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Father Wood

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Everything posted by Father Wood

  1. Hector, he's got an awesome personality and is a hero, which is one of my favorite classes. Plus, he's got great defense, which is better than great dodge in my book.
  2. As much as I love Matthew (he looks like me and has the same name btw ) he never turns out as good as Legault for me, so I always just give it to Legault.
  3. Um, you might want to because, he's forced in quite a few chapters, and if he dies in those chapters it's game over. What if you get into the situation where you come across a forced Eliwood chapter, with you placing him in a corner and some reinforcements show up and own him? Of course you could move him to another safer corner, but is any place safe in a FE map? Seriously man, if you don't train he's gonna be your chess king, weak and needs to be protected. Trust me, you don't want a king in FE, you want a chess queen. And you'll have to use him in some chapters. Oh and don't bring up the point that you can rescue him. That'll just slow a character down, making said character pretty sucky for the chapter, especially in that one Lyn-Hector-Eliwood only poison cave chapter. Not to mention the dragon fight at the end with the untouchable enemy sages with long range magic in a small map.
  4. I remember playing SS on chapter 13 Erika's route and having everyone screwed so bad, that after around 15+ attempts on that chapter I just gave up. Someone always died every time. This was in hard mode; I was so pissed that I sold the game. But this is where it gets bad. I regretted selling it, so I ordered a used copy off of Amazon. Thing is, the save function didn't work, so I'd have to play it without ever turning it off. <_< Now it's on my christmas list, but now I have more reason to hate the game than anyone else here so I probably will, which is kinda sad because I don't wanna hate a FE game. :(
  5. Probably a mix between Eliwood and Roy. EDIT Been taking a few FE quizzes online and got this: From What link or fire emblem character are you? First quiz that came up on google. Link 94% Ike 83% Eliwood 61% Lyn 61% Navi 56% Triforce 45% Hector 39% Ganon 33% Zelda 33% Panda 6% I was really surprised it had Zelda characters, the title of the quiz was really misleading, it should have been called What Zelda or Fire Emblem character are you? The next is from Which Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance Character are you? (100%) 1: Greil (100%) 2: Titania (96%) 3: Ike (68%) 4: Gatrie (50%) 5: Shinnon (44%) 6: Mist Not really surprising here, I pretty much expected to be like Greil because I voted yes for swords and axes. Heroes rock! On the third one on google I got Harken, but I wouldn't trust it because it had five really dumb questions. Ooh, I got Seth on one for Sacred Stones! After seeing all that, I'm gonna say I'm like Greil, Ike, Titania, Lyn, Eliwood, and Seth.
  6. He was probably there observing the battle, and if things got too rough, he'd come out and join the fight. He comes out too late though.
  7. Got this picture from here: http://www.goodsearch.com/SearchImage.aspx...blem&page=2 There's also another one on page one: http://www.goodsearch.com/SearchImage.aspx...blem&page=1. Judging by the fact that there's this Asian guy in the background on the picture on page one, the girl Ike on the second page looking Asian as well, it's a pretty safe bet to say that these are Japanese costumes. What I'm curious about is how the guy in the first picture I posted got one, the setting he's in doesn't look Japanese to me. Needless to say, I'm slightly jealous. EDIT: Holy crap these ones have dudes dressed as Soren in them! http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3018/304831..._06142cbbdd.jpg http://www.goodsearch.com/SearchImage.aspx...blem&page=2 I didn't see that one coming!
  8. Yeah it does. In real life, whenever you attack someone with a sword/lance/axe/bow/knife they bleed. Considering how much they're bleeding, how much slower they start to move, what new grunts they start to make, you'd start to get pretty good at determining how close to death an enemy is after killing around 50 people.
  9. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2159/210144..._f96ca9ce1e.jpg Trust me, this is safe. I appologize beforehand if this is old.
  10. Does Aether work two spaces away?
  11. That in snow chapters, the characters wear the same clothes, in reality they'd wear warmer clothes. In desert maps, they'd get too hot.
  12. Killing the BK with Urvan. Using the weapon that his dad used to fight him just seems so awesome and makes the whole revenge aspect of it much more satisfying. To do this, I gave Ike the discipline skill in 4-4 and he got to SS right towards the end (I didn't know that I can use Urvan in my first playthrough, so this was on my hard playthrough. Helps when there's no weapon triangle when fighting the BK too.) EDIT Oh and using Brom's disarm+Heather's theivery skills to steal a Venin Lance in Part 2. Only way to get a Venin weapon!
  13. I've seen you quite a few times at Gamefaqs and you're dedicated dude! I'd never have the patiance to do that, fantastic job! *Bows down*
  14. Not if you use him as a shield. This is the best way to use him in Part 1. Just have him unequip his weapons, have enemy NPCs attack him, then have people behind him use ranged weapons to kill them. This is a great way to get everyone to catch up to him. To prevent him from dying in Part 3, give him paragon so he can level up as much as he can before he auto-promotes. Sorry for posting twice and oddly like that, but when I read through the first few pages no one was talking about this strategy.
  15. Wait a minute, how did you get Volke to that chapter, you can only play as him on 4-5 and onward. Did you hack it?
  16. Oh OK thanks CGV! I guess that'll work if things get too tough.
  17. Sorry if this post is bringing this topic back from the dead, (posting from the FE: General Board) but I'd say that's not true for most non-Japanese FE fans. Most of us were introduced to FE because we were fans of Melee, and in Melee Marth spoke Japanese. Most fans of Melee got SSBB, and he spoke Japanese again, an amount of these SSB/FE fans will buy FE11, but not want Marth to speak English because they've been playing as him speaking Japanese for seven years. Because of this, they'd be surprised and disapointed if he spoke in English as bad as Ike. Unless, his voice was actually good.
  18. Well ok. What happens when you do it on a fog of war chapter? Does the entire map clear up? Can you see what the enemies are seeing and not what the good guys are seeing? Or GHASP! Does the game freeze!?
  19. I remember that chapter with Linus, it was so hard in normal for me, I had to use two magic runes on the castles in which you stand next to if you want him to provoke him. Then I used barrier on a few guys, had them equip javelins/magic then attacked over the castles. Even then, I needed to be lucky. Now I'm doing this in hard mode. I just finished the desert map, but I'm dreading that chapter. Can the mine glitch be performed there, I'm scared to try it because it's a fog of war map and my game might freeze or something. (Because you can't see all the enemies.)
  20. It's actually pretty simple to save Astrid on the first turn. Just shove Ike a few times with your highest leveled characters then you can recruit Astrid and Gatrie right then and there.
  21. I'm kind of on the fence on this one, but I voted for branched, because I like the idea of using Myrmidons to become heroes and whatnot, so that I can use my favorite classes for my favorite characters, and vice versa.
  22. Wow, you think you're so mature don't ya? Even though I do agree with you.
  23. I hope they'll add lords from every continent. Marth from Akaenia, Sigurd from Jugdral, Roy from Elibe, and Ike from Tellius. It's possible if they added tons of characters from every franchise.
  24. I'd prefer him to stay Japanese myself. But the posibility is there. What do you guys think?
  25. Only beaten FE7, FE9 and FE10, but I've played FE6 and FE8. I've gotta go with Tellius, FE9 was my first FE, and so it holds the most nostalgia of them all. However, from what I've heard and seen, Jugdral looks to be the best.
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