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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. I find it funny that we were talking about Atk/Spd Catch 3 being stuck on a unit with unreliable availability in the general thread and then they give us yet another unit with Atk/Spd Catch 3 with unreliable availability. I want to know why they are so reluctant to give us Atk/Spd Catch 3 in the standard 4-star pool. I get that Catch is more in demand than Ideal, but it's not like we have any use for the tier-3 skill other than as a skill stepping stone. Ashe's weapon is also really good, having Remote Sparrow's secondary effect on it, but active on both phases. I assume Michalis is going to have the same effect on his weapon, which is also pretty cool. Karla is a stronger version of her Desert version and now tells fast Save tanks to fuck off by disabling both Hardy Fighter and Savvy Fighter builds. That's going to be annoying to deal with, though I'll probably just add Ninja Camilla to one of my teams someday if I start losing too many matches. Given that I've been waiting for this banner's announcement before pulling for Robin, I'll probably divert some of my gacha funds over here instead since I'm really tempted to grab merges for both Triandra and Freyja. It also helps that I've barely touched my gacha funds this month. Also, I find it funny that they're still censoring cleavage in their trailers, but only if more than half of it is visible.
  2. I'd probably aim for something like this: Wind Parthia [unique] / Whitecap Bow+ [Spd / any] Rally Atk/Spd+ / Harsh Command+ Deadeye / Ruptured Sky Atk/Spd Catch 4 S/D Far Trace 3 Spd/Def Hold / Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Atk/Spd Menace Wind Parthia is fine if you haven't already refined his weapon since it saves you some dew to get it this way. Otherwise, try to go for Whitecap Bow+. If you are offered Ninja Yumi+ before Whitecap Bow+, you should grab it just in case you don't get offered Whitecap Bow+. Any max SP Assist skill is fine. I tend to favor Rally Atk/Spd+ or Harsh Command+ since they are generally useful. However, Rally Atk/Spd+ is less useful if your teammates are running Atk/Spd Oath or Atk/Spd Menace, so other Rally skills are still viable. If that's the case, Rally Def/Res+ is probably your best option since it overlaps the least with the most common self-buffing skills. Deadeye is harder to get, but Claude needs to take a counterattack in order to activate it. Ruptured Sky is easier to get, but will activate even if the opponent cannot counterattack. Your pick. Atk/Spd Catch 4 is the best A skill Claude can get, given that Remote Sparrow isn't yet in the pool (or at least I don't think it is). S/D Far Trace is the most generally useful B skill Claude has access to. A/S Far Trace is an okay alternative that gives him a bit more bulk at the cost of a bit more power, but is generally seen as inferior. Seal Spd 4 and Seal Def 4 are okay picks, but lose value if you're running debuffs on the unit or its teammates. C skills depend on whether or not you expect to have sources of buffs and debuffs on the team. Spd/Def Hold is the best option if you already have other sources of buffs and debuffs on the team. Atk/Spd Oath is the best option if you have debuffs, but no buffs. Atk/Spd Menace is the best option if you have neither.
  3. As you've chosen to ignore me saying: he's not popular in a way that translates to wins in Voting Gauntlets. Voting Gauntlets are more than just the character, as the mechanics mean that unit availability and unit performance are also a factor. CYL performance does not translate well to Voting Gauntlet performance. Chrom's Voting Gauntlet results look like this: AHR 2023 (Mar. 2023): Duo Chrom lost against Rearmed Ophelia, team size down 10% on first hour, down 40% on last hour CYL 2022 (Aug. 2022): Brave Chrom won against Brave Marth, team size up 120% on first hour, up 110% on last hour Brave Chrom lost against Brave Marianne, team size down 10% on first hour, down 15% on last hour Kingdoms vs. Empires (Jan. 2020): Helpful Chrom won against Walhart, team size up 440% on first hour, up 20% on last hour Helpful Chrom lost against Brave Veronica, team size down 35% on first hour, down 40-60% on last hour Bunny Battle Ballot (Apr. 2018): Spring Chrom won against Spring Catria, team size down 65% on first hour, down 40% on last hour Spring Chrom lost against Spring Lucina, team size down 65% on first hour, down 25% on last hour Winter Festival vs. New Year's (Jan. 2018): Winter Chrom lost against Winter Tharja, team size down 75% on first hour, down 65% on last hour Choose Your Legends Top 8 (Aug. 2017): Chrom lost against Hector, unable to find a tracker for this Voting Gauntlet Princes vs. Princesses (Mar. 2017): Chrom won against Alfonse, no multipliers during this Voting Gauntlet Chrom lost against Ephraim, no multipliers during this Voting Gauntlet Sounds like he's doing as well as we should expect him to do. He's never lost to multiplier shenanigans (other than possibly against Hector, but I wasn't able to find a tracker) and he's only won with multiplier shenanigans once. And I don't let "perfection" get in the way of "good enough". Voting Gauntlet is functionally a spectator sport. Cheering for your team won't help it win, but it still feels like you're helping. And has zero bearing on how the mode works. It only gives players incentive to play without making the gameplay any better or any worse.
