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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. The ramifications of this are kind of wild. Due to blue getting a hilariously large portion of the total summoning pool (at 48% of all orbs generated instead of the expected 26%), the chances of pulling 5-star units from the other colors is significantly increased at the cost of fewer orbs of those colors to begin with. The results end up looking like this with zero pity rate: 8.0% focus rate (4.0% each per unit) and 4.4% regular 5-star rate per red orb 1.6% focus rate, 1.9% regular 5-star rate, and 61% 4-star focus rate per blue orb 4.8% focus rate and 4.4% regular 5-star rate per green orb 3.4% regular 5-star rate per colorless orb If you're looking for any of the characters on this banner, you should pull.
  2. Added Ljosalfheimr Palla: Embla Gordin Dokkalfheimr Female Corrin Muspell Brave Roy Askr Innes Muspell Brave Lyn Ljosalfheimr Palla
  3. My main issue with the Ljosalf Resplendent Heroes isn't the art itself but the outfit design. Unlike the other themes, the Ljosalf outfits tend to leave too few design elements from the original outfit intact and the ones that do stay tend to be extremely stylized and are easily missed. Elise's Ljosalf outfit is pretty much the only one where you can really recognize the similarities with the original outfit without any effort. The original design elements are there in Celica's, but they're extremely stylized and probably won't be noticed unless you're actually comparing the outfits directly. The extremely pastel color palette of most of them also doesn't help. Please use more vibrant colors. The actual Ljosalfar use light colors, but are absolutely not washed out. I do like Palla's art, though. The bright green is gorgeous, and she at least gets to keep something resembling her pauldrons. As far as stats go, Palla ends up with 37/37 offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, which is not great in a vacuum, but that doesn't matter because her weapon is a Brave Sword with 19 Mt and Triangle Adept (and has a net +3 gain in Spd). For anyone to be able to match that with an inheritable Brave weapon, they'd need 55 base Atk (58 with an Atk Asset) to account for the difference in effective Mt and the loss of the A slot to Triangle Adept, which is absolutely not happening. Even units with exclusive Brave weapons can't get close while simultaneously running Triangle Adept, and the only way to actually compete is to run Triangle Attack or Dual Strike support on a unit without a Brave weapon. A unit without Triangle Adept getting support from Triangle Attack or Dual Strike would still need a 22-Mt weapon (16 Mt with +6 Atk) and 50 base Atk (53 with an Atk Asset) just to make up the difference from not having Triangle Adept. Sure, it's a niche role that probably doesn't get used much outside of Rokkr Sieges, but it's still the easiest and most reliable strategy to use against melee green Rokkr bosses, and Palla probably has a permanent spot there because we're probably never getting a unit this good at this one thing with this availability.
  4. Tier 11 and tier 19 unlock the 5th and 6th slots in your defense team, respectively, and if I remember the mechanics correctly, if you drop below that tier after reaching it, the team slot remains unlocked and you can manipulate it normally, but the unit simply won't deploy when your defense map is challenged.
  5. Did you drop from tier 19 to tier 18? If I recall correctly, you lose your 6th defense team slot if you drop below tier 19.
  6. You don't want Arcane Eljudnir on Legendary Roy anyways because it prevents him from running his rather strong exclusive C skill, which grants him effectively a second stack of Bonus Doubler (using ally bonuses instead of his own) and a second stack of Dodge (again using ally bonuses instead of his Spd). Roy doesn't really need any Def or Res on his A skill since he already gets 2 stacks of percentage damage reduction. Unless you're expecting to go up against Legendary Nanna or Lucia, it's better to just stack Atk and Spd. (And if you're going up against Nanna or Lucia, you still want Spd, but you can swap out Atk for Def if you want more bulk.) His default A skill of Bonus Doubler is fine as is as long as you aren't going up against opponents that can nullify his Bonuses. However, depending on what phase(s) you want to use him on, his optimal choices for A skills are generally going to be Surge Sparrow (player phase), Kestrel Stance 3 (enemy phase), Atk/Spd Ideal 4 (any build), and Atk/Spd Finish 4 (any build). If you aren't able to rely on Bonus Doubler and aren't able to get any of the good tier-4 skills on him, Atk/Spd Ideal 3 (from Miriel) is the next best option. Unity is a good option in game modes where you're expecting to be hit with penalties, like Aether Raids and certain tiers in the Arena. Outside of those modes, it's better to run a Stance or Finish skill, either the Atk/Def version or the Spd/Def version. Joint Hone Atk is pretty outdated at this point, and it would be better to replace it with a Menace (Atk/Def or Spd/Def), Oath (Atk/Def or Spd/Def, tier 3 is fine), or premium Smoke skill (any tier-4 Smoke or Fatal Smoke).
