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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Maria: I'm not rude, no protesting! My brother will teach you some manners, or maybe my sister!

    Zelgius or Micaiah, did you had feelings for each other at any moment during Daein's liberation? There are a couple of people I know that say you two make a cute couple.

  2. Shinon: No, I'm just like most humans hating those beasts.

    When I lose a girlfriend to a sub-human, Gatrie will date a girl.

    Gordin, how does it feel that Norne bests you on every stat and sense in every playthrough I make?

  3. Est: Just because I can only be recruited by the end of the game people don't want to spend time training me, when they already have other tough fighters as their options. I could match most of them easily if I am trained properly, except Abel of course.

    Jake, why did you suddenly decided to become a warrior between FE 11 and 12? I believe Anna maybe involved in this.

  4. Aww, sorry to hear that.

    Never mind, my science grades are pretty cool, but my math ones are low or on the average.

    Good luck on the test and don't worry, you'll do fine, believe in yourself.

    EDIT: Show them what the last Thracian can do!

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