  4. I'm sure most people are aware that there are more than 500 people on their team playing each hour, even if it doesn't register exactly what that actually means. From a rational perspective, you should feel insignificant, but game is doing its best to convince you otherwise. The fact that you feel like your points matter at all means it's doing its job. That's not surprising. There are eight contestants in each event and seven of them have to lose. I would also argue that Chrom isn't "super popular", or at least not in a way that translates to Voting Gauntlet wins. The mechanics of the Voting Gauntlet mean that it isn't just the character that's being represented, but also the unit (and the unit's availability). In this Voting Gauntlet's case, Chrom was behind Ophelia in team size by about 10% in the first hour and by about 40% in the last hour. And given the scoring mechanics, actual super popular characters still only have around a 1 in 3 chance of winning a Voting Gauntlet at best. Actual clothes. Fomortiis literally standing there naked.
  5. When something doesn't happen 100% of the time, looking at past results to get more data points is precisely what you're supposed to do to determine if the effect is real or not. The human brain is notoriously bad at intuiting probability and has a tendency to remember data points that leave a stronger impression and forget all of the ones that were ordinary. Three of the four larger teams progressing past the first round is very normal. A single player on a smaller team can hope to contribute at best 0.2% of the score accumulation for a single bonus hour. Your points aren't going to be enough to sway the result. Furthermore, due to the way the multipliers work, everything that happens before hour 40 statistically doesn't matter (outside of giving you points towards the feather rewards). More players will be playing during the last couple hours, which means your contributions matter even less. The game does a good job of selling that "you're contributing" by making your scores very big, but the sheer number of digits in the total score makes it hard to realize just how small your score is in comparison.
  6. If they're trying to make her have a stronger combat role, the fact that she didn't get a guaranteed follow-up as a passive skill suggests that she'll get one (or a comparable effect) on her refine.
  7. It looks like the banner is going to be nearly perfect for me. Veronica, Camilla, and Ophelia all got in. Robin didn't, but that match was the one I was most ambivalent on since I have uses for copies of both units. Of the four matches this round, three of them were won by the larger team. How is that screwed towards the underdog?
  8. Seal Spd 4 is only worth running if (1) winning a Spd comparison against fast units is more important than being able to hit bulkier units for more damage AND (2) you are not running a Spd Menace (or any other reliable Spd debuffing skill) on the unit or on any of its teammates. Seal Spd 4 loses a lot of its value if you run Spd debuffs, as its effective +10 Spd maximum is reduced to only +4 Spd against an opponent hit by Menace, at which point you're better off running Lull, Tempo, Bulwark, or Trace depending on the unit to get a similar amount of Spd plus additional points in another stat.
  9. Explain why it is flawed. The larger team having a 100% win rate is not good for engagement. The smaller team having more than 50% multiplier uptime and the larger team having 0% multiplier uptime with the larger team still having a 100% win rate is not good for engagement. The entire point is that upsets are supposed to be able to happen and that the winner cannot be 100% predicted from the event's outset.