  7. I noticed the guaranteed follow-up last week in Arena Assault when my Thrasir was able to double a Legendary Robin despite Robin having ~10 more Spd than her, but I wasn't able to reproduce it again while doing some simple setups in Aether Raids mock battles. Honestly, it sounds like someone forgot to tell someone else that something was changed, so either the writers weren't notified of the additional effects or the developers weren't notified that the additional effects were to be removed. Either way, the undocumented effects are on brand for Thrasir, so I don't think they were meant for a different skill.
  8. I was fine with getting either of the units I wanted merges on (Camilla or Fomortiis) or either of the Rearmed Heroes as the freebie, so this went well enough for me. Also victory feathers.
  9. My standard setup is to run the melee or ranged Special Training map at Lunatic difficulty, which puts you up against 21 level-34 units with reduced stats and costs 15 stamina. Unfortunately, auto-battle doesn't work well since your attacking unit will probably kill all of the enemies before all of the reinforcements arrive, so you do have to end each turn manually. On the melee map, just stand around the spawn point and kill enemies as they arrive, moving back and forth between the two entrances depending on where the next enemies are coming from. On the ranged map, just stand on the bridge. Most units are able to handle the map fine with nothing but the Mystic Boost Sacred Seal equipped, though I also give Chill Atk to the unit with Valor. I don't think it's really worth it to move the Valor skills off of their original owners. There's no easy way to get Valor skills other than to wait for the units to appear on a banner.
  10. Y'all are looking too deep. Ishtar has a ponytail.
  11. So when I did my analysis this morning and said that Astram now has gigantic physical bulk, I didn't realize just how gigantic that bulk actually was. For reference (so I don't have to keep scrolling up), Astram's stat spread at +0 merge with maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset (and no Flaw) is 51/72/57/54/39 with just his weapon equipped and with its maximum effect. For comparison, a +0 merge Fallen Edelgard with maximum Dragonflowers has 48/53 physical bulk with 40% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack with just her weapon equipped. Also for comparison, the shiny new Harmonized Karla at +0 merge with maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset has 58 Spd with just her weapon equipped. Astram has Harmonized Karla's Spd with Fallen Edelgard's physical bulk. I think something like this would be pretty fun and scarily viable as a melee tank: Astram [+Spd] Mercurius [unique] [Assist] Vital Astra Atk/Spd Finish 4 Special Spiral 4 Spd Smoke 4 [Some Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd] You get both the advantages of a Spd tank and a Def tank in the same unit, which is pretty silly. Funny thing is I picked up an Astram with the first Otherworld Bond that already has Vital Astra and max Dragonflowers (and yet somehow they didn't bother to use Trait Fruits on him to give him an Asset and gave him an Ascended Asset instead, which doesn't carry over to the Forma).
