
  11. That would break the game so mush, but it would be worth it. Yeah come on! Mmm, maybe Thany wearing an elegant dress for a party you invited her?
  12. Silk 26 Ryuto 20 Dute 20 Teeta 20 Cellica 23 Boowy 10 May 20 Jenny 20 Sonia 18 Norma 13 Lena 21 Merric 20 Wendel 4 Maria 23 Linde 20 Boah 20 Ellis 21 Malliesia 20 Yumina 20 Ellerean 20 Nyna 20 Katarina 20 Azel 20 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 20 Tiltyu 20 Claude 20 Leaf 20 Lana 20 Corple 20 Sety 20 Arthur 20 Tinny 56 Mana 20 Hawk 20 Amid 15 Linda 20 Safy 20 Asvel 20 Olwen 20 Salem 23 Tina 20 Eyrios 20 Sleuf 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 20 Ellen 22 Lugh 20 Lilina 20 Ray 15 Cecilia 20 Sophia 30 Hugh 25 Serra 25 Lucius 44 Priscilla 8 Canas 20 Pent 38 Nino 20 Athos 20 Artur 20 Natasha 59 Saleh 20 Ewan 20 Knoll 36 Ilyana 27 Tormod 23 Calill 20 Bastian 11 Laura 22 Pelleas 23 Sanaki 26 Etzel 20
  13. Boyd: Hmph, Oscar should handle this himself. But I'll help him, since brothers do help each other. Hilda, did you got hit in your head when you where a kid or what?
  14. Ishtar is a great sage, keeping in mind what's important for the future. Honorable to the end. Mmmm, I'd say Dieck?
  15. Rolf: I hear that, but never thought of it to become real. Thany, Frostbite has gone through WORSE, he'll be alright this time. Ishtar, why is your mother so...angry and unhappy?
  16. Athena - 30 Radd - 10 Malice - 30 Sevr - 20 Jersey - 30 Deen - 30 Ayra - 46 Holyn - 36 Lakche - 57 Skasaher - 30 Shannan - 34 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 35 Shiva - 48 Mareeta - 47 Rutger - 15 Lyn - 40 Karla - 35 Eirika - 38 Joshua - 60 Marisa - 46 Zihark - 32 Lucia - 4 Edward - 15
  17. Marisa is already broken IMO, that way she would be even better. Mmm, maybe Lance?
  18. Kieran: If he survives, it means he's a worthy rival, isn't that obvious? Hey Elphin, do bards play any other instrument or music?
  19. Silk 26 Ryuto 20 Dute 20 Teeta 20 Cellica 23 Boowy 15 May 20 Jenny 20 Sonia 18 Norma 18 Lena 21 Merric 20 Wendel 4 Maria 23 Linde 20 Boah 20 Ellis 20 Malliesia 20 Yumina 20 Ellerean 20 Nyna 20 Katarina 20 Azel 20 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 20 Tiltyu 20 Claude 20 Leaf 20 Lana 20 Corple 20 Sety 20 Arthur 20 Tinny 53 Mana 20 Hawk 20 Amid 20 Linda 20 Safy 20 Asvel 20 Olwen 20 Salem 22 Tina 20 Eyrios 20 Sleuf 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 20 Ellen 21 Lugh 20 Lilina 20 Ray 15 Cecilia 20 Sophia 30 Hugh 25 Serra 25 Lucius 44 Priscilla 10 Canas 20 Pent 35 Nino 20 Athos 20 Artur 20 Natasha 56 Saleh 20 Ewan 20 Knoll 36 Ilyana 30 Tormod 23 Calill 20 Bastian 16 Laura 22 Pelleas 22 Sanaki 24 Etzel 20
  20. Heather: Who said I'm not out of it? Thany, anythoughts being a Seraph Knight already?
  21. FE 4: FE 5: FE 6: FE 7: FE 8: FE 9: FE 10: FE 1/11: I think it's pretty obvious I get angry and maybe curse a LITTLE BIT whne the main lord dies, but mainly because someone else got RNG blessed or I was about to end the chapter. I also get angry and seek revenge whenever Jill/Mareeta/Lakche/Leaf/Nanna die in battle, they must be avenged.
  22. Silk 20 Ryuto 20 Dute 20 Teeta 20 Cellica 23 Boowy 20 May 20 Jenny 20 Sonia 20 Norma 20 Lena 18 Wrys 15 Merric 20 Wendel 20 Maria 20 Linde 20 Boah 20 Ellis 20 Malliesia 20 Yumina 20 Ellerean 20 Nyna 20 Katarina 20 Azel 20 Adean 20 Diadora 20 Lachesis 20 Tiltyu 20 Claude 20 Leaf 20 Lana 20 Corple 20 Sety 20 Arthur 20 Tinny 44 Mana 20 Sharlow 10 Hawk 20 Amid 20 Linda 20 Safy 20 Asvel 20 Olwen 20 Salem 20 Tina 20 Homeros 15 Eyrios 20 Sleuf 20 Sara 20 Miranda 20 Cyas 20 Ellen 20 Lugh 20 Clarine 23 Lilina 20 Ray 20 Cecilia 20 Sophia 28 Hugh 20 Niime 11 Yodel 10 Serra 20 Lucius 35 Priscilla 17 Canas 20 Pent 26 Nino 20 Renault 15 Athos 20 Artur 20 Natasha 47 Saleh 20 Ewan 20 Knoll 26 Rhys 15 Soren 3 Ilyana 30 Tormod 23 Calill 20 Bastian 26 Laura 25 Pelleas 19 Sanaki 20 Etzel 20
  23. Athena - 30 Radd - 25 Malice - 26 Sevr - 30 Kamui - 30 Jersey - 30 Deen - 30 Ayra - 46 Holyn - 33 Lakche - 44 Skasaher - 33 Shannan - 32 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 34 Shiva - 39 Mareeta - 44 Rutger - 25 Fir - 11 Karel - 20 Lyn - 39 Karla - 30 Eirika - 31 Joshua - 60 Marisa - 33 Zihark - 36 Stefan - 7 Lucia - 12 Edward - 20
  24. Athena - 30 Radd - 25 Samto - 6 Malice - 30 Sevr - 30 Kamui - 30 Jersey - 30 Deen - 30 Ayra - 43 Holyn - 33 Lakche - 40 Skasaher - 30 Shannan - 32 Radney - 30 Roddlevan - 30 Eyvel - 34 Shiva - 36 Mareeta - 42 Rutger - 25 Fir - 11 Karel - 30 Lyn - 39 Karla - 30 Eirika - 30 Joshua - 59 Marisa - 38 Zihark - 33 Stefan - 12 Lucia - 17 Edward - 23
  25. There's always something that censorship will find not cool to let go roaming into any child's game console. On a sidenote, I support the T-rating. ESRB labels games for some reason. And if a kid gets his hands in a game like FE 4, it's not his fault, but of the one that let him get it. Ratings exist for something, FE 4 (if ever got a remake) could go to T-rate, since some T games have suggestive themes involved or anything like that.
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