  10. The DS and GBA tracks both look solid. The Fodlan track is great if you're looking for Atk/Spd Catch 4 and has solid skills along the way, too. Ninja Male Corrin has Ninja Naginata or Special Spiral 3. Fallen Lilith is loaded with Atk/Spd Catch 4, Dive-Bomb, and Spd Smoke 4. Spring Lucina has Savvy Fighter. Brave Chrom has Surge Sparrow and S/D Near Trace. Ascended Joshua has Life and Death 4, and you can grab either Null Follow-Up or Green Feud at the same time. Pity he doesn't have Lethality, but then he wouldn't be second on the track. Fallen Ninian has B Duel Infantry (which might be useful with the new Arena scoring mechanics if they cycle back to Lucina as the Legendary bonus unit). Odd Pulse Tie and Cross Spur Atk aren't particularly high in demand, but are hard to get. Ascended Idunn's skills aren't particularly notable, as D/R Near Save is generally weaker than the slightly easier to get A/D Near Save, but Save skills are still hard to get, and merges on Save tanks are good even if you don't need the skills. Flame Lyn has Godlike Reflexes and Spd Smoke 4. The Fodlan track has Atk/Spd Catch 4 in the second slot on Summer Dimitri and again in the last slot on Brave Byleth. Byleth also has Spd/Res Hold, but can't transfer it at the same time until someone comes with an easily accessible Atk/Spd Catch 3 (currently only on New Year Lyre, who is a 4-star, but is not easily accessible out of season). Monica also has great fodder, having both Atk/Spd Ideal 4 and Spd/Res Tempo, both of which can be transferred at the same time. Male Shez can transfer Spd/Def Bulwark and Atk/Spd Oath 4 at the same time, too. The other three tracks are also good, but aren't quite as ridiculously stacked, unless you're specifically in need of some of the slightly less premium premium skills, like Lulls. The Jugdral track has Vital Astra. You do get Luminous Grace, Life and Death 4 and one of Lull Spd/Res or Time's Pulse 3, and Even Recovery on the way. The Tellius track has Ninja Shinon with Ninja Yumi and Deadeye and Flame Muspell with Dragon's Wrath 4. You get Spd/Def Tempo on the way. Also Sturdy Surge, which is rare, but very situational. The Akaneia track has Spring Delthea with Atk/Spd Catch 4 and S/R Far Trace, though it's still difficult to get both at once. You also get Life and Death 4, Serpentine Staff or Dazzling Staff, and Hardy Fighter (or A/R Far Save). Infantry Null Follow-Up is rare, but isn't in particularly high demand, especially now that the still-not-high-in-demand Infantry Spd Tactic exists. I usually don't compile manuals from the permanent pools (the only time was to grab Amelia for Armor March because I ran out of copies), but I'm tempted to grab the GBA track just for Godlike Reflexes. While the manuals on the way there are pretty good, I don't really need them. Joshua is the only unit in that track that isn't already fully merged.
  11. No translation notes this month, so my usual analysis: Male Byleth: Creator Sword Female Byleth: Creator Sword Current effect is: Slaying effect Null Follow-Up 3 Tempo Creator Sword is already a pretty solid weapon in terms of skill effects and really only needs a boost in stats. The Byleths already have pretty solid stats, so I'm expecting something like +8 to all stats. If they want to steal a few effects from the other Byleths, they could give the weapon any of percentage damage reduction nullification, Dodge, Vantage, or Formation. Astram: Mercurius Current effect is: Permanent +3 Atk At start of turn, if HP is 50% or higher: Grants +4 to all stats as a Bonus to self and physical units within 2 spaces Astram's stats are good, but not great, sitting at 39/40 offenses with maximum Dragonflowers, putting him about 5-7 points behind the modern units in both. His only notable trait is the fact that he comes with Wrath by default. Mercurius's stat boosts are almost all Bonuses, which can be supplied through other means and don't stack, so it's likely that he'll get somewhere around +10 to each stat in in-combat boosts to make up for the difference. There isn't much else to take inspiration from since its only notable effect in the source material is that it grants Paragon in Mystery, which is useless in Heroes. Fast sword infantry is the most crowded class in Heroes, so I wouldn't be surprised if they go the same route as they did with fast lance fliers and give Mercurius a more novel effect. Forsyth: Sol Lance Current effect is: Permanent +3 Res Recovers 10 HP on each of unit's own attacks in combat I expect more bulk. Slow lance armors are also a relatively crowded class, so there's room for novelty, like with what they did with Kjelle's weapon. It's also pretty likely that he'll get Claude's partial nullification of Deep Wounds. Legendary Celica: Saintly Seraphim Current effect is: Permanent +3 Spd Deals additional damage equal to 25% of opponent's Res For reference, Soul of Zofia II grants an additional +5 Spd, partial percentage damage reduction nullification, and improves its Desperation effect to have no HP condition. Celica's new skill is Atk/Spd Menace, replacing Atk/Spd Oath 3. Also for reference, Saintly Seraphim is functionally identical to unrefined Luna Arc. Luna Arc's refine gave it +10 Atk/Spd, the offensive half of Tempo, and Windsweep 1 with no drawback. Lunar Flash II added full Deadeye-style damage reduction nullification. The upgrades to Soul of Zofia essentially cover all of the effects added to the refined Luna Arc and remixed Lunar Flash other than the stat boost and Tempo. Since Soul of Zofia takes up the B slot, I'm expecting Saintly Seraphim's refine to include the offensive half of Tempo on