  12. If you are still using and investing in your older units, it's always optimal to spend the Dragonflowers on them to keep them up-to-date. While they need more Dragonflower investment in order to stay current, it's a form of investment that only they have access to. Additionally, players that don't have the resources to merge newer units will generally find more immediate value investing in strong older units due to their easier access to merges. Furthermore, every 5 Dragonflower levels cost the exact same each time the cap is increased. If you're being frugal, it costs 240 Dragonflowers to get the first 3 levels (HP, Atk, and Spd on most offensive units), and then it costs 600 Dragonflowers to update the unit each year regardless of how many years it has been. If you are thinking about comparing an older unit you are considering using to a newer unit you are considering using, it's always worth factoring in the stats the older units can receive from Dragonflowers. (And it's not like newer units are even eating up that many Dragonflowers if you're just going for 3 levels.) And then there's also the fact that base stats really don't mean anything on their own. Most units have exclusive weapons (and some have exclusive passive skills), and those vary wildly in the amount of stats they provide, with refines on many weapons granting upwards of 10 points in Spd and many recent units having conditional effects that grant huge stat swings (like Clash-like skill effects). Karla, for example, is somehow still one of the fastest units in the game, hitting 59 Spd with max Dragonflowers, a Spd Asset, and only her weapon equipped, and she reaches 61 Spd if you add in her Resplendent bonuses. While Alear has a higher Spd cap, hitting a maximum of 69 Spd, utilizing her movement capabilities makes it harder to activate the full effect, and a more reasonable situation of having only 1 ally within 3 spaces gives her 61 Spd, which is equal to Karla's Spd. While Freyja has an excellent 47 base Spd on paper, she only reaches 53 Spd with her weapon equipped. Meanwhile, New Year Lethe reaches 62 Spd despite her base Spd stat being 2 points lower with Dragonflowers. On the other hand, Freyja has an extremely swingy exclusive B skill that can grant her the equivalent of 16 points of Spd, which is 12-13 points more than typical stat-boosting B skills (Trace, Tempo, Bulwark, etc.) We can all ooh and aah at the really big base stats, but they're meaningless without considering what else a unit is capable of running. That super shiny 48 Spd on Harmonized Karla only translates to 58 Spd with her weapon equipped (yeah, she's slower than regular Karla). Meanwhile, the same super shiny 48 Spd on Spring Bernadetta translates to 68 Spd when teleporting the maximum distance (though it costs her 3 Spd that she could have had in her B slot).
  13. Personally, I'd probably still lean towards a Res Asset over an Atk Asset. A Def Asset is still ideal to land the Isolation/Guard debuffs, but if you don't have one, you don't have one. Her remix gives her follow-up prevention without giving her a guaranteed follow-up of her own, which makes her more geared towards tanking rather than dealing damage. It's also cheaper to go this route since all she really needs for this build is the relatively easy to get Fortress Def/Res, and she can call it a day. However, she did get a pretty substantial +10 Atk from her refine, so it's still viable to run a more offensive set with an Atk Asset if you prefer to use her that way. You'll probably want to swap out her skills, though, since Dragon Wall doesn't help her offensively at all, but all of the optimal options are pretty hard to get. Dragon's Wrath is ideal for a hybrid build since she still gets both additional damage and damage reduction, whereas Dragon's Ire 4 is ideal for a more offensive build, as the tier-4 version grants a guaranteed follow-up on both phases. For an A skill, you'll probably want to run either Solid Ground or Fury.
