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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Didn't post a what if.

    What if you could recruit Uhai, Lloyd, and Linus?


    Nergal would have created tougher morphs to replace them, or Sonia would have replaced them with some tougher assassins in the same classes.

    What if Idoun could have been recruited?

  2. Then Yuria will become Celice's full sister instead of half sister, and everyone's alive, and happy.

    Except Manfroy.

    What if Maricle did not die against the war with Granbell?

    If Sigurd managed to take back Deirdre, probably. Then again, Julia has Alvis' blood, so it would not be the Julia we all know.

    Then he would have supported Sigurd or Celice in the Issacian campaings during Alvis' rule.

    What if there was a Fire Emblem that actually had the NA version harder than the Japanese version?

    Then we would complain a bit...I guess.

    I would like to see a harder one too, RD was like, pretty easy for me.

  3. In my opinion, Est and Catria are the best.

    Est always turns pretty blessed in every single walkthrough I make in FEDS 1, while Catria is avoid blessed. Palla ends up strong and reliable, but her speed turns out somewhat bad.

    Thinking it twice, I always like 1 or 2 of the trios too (when they are available), being in order:

    Catria, Est; Fiora, Farina; Marcia, Elincia; Sigrun, Marcia.

  4. Celice: What are you talking about?! I did marry her! We're in Jugdral, remember?ninja'd

    Lakche: Mmmm, I don't know, but Lord Celice is quite honorable and caring.

    Ida, when did you and Alvis managed to have Cyas without Deirdre noticing it?

  5. Johan: Truth be told I trid to get her, but my bro betrayed me. That's why you didn't recruited me. Which reminds me...*dead*

    Est: When did I left him? I don't remember doing that. He means everything to me!

    Alvis, when did you managed to, you know, Aideen so she could give birth to Cyas?

  6. Elincia: I will as soon as things in Crimea start getting a bit easy.

    My uncle will take the throne.

    Oliver, which is your definition of beauty, because you say you're way too beautiful for this world and I doubt it to reach that level?

  7. ^^Johalva: When you get to use an axe and ride a horse, I'll take you on for her!Ninja'd

    ^Both at the same time: Of course I!

    *stares evily at each other, start fighting*

    ^Mist: I know, thanks for saying.

    Boyd: Hey, what you doing flirting with my girl?!

    Sigrun, do you have feelings towards Zelgius?

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