it for parity. I can also see it receiving a damage boost based on Celica's Spd stat to make up for Celica not having access to Lunar Flash. I doubt they'll focus on encouraging players to keep Miracle as her Special because it scores poorly in the Arena, so they might move it onto her weapon. If they do go the route of encouraging the use of an offensive Special, she'll want some kind of Special acceleration added to her weapon in order to actually land it since having Desperation active at full health without Time's Pulse or team support prevents her from activating a Special on her first round of combat. Mila: Nurturing Breath Current effect is: Permanent +3 Def Dragonstone common effect Grants +2 to all stats in combat to allies within a 7×7 square centered on unit For reference, Mila's Turnwheel II also inflicts Guard at the same time as Isolation with the same range and condition and now grants Mila follow-up prevention. Mila's new skill is Dragon Wall, replacing Sabotage Atk. It looks like they're already content with Mila's support capabilities, as Isolation is still quite strong, so I'm expecting them to focus more on combat for her refine, given that she's getting follow-up prevention and Dragon Wall. Dragon Wall leads me to believe that she'll either get a guaranteed follow-up or a first-attack damage boost similar to Dragon's Wrath or Fallen Rhea's weapon on her refine since she'll be unable to run Quick Riposte or Dragon's Ire in that slot. I do expect the super-Drive effect to get a small boost, though. The range is already huge, so it would be better to just grant more stats and/or a skill effect. Phantom Def would be appreciated since Dancer Eldigan notoriously can avoid being hit by Mila's Turnwheel. New Year Selkie: New Foxkit Fang Current effect is: Slaying effect If unit's Res is higher than opponent's Res Deals additional damage equal to 70% of the difference (maximum 7) Reduces damage taken by the difference × 4% (maximum 40%). Standard beast transformation condition with standard beast cavalry transformation effect Selkie's New Year version is weird like her normal version and relies on Res comparisons despite it being really difficult to build for Atk, Spd, and Res all at the same time, and her Atk is too low to build for only Spd and Res, unlike Spring Maria. Also, she's a dual-phase beast cavalry unit. Also, there are no Distant Counter variants that boost Spd/Res. If they want to keep her role the same while actually making her viable, she needs to have Distant Counter (even if it has Distant Ward's condition) moved onto her weapon. Selkie absolutely cannot afford to pass up on a Spd/Res skill in her A slot, and Distant Ward isn't going to cut it. Selkie's physical bulk is also horrendously awful (39/20 with maximum Dragonflowers), which makes it difficult for her to tank melee units even with her Res-based Dodge effect. If they don't mind novel effects, she should nullify effects that target the lower defensive stat and also force all opponents to target her Res instead of her Def. This Selkie is a Special Hero, so there's at least some hope that they'll actually make her usable, but even then, I don't really trust them to actually give her everything she needs because she needs a lot.
  12. New remixes are announced: Celica: Soul of Zofia II Null Follow-Up 3 Desperation effect with only Blow condition (previously Desperation 3) If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: -5 Spd to opponent in combat (new) Halves percentage damage reduction from non-Special effects (new) New skill is Atk/Spd Menace It would've been better if they had given her Atk/Spd Oath 4 instead of Atk/Spd Menace as her new skill, given that she already has Atk/Spd Oath 3, and Atk/Spd Oath 4 has slightly worse distribution. Nothing too out of the ordinary with this upgrade. The Desperation effect has been improved to be always active on player phase instead of just being identical to Desperation 3, and she gains +5 Spd and Thjalfi's half percentage damage reduction piercing. Gaining the Desperation effect at full health makes it difficult to land an offensive Special in one round of combat (even though she has Miracle by default), so I'm expecting her refine to get some form of Special acceleration. Otherwise, not much else to say. Mila: Mila's Turnwheel II At start of turn, grants self follow-up prevention as a status effect (new) At start of turn, inflicts Isolation and Guard to opponents orthogonal to unit if Def is higher than opponent's Def (previously only Isolation) On Light season in Aether Raids offense, +1 turn limit New skill is Dragon Wall 3 Did they make a mistake in the announcement? The skill is announced as "Mila's Turnwheel II" instead of "Mila's Turnwheel+", though it's their fault in the first place for using a different naming scheme for the two unit types. The only changes to Mila's Turnwheel are the addition of follow-up prevention and the application of Guard at the same as Isolation. I'm not entirely sure why they implemented the follow-up prevention as a status effect since the only real difference it makes right now is that it's blocked by False Start, which never appears on Aether Raids defense due to still being locked to Elimine. I suppose they could give her an effect that depends on the number of status effects she has. Guard is... fine. There are a lot of units with Tempo now, but it's still nice to have. Dragon Wall is okay, though it would've been better to give her one of the tier-4 dragon skills instead. I suspect she's either getting a guaranteed follow-up or a damage boost on her first attack on her weapon's refine.