  14. Male Byleth: Creator Sword Female Byleth: Creator Sword Base effect is updated: Slaying effect Null Follow-Up 3 Tempo With a Blow-or-Unity condition: +4 to all stats in combat (new) Refine effect is: If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: +4 to all stats in combat 30% damage reduction on opponent's first attack Nullifies non-Special percentage damage reduction when Special activates And +8 to all stats it indeed is. And they indeed just stole some effects from the other Byleths, with percentage damage reduction coming from Brave Byleth and Desert Byleth and percentage damage reduction nullification on Special activation coming from Legendary Male Byleth. The weapon was already pretty good and really only missed out on some stats, so this result is quite nice. Not much else to really say. Astram: Mercurius Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Atk At start of turn, if HP is 25% or higher (previously 50%): Grants +6 to all stats as a Bonus to self and allies within 2 spaces (previously +4 and only allied physical units) If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: +4 to all stats in combat (new) Refine effect is: If there is an ally within 3 spaces: +4 to all stats in combat Additional boost to all stats in combat equal to the highest Bonus on that stat on an ally within 3 spaces Mercurius now grants +8 to all stats minimum with an additional potential +6 to all stats based on allies' stat Bonuses (Sieglinde's refine effect with more range). The effect of granting +4 to all stats in Bonuses to himself and nearby allied physical units has been improved to +6 to all stats and now affects all nearby allies regardless of weapon type. And that's it. No additional combat skill effects is kind of a bummer, but the stats bring Astram up to the same level as modern sword infantry with pretty gigantic physical bulk that isn't dependent on stat comparisons. Astram ends up with 51/72/57/54/39 with an additional +6 to all stats as Bonuses with the maximum effect from his weapon. His weapon granting full Bonuses means that he can run Time's Pulse or Smoke skills and still get the best of both worlds. His competition in the Grail pool is Lumera, who has 44/65/56/39/31, Guard, Dodge 3, and additional damage equal to 15% of her Spd stat, which comes out to about 10-12 additional damage. Honestly, Astram's only real disadvantage in this comparison is his lack of Guard and his worse magic bulk. I'd still stick to using Lumera for these reasons (and because she scores a bit higher in the Arena if you need the extra points), but Astram is quite usable. Forsyth: Sol Lance Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Res Recovers 14 HP on each of unit's own attacks in combat (previously 10 HP) If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: -5 Atk/Def to opponent in combat (new) Nullifies 50% of Deep Wounds (new) Refine effect is: If there is an ally within 3 spaces: -5 Atk/Def to opponent in combat Follow-up prevention If HP is 50% or higher at start of combat: 30% damage reduction on opponent's first attack As expected, he got Brave Claude's partial nullification of Deep Wounds, though only 50% instead of 60%. The HP recovery has been boosted from 10 HP to 14 HP, which is double the amount that this effect typically grants (7 HP). Forsyth also gets an effective +10 Atk/Def/Res, follow-up prevention, and 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack. Again, not much to say. It's a pretty solid weapon. Legendary Celica: Saintly Seraphim Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Spd With a Blow-or-Unity condition (previously only a Blow condition): +5 Atk/Spd in combat (new) Deals additional damage equal to 25% of opponent's Res, including on AoE Specials Refine effect is: At start of turn, if there is an ally within 2 spaces: Grants self +1 Special charge rate as a status effect Time's Pulse 3 If there is an ally within 3 spaces: +5 Atk/Spd in combat For reference, Soul of Zofia II grants an additional +5 Spd, partial percentage damage reduction nullification, and improves its Desperation effect to have no HP condition. Celica's new skill is Atk/Spd Menace, replacing Atk/Spd Oath 3. A full list of Legendary Alm's skill effects from his weapon, Special, default B skill, and default C skill is as follows: +10 Atk, +13 Spd Additional damage equal to 25% of opponent's Def The offensive half of Tempo Windsweep 1 without drawback Nullifies non-Special percentage damage reduction on Special activation Null Follow-Up 3 (from default B skill) Time's Pulse 3 (from default C skill) For comparison, a full list of Legendary Celica's skill effects from the same skill slots, put in the corresponding order, is as follows: +10 Atk, +18 Spd Additional damage equal to 25% of opponent's Res +1 Special charge rate The Desperation effect without an HP condition Nullifies 50% of non-Special percentage damage reduction on all attacks Null Follow-Up 3 Time's Pulse 3 Atk/Spd Menace (from default C skill) So yeah, they did, in