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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. -Dies in a puddle of nosebleed at Gerik's manliness on drums-

    Joshua could play with them once in a while as the other guitarist.

    Most bands I listen to have two guitarists, and dual solos are awesome.

    Not to mention it makes sense here since Josh and Marisa are both swordies.

    How could I forget Joshua, after all Marisa would accept him in the band :facepalm:

    Yeah, it could be way better for the band to have two guitars.

    Correcting it.

  2. Alan: Seeing it from my life, it gets pretty annoying, since he is taking my place in most things.

    But I also took a few of his life: Geoffrey gave me a Silver Axe that was for him hahaha.

    Now, Septimus, what's the matter with you? How in the name of Begnion could you become a high ranked General in the Central Army of Zelgius and be a coward at all times?

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