  13. While it would be interesting, player-generated content is generally a nightmare to deal with. Malicious players are crafty and persistent. There're also just general space limitations with how long text can get before it starts overflowing the space allotted for it, and some character names are already pretty long.
  14. A +10 launch melee infantry unit without a Duel skill still scores the same as a +6 unit with a 200 Duel effect. If you don't have the resources to merge up modern units, you're still better off using easily mergeable units instead for Arena score, even if they're launch units.
  15. Michalis seems to be the most likely contender for this year's banner. After that, I don't think they'll continue the theme. They'll have done the Whitewings and the Macedonian royals, and I think that's enough to call it a wrap.
  16. Camilla is the unit I want most of these options since I'm in more need of merges for her than any of the other units I need merges on, so I'll be joining her team to start with. My ideal banner would be Veronica (Atk/Spd Catch 4 fodder), Camilla (merges), Robin (skill duplication), and Ophelia (merges and fodder), though Veronica's unlikely to make it. I'll be cheering for the other three teams from over in Team Camilla. Fomortiis is okay since I still need merges for him. I wouldn't mind Chrom being on the banner as long as he finally decides to show up with an Atk Asset so that I don't have to spend Trait Fruits on him. It's always painful when you pull 11 copies of a unit and are still missing the Asset you're looking for. Neither Edelgard has anything I need, though Harmonized Edelgard's Assault Troop is at least nice to have for novelty builds.
  17. After thinking about this a bit more, the only actual counter to this Robin is False Start, which is still exclusive to Elimine. (This is also still the only actual counter to Triangle Attack and Dual Strike.) What the hell. Canto Control was released 12 months ago and now has 1 exclusive weapon and 3 units with the inheritable skill. False Start was released 13 months ago and still only has 1 exclusive weapon. This is stupid. Adding to that, False Start is still completely useless in Summoner Duels because its position in the activation order is the same as most other start-of-turn skills instead of having higher priority.
  18. Not really an answer to your actual question, but my usual solution for this is to promote a ton of Chrom and Cordelia manuals for Aether and Galeforce. Alternatively, I promote a bunch of staff units, have them all give their 5-star staves to one unit, and refine all of them with both refines to convert rocks into dew. Every new unit has zero trouble in the Special Training maps with only the Mystic Boost Sacred Seal equipped. Unless you're going back to some of the worse Book 1 or 2 units, you really shouldn't need anything more than the unit you're training, the unit with the Valor skill and a Chill Sacred Seal, and a disarmed staff unit with Physic+ and some Drive/Guard buffs just in case. You can have the fourth unit just be another Chill bot, but it's not really necessary except for really weak units or staff units before getting the Wrathful Staff refine on them.