fact, make Celica a carbon copy of Alm, but with an open C slot. Against opponents without Guard or Tempo, Celica is capable of activating a 3-cooldown Special on her follow-up attack, allowing her to run Luna for damage output. If you keep her default Miracle for whatever reason, she will have it fully charged at the end of a single round of combat, which is presumably why her Special charging effect was implemented in this way instead of being identical to Alm's. Alternatively, she can give up her new Atk/Spd Menace to run a second stack of Time's Pulse, which allows her to activate Astra on her follow-up attack, which is not something you see every day and sounds absolutely terrifying. Unfortunately, she can't activate Aether in a single round of combat, and she'll overcharge Ruptured Sky, though by extension, it means she'll still activate Ruptured Sky even if the opponent has one of Guard or Tempo (but not both). Very good. Definitely worth using. Mila: Nurturing Breath Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Def Dragonstone common effect +2 to all stats in combat for each ally within a 7×7 square centered on unit, maximum +6 (new) Grants the following to allies within a 7×7 square centered on unit: +4 to all stats in combat (previously +2) Refine effect is: Permanent +4 to all stats If there is an ally within a 7×7 square centered on unit: Nullifies opponent's Atk Bonuses in combat Grants the following to allies within a 7×7 square centered on unit: Nullifies opponent's Atk Bonuses in combat For reference, Mila's Turnwheel II also inflicts Guard at the same time as Isolation with the same range and condition and now grants Mila follow-up prevention as a status effect. Mila's new skill is Dragon Wall, replacing Sabotage Atk. I'm surprised they decided to go with more support effects instead of combat effects on the weapon refine, as Dragon Wall would suggest being more combat-oriented. Sure, she has some effects that benefit herself, but they're all stat-related effects. On the other hand, you can definitely use her as a stall unit now for tanking a random ranged dancer after killing all of its friends to give you time to go around destroying buildings. In total, Mila gets a maximum +10 to all stats on top of the +3 Def she already had and nullifies the opponent's Atk Bonuses, with +4 of those stats being permanent stats that help her activate Mila's Turnwheel's Isolation/Guard effects. Her support effects are boosted from the original +2 to all stats to +4 to all stats and nullifies the opponent's Atk Bonuses, which is pretty nice. In the end, I do like the fact that they kept Mila more support-oriented with the combat effects largely focused on boosting her bulk since that's already how I use her. New Year Selkie: New Foxkit Fang Base effect is updated: Slaying effect If unit's Res is higher than opponent's Res: Deals additional damage equal to 70% of the difference, maximum +7 Reduces damage taken in combat an from AoE Specials by the difference × 4%, maximum 40%, excluding Rokkr Specials With a Stance condition or if opponent's HP is 75% or higher at start of combat: +4 to all stats in combat (new) Standard beast transformation condition with standard beast cavalry transformation effect Refine effect is: If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: +4 to all stats in combat Null Follow-Up 3 If unit is transformed: -4 to all stats on opponent in combat So... she gets +12 to all stats and Null Follow-Up and that's it. My apprehension opening up her refine menu was already thick enough to cut with a knife, and this isn't making it any better. But let's see where her stats end up. With max Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset, this gives her 42/63/58/32/56 plus up to +7 additional damage and 40% damage reduction, the Slaying effect, and Null Follow-Up. When initiating combat, she gets +4/0/4/4 and follow-up prevention, but with the stats not contributing to her Res comparison. 58 Spd is quite good, but not good enough to pass up on a Spd-boosting A skill. For comparison, Alear has 56 Spd with max Dragonflowers, a Spd Asset, and only her weapon equipped, though she also lowers the opponent's Spd by 4 points for every ally from a distinct source title within 3 spaces. New Year Lethe has 62 Spd under the same conditions. 56 Res (52 points counting towards Iceberg) is really good and should be enough to get her full additional damage and damage reduction against everything except for a few of the dragons, mages, and pegasus knights that have extremely high Res without the need for additional investment from passive skills. Even if she can't get the full damage reduction, it still does its job taking hits from Res-targeting opponents. 