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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Hello there! Welcome to Serenes Forest and enjoy your stay!
  2. Not really, Rebecca is better in every sense, except strength. Ninja'd. Oscar?
  3. ^Yeah, pretty much my fault. Fiora: They are cute, but I'm a mercenary and my heart belongs to Kent. I'm sorry for them. Kent: Fiora, he just said they drool by watching you. Fiora: He said they drool for my cuteness, dear. Kent: As long as they don't try something foolish. Ike, have you thought getting Mia or Zelgius into the next Smash Bros.?
  4. Not really, he's average. Mmm, I shall try with Renning now?You're a NINJA! Mmmm, maybe Zihark?
  5. She's fine, it's a shame she appears just in Hector's story. She could join in Eliwoo'd part too, but no, she doesn't. ^Why do you hate me? Because of Karel or Brom? Mmmm, Lethe?
  6. He's useful in PoR, but in RD. He could do way better than that. Mmmm, I'll say Karel?
  7. Cool mage, but a bit clumsy sometimes. Mmmm, maybe Haar?
  8. Tinny: Please! Give him the strongest Falcon Punch you can and then use the Vorpal Sword to finish him! I'll attack from behind. *hides behind you, taking a thunder spell to help you* Gheb: Now what did I do? (couldn't resist to post this) It doesn't matter Seth, I just want to stay there for a while. This little fella will help me with my quetsion: *insert annoying orange* Hey Marth, can you touch your nose with your tongue? Like this!
  9. Mmmm, Shinon? Cool, one simply disappears for about 3 hours and returns to see two or four new pages.
  10. Knoll: Beside me! Come forth my servant! Ghost:*wraaaa* Knoll: Wait a second, I've read the descriptions of the ghosts and this is not what I expected! Ghost:*wraaaa* Knoll:...They'll have to do. At least they may endure more. Ghost *attacks Orson and gets KO'd* Knoll:...They are useless. What if Katarina had a paired ending with male My Unit? (if it's possible, dialogue please)
  11. Leonardo: I'll think of it. After all, they placed Daein in the hands of Jarod and Begnion's troops. Seth, now that you have your teleporting powers, will you take me to Tellius? I want to see Jill and eat some pizza.
  12. Mmm, I don't know if you made it yourself or with something else, but the Holy Blood (remember you've some Tordo and I don't know what else blood).

    Thanks, never mind.

  13. Hey crashman, you're missing something in your FE 4 stat page style.

  14. Fiona: Awww, they are so cute. But I'm sorry I'm not useful as Jill or Nolan. Why IS? I wanted to help more! ...Wait, did you said they...drool for me? Innes, are you happy that Ephraim married your sister *points at Tana and Ephraim just marrying*?
  15. Fazilla for the win! She's just the strongest mamkute I've ever seen! And she tries to cure Idoun by helpingher remember who she is. Mmmm, Tanith?
  16. Not exactly. I like PoR, but FE 7 was way better for me. Hmmm, regarding if the game changes with the death of a character, I don't think so. They are only lost forever. Be afraid when you use the main characte and another character later in the game, if they die it's game over and you must restart the chapter (As always). As for the problem I told you, I don't think so. I've been looking for a way to identify them, but with no results. The easiest way to notice this is if you have a PoR archive in a Memory Card and you try to transfer data with an Easy Mode playthrough. The game will freeze. If the game is a recent copy then there should be no problem with this. I wish I followed my father's advice and waited a bit to buy RD, instead of buying it as soon as it was released.
  17. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! Hope you get along with everyone else pretty fast and enjoy your stay.
  18. There's no real order to play. The games are different continents and stories with different characters. Now, if you ask which do we recommend to you to start playing I recommend GBA to be the first. This are the only FE games that are connected in storyline and characters: FE PoR -> FE RD FE 1/DS -> FE 3/12 As for which is easiest, FE GBA (FE 7) is a bit easier than PoR in my opinion. Tip when playing PoR and RD: Depending on which RD version you have (I have the one with mistakes), you may need to play PoR in Normal Mode to unlock transfer stats for RD. Check the forums of the game or other sites for more info on this matter of transfers.
  19. Ok, Youtube is making this really annoying. 8/10, that song is pretty cool. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=thMm-7RFsm0 Alternative version for today !
  20. I really have my doubts with him. Playabale only when the game ends and in monster extermination, I really don't think that's cool. Mmmm, Shinon?
  21. [spoiler=Hurt Cassidy, Heal Lyra] Brock - 39 Pikachu-30 Oak-39 Misty-28 Lyra-33 May-30 Dawn-36 Piplup-13 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-42 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Cassidy-11 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-22 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-45 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Whitney-31 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-27 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-36 Norman-30 Winona-41 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-20 Lance-34 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-53 Roark-30 Gardenia-39 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-13 Shirona-32 Marley-30
  22. He's pretty cool and amazing in RD. But I prefer the other wyvern lord of the game the most. Mmmm, Tinny holding you arm while walking on a date?
  23. She's quite cool and ends with good stats when I train her. Mmmm, Lloyd?
  24. Haha, this has been the strangest dream I ever had of FE: I've dreamed about myself reading a book and then I suddenly fall asleep (don't ask why and yeah, a dream in a dream). I suddenly saw myself high in the sky in Jill's wyvern with her. Then she lands and tells me to get down, there was a war and I had to take a few soldiers around. Out of nowhere archers appear and aim at her. I rush as fast as possible to take them on and defeat them easily. Then I finish my mission and regroup with the assult team and Jill, they congratulate me and then I wake up in both dreams :( .
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