  19. Wow, he looks really annoying to deal with. He's like Legendary Eliwood, but even more annoying. His support effect isn't global, but there's absolutely nothing you can actually do to counter him. I'll probably wait to see what the next Special Heroes banner is (assume that's the first banner next month) before deciding how much I'll pull for him. I might start by going for somewhere between +3 and +5, though. Thorr and Xander don't do much for me since both of them constantly appear on banners with new green units, so I already have too many extra copies. A bit disappointed he doesn't come with the Levin Sword, but I guess they can do that for his CYL version or something. It doesn't even have to take up the red slot since they can do the same thing they did with the Legendary Byleths' weapons. And the usual translation notes: Robin's epithet, "Exalt's Other Half", is "聖王の半身" (seiō no hanshin), "The Exalt's Other Half". "聖王の半身" (seiō no hanshin) literally translates as "half of the holy king's body", but the meaning is the same as in English. Master's Tactics is "神軍師の書" (shin-gunshi no sho), "Grandmaster's Tome". "神軍師" (shin-gunshi) literally translates as "divine tactician", but is also the name of the Grandmaster class. Part of the Plan is "これも策のうちだよ" (kore mo saku no uchi da yo), "This, too, is part of the plan". This is identical to regular Male Robin's mid level up quote and is basically his catchphrase, localized as "This is all part of the plan". The latter half of it, "策のうちだよ" (saku no uchi da yo), "part of the plan", is one of his half damage quotes. Female Robin uses the same line for both quotes, but with the masculine "だよ" (da yo) replaced with the feminine "です" (desu). Seal Atk is "攻撃封じ" (kōgeki fūji), "Atk Sealing". As usual, the Seal skill series uses "封じ" (fūji), "sealing", which is the stem of the verb "封じる" (fūjiru), "to seal", as a gerund, whereas the Chill skill series uses "封印" (fūin), "seal", which is a noun. Compare Seal Atk "攻撃封じ" (kōgeki fūji), "Atk Sealing", with Chill Atk "攻撃の封印" (kōgeki no fūin), "Atk Seal".
  20. Savvy Fighter requires Black Knight to have a lot of Spd support. With Spd Assets and maximum Dragonflowers on all units, his Spd stat is 7 points lower than Valentine Lucina's and Rearmed Grima's. Even at +10 merge, Black Knight's Spd is still 3 points lower than a +0 Valentine Lucina or Rearmed Grima. Furthermore, Alondite only grants +4 Spd compared to Gerbera Axe and Arcane Grima [Spd] both granting +8 Spd. On top of that, Black Knight requires a lot more Dragonflowers just to reach this point. Savvy Fighter also likely means that he'll have to run Darting Breath in his Sacred Seal slot in order to effectively charge Black Luna, which will cost him a few more points of Spd. Special Fighter 4 is definitely the easier skill to run on him since he won't need the Spd support as much, though it does leave him vulnerable to Tempo or Guard. If you're looking for a fast Near Save unit, Valentine Hana is easily the best option currently available as a 4-star unit due to her gigantic Spd stat. Winter Manuela and Winter Hilda are the next-best options, with Winter Hilda having the advantage of Arcane Qiang being significantly better for the role than either Petalfall Blade or Arcane Eljudnir. The best fast Near Save 5-star unit is Winter Black Knight by far, though Valentine Lucina, Rearmed Grima, and Winter Sothis are all more than viable, even at +0 merge.
  21. I'm way more confident in Sothe than I am in Finn. Finn has always been the character I was least confident of in my list since he was in neither the Feh Channel nor the banner (due to being a Grail unit). Tellius isn't getting another normal banner for a very long time because they just got this banner, so we aren't getting another Ascended Hero from Tellius until then, which leaves them plenty of time to add Sothe even with new characters coming into the candidate pool from Engage and the current Heroes Book. Sothe also comes with a weapon type that is pretty rare among Legendary and Mythic Hero candidates, seeing as Shez is the only dagger Legendary Hero and there are no dagger Mythic Heroes. Finn is currently the next-most-important character from Thracia, and if we get another Legendary Hero from Jugdral, he's a pretty likely pick (watch it be Oifey instead). Plus, Finn canonically having a Brave weapon and Miracle makes it pretty easy to design a strong build for a Legendary version. It's still a tossup for whether he'll be a Legendary or Ascended Hero, but Thracia has more options for Ascended Heroes than Legendary Heroes at this point so it makes sense to make the most-Legendary option be a Legendary Hero.
  22. @Fire Emblem Fan @Othin I think it's at least worth mentioning that Wolf's weapon is just +9 Atk, +6 Spd, and the Desperation effect at high HP. Also, Wolf's offensive stats are only +2/+3 over Resplendent Brave Lyn's when both have max Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset. In order to match Wolf in stats, all Mulagir needs is an additional +7 Atk and +2 Spd, which is a very small gap to fill. With just those stat boosts, she doesn't really even need additional effects to be comparable to him since Sacae's Blessing is a still a good enough skill to make up for the difference. You could literally replace Mulagir with just the stat-boosting half of Sue's Quick Mulagir (+10 Atk/Spd and additional damage on first attack equal to 15% of Spd), and Lyn would already be better than Wolf. Lyn with Resplendent boosts is already that close to the best units of her class. Wolf is on the low end of the best bow cavalry units, and this pittance of a boost is already enough to put her above him.
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