70 Atk with the full additional damage is decent. If you're using her on player phase, it goes up to a more respectable 74 Atk. 42/32 physical bulk, boosted to 42/36 on player phase, is passable for a player-phase unit and can probably work for a dual-phase unit with a player-phase lean, but is definitely not going to cut it for a dedicated enemy-phase unit. The current premier Spd tank, Flame Lyn, has 40/40 physical bulk, but has an A skill that grants a maximum +12 Def just for having 2 allies within 4 spaces of her. Selkie is actually quite solid when built as a standard player-phase unit, and having access to the Slaying effect, unlike the faster New Year Lethe, means she can viably run a pretty devastating Iceberg offensively. I'd definitely recommend discarding her original build in its entirety and just build her like a normal player-phase melee cavalry unit. She might even be able to give up running an Atk-boosting A skill to run Spd/Res instead if you really, really want to contest Res with the units with really high Res, but I don't think I'd recommend doing so. Null Follow-Up is a really good effect to get on her weapon because she can't run Flow skills due to her weapon type, and this opens up her B slot to run S/D Near Trace instead of being stuck needing the harder-to-get Beast Agility. Overall thoughts Honestly, they're all pretty good this time around, even Astram's and Selkie's. Everyone else's is pretty par for the course with no shenaniganry this time around. Astram isn't going to compete with modern premium units, but if you're using him, it's going to be for his availability and his access to merges. He can certainly hold his own against other Grail and 4-star options. Selkie's originally designed role was not worth building towards and is still not worth building towards, but she looks like she'll be pretty solid as a more typical player-phase unit. New Year Lethe is probably still the better option due to having 4 more Spd and otherwise similar effects, but Selkie has the advantage of being colorless and having a really powerful Iceberg that she can actually reliably activate.
  15. As far as power creep goes, it's really more accurate to look at the chart with Dragonflowers taken into account. We've had several units with the equivalent of 47 base Atk on a newly released unit (i.e. 48 base Atk with maximum Dragonflowers) and one unit with the equivalent of 48 base Def.
  16. The only viable option is Winter Hilda, though she's on the slower end of the viable options for A/S Near Save, having a full 4 less Spd than Valentine Lucina when both have maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset (also counting their weapons, which both grant +8 Spd). That said, Hilda is a 4-star Special Hero, so if you happen to have her merged up, the merges will make up the difference compared to unmerged options.
  17. The problem with Defiant skills giving field buffs is the fact that it overlaps with the roles of the Assist and C skill slots and cannot stack with them. Given how many skills (mostly weapons and exclusive skills) we now have that grant two +6 field buffs to nearby allies, Defiant skills are pretty much required to provide comparable in-combat bonuses to other A skills to get around their inability to stack just to be viable... which basically makes it just a Brazen skill combined with an Oath skill with a different condition. Defiant is also the single most dead skill series in the game. It has only appeared on 3 units excluding release units, and its most recent appearance on a new unit was Spring Camilla less than 2 months after the game's release. (The other two were Female Robin and Karel.)
  18. I don't expect to ever see anything else happen with Defiant skills. Brazen skills were made to replace Defiant skills, and unlike Drive skills not being strictly better than Spur skills, Brazen skills are pretty much strictly better than Defiant skills. (It's worth noting that Brazen skills in Japanese are literally called "Great Defiant" skills in the same way that Drive skills are called "Great Spur" skills and Hold skills are called "Great Rein" skills. English couldn't do that because of screen real estate limitations.) I also don't expect to get a Desperation 4 anytime in the foreseeable future. They've spent the last couple years trying their best to get players to stop running Desperation on literally everything, and I don't think they'll go back and make an upgrade to Desperation that will will push the balance back in Desperation's favor, even situationally. That said, they've made poor decisions before, and I don't trust them to have learned any lessons.
  19. Due to colorless currently having the largest share of the 3-star and 4-star pools, the probability of pulling Veronica while sniping red and the probability of pulling Fomortiis while sniping colorless are literally dead even. At base rates: Each orb has a 26.7% chance of being red, and each red orb has a 2.81% chance of being Veronica. Each orb has a 26.5% chance of being colorless, and each colorless orb has a 2.83% chance of being Fomortiis. If you want both units, getting Fomortiis as the freebie is superior because the Camilla and Ophelia "pity breakers" while pulling red are much better than the actual pity breakers pulling colorless.
