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JSND Alter Dragon Boner

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About JSND Alter Dragon Boner

  • Birthday 05/28/1994


  • Member Title
    Legends are told about the man once known as the Dragon Boner

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  • Interests
    A lot of stuff
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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    New Mystery of the Emblem

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    Hardin (Cipher)


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  1. What game would you like to draft? If FE13 I could start one <_<

    1. JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      Anything other than FE9 and FE10, and DSFE

      Because DS emulator lags

    2. Da Bear
    3. JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      JSND Alter Dragon Boner

      fair enough

      GBA is fine tho

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