  20. While I figure out how I want to divide up this month's gacha fund between the Legendary Robin banner and the Spring banner, I decided to at least pull for the spark on Robin since there was no way I was not going to do at least that much. 40 pulls: 2 Robin (+1 spark) 1 Xander 1 Ashera Good haul. The first Robin has an Atk Asset, too. Not disappointed in this banner. Yet. And since I haven't posted it yet, this week's Arena ticket got me Laegjarn:
  21. This is correct. The Japanese description is much more clear, as it has the self effect and the target effect in two separate paragraphs. Because paragraphs are a thing, and the English localization team really needs to use them. @Alexmender
  22. Melee classes are useful in Resonant Battles due to not being affected by the enemy units' Obstruct effect. Melee cavalry are also useful since they get Canto (Rem.+1) instead of Canto (Rem.) for faster movement across the map. Swapping the lead to Freyja would be a mixed bag. On the one hand, she'll have an exclusive B skill, and they'd probably make an improved version of her original B skill that is better suited for an offensive role. On the other hand, that costs the unit a skill slot for valuable skill fodder.
  23. A bit sad I won't get a free Camilla merge to decrease the number of pulls I'll need to do on this banner, but a free Fomortiis sounds good, too, especially since I won't be pulling colorless (except when there isn't any red). I hope Fomortiis wins.
  24. And the usual translation notes: The banner name, "Spring Eternal", is "春よ永遠に" (haru yo eien ni), "Spring, Forever". Bernadetta's epithet, "Late Hibernator", is "冬眠暁を覚えず" (tōmin akatsuki o oboezu), "Hibernation Knows No Dawn". This is a play on words of an idiom, "春眠暁を覚えず" (shunmin akatsuki o oboezu), "sleeping in the springtime, unaware of the dawn", referring to sleeping in late during the springtime due to the warmth after the end of winter. Bernadetta's epithet replaces "春" (shun), "spring", with "冬" (tō), "winter", which causes "春眠" (shunmin), "sleeping in the springtime", to become "冬眠" (tōmin), "hibernation". Bow of Repose is "うたた寝の春の弓" (utatane no haru no yumi), "Bow of Springtime Snoozing". Escape Route is "離脱の行路" (ridatsu no yukimichi), "Escape Route". Triandra's epithet, "Sunlit Nightmare", is "陽光の悪夢" (yōkō no akumu), "Sunlit Nightmare". Nightmare's Egg is "春に微睡む悪夢の卵" (haru ni madoromu akumu no tamago), "Egg of a Spring Dozing's Nightmare". Firestorm Dance is "業火疾風の舞い" (gōka shippū no mai), "Hellfire/Gale Dance". The Dance skills use the same stat-indicator flavor text as the Balm skills. Ashe's epithet, "Budding Chivalry", is "春色の騎士道" (haru-iro no kishidō), "Spring-Colored Chivalry". Bunny's Egg is "白兎の卵" (shiro-usagi no tamago), "White Rabbit Egg". The rabbit is white, not the egg. Karla's epithet, "Spring Reveries", is "気高き春の夢" (kedakaki haru no yume), "Noble Spring Dream". Sisterly War Axe is "想い宿す妹達の重斧" (omoi-yadosu imōto-tachi no jūfu), "Heavy Axe of Emotion-Harboring Younger Sisters". Michalis's epithet, "Fruiting Ambition", is "野望の春祭り" (yabō no haru-matsuri), "Spring Festival of Ambition". Hare's Lance is "黒兎の槍" (kuro-usagi no yari), "Black Rabbit Lance". The rabbit is black, not the lance. EDIT: Wow, the Tempest Trials announcement is already up. Michalis's weapon grants Atk/Def instead of Atk/Spd and has 40% damage reduction instead of 30%. He also has Iote's Shield in case you needed more copies of it for some reason. The Sacred Seals are Spd/Def Ideal at 10k points and Atk/Spd Oath at 20k points.
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