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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. Joining Team Tiki first. If she loses, it'll probably be Eirika, then Chrom. If all three of them get knocked out, I'll figure something out when that time comes.
  2. I feel like Time's Pulse is a waste since it'll only activate on turn 1 and still requires 2 more points of Special cooldown reduction in order to activate an AoE Special on his first round of combat. I'd run Atk/Res Menace instead to maximize the damage on the AoE Special since you aren't able to run Life and Death in the Sacred Seal slot. Other than that, grab a Rally or Harsh Command+ in the Assist slot.
  3. Despite being an almost-launch character, Resplendent Ephraim manages to actually be competitive due to his access to Flame Siegmund, unlike most of the other launch and almost-launch characters receiving Resplendent outfits. As for his art, it's good, but it kind of feels a bit empty since Jotunheim armor isn't quite as ornate as his default outfit. Ephraim's primary competition comes from Legendary Dimitri, Fallen Dimitri, Nott, and, to a lesser extent, his Duo version. However, unlike the Dimitris and Nott, Ephraim has no need to run a Spd Asset and can run an Atk Asset instead. Resplendent Ephraim has 52/45/32/39/27 base stats with maximum Dragonflowers and an Atk Asset. He is lucky enough to have access to Flame Siegmund instead of his lackluster base weapon, which grants an effective +3/12/0/9/5 in stats and +1 Special charge rate and a guaranteed follow-up. Legendary Dimitri has 43/44/47/40/21 base stats with maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset. His weapon has the Slaying effect, grants +5 to all stats, and has Dodge 3. His exclusive B skill grants him additional damage equal to 25% of his Atk stat that ignores defenses and inflicts -5 to all stats and +1 Special cooldown to the target and enemies in Smoke range after combat. The additional damage typically comes out to about 16-18 damage. Fallen Dimitri has 43/45/46/41/20 base stats with maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset. His weapon grants +0/9/6/0/0 in stats and grants him additional damage equal to 50% of his Atk stat minus the opponent's Def stat (pseudo-Glimmer) if he cannot make a follow-up attack. His exclusive B skill grants an additional effective +3 Atk/Spd, Canto (Rem.+1), and Sweep. Nott has 43/44/47/31/30 base stats with maximum Dragonflowers and a Spd Asset. Her weapon grants +0/5/8/5/5 in stats, Bonus Doubler 3, and Pathfinder. Her exclusive B skill grants an additional effective +5 Spd/Def/Res in stats and Dodge 3. Duo Ephraim has 45/47/34/41/29 base stats with maximum Dragonflowers and an Atk Asset. His weapon grants +3 Atk in stats, effective damage against armor and cavalry, and a guaranteed follow-up. His Duo skill grants +1 movement to himself and infantry and armored allies within 2 spaces and can be used once per map. As far as stats go, Ephraim is actually very much on par with his competition due to having a comparable base Atk stat and a weapon with a huge Atk boost. Having +1 Special charge rate gives him more options for Specials. While he lacks an exclusive B skill, his weapon having a refine already closes most of the gap between him and his competition having exclusive B skills, and it also allows him to more easily scale with the release of stronger inheritable B skills. Ephraim having a low base stat total makes him not suitable for use in the Arena, but he can certainly pull his weight in Arena Assault and other game modes that don't use Arena scoring since his performance is comparable to similar units. Not being built for the Arena also means that he is free to actually use his wider available options for his Special slot. Ephraim's primary disadvantages are the fact that he relies on a guaranteed follow-up effect for his follow-up, which means he can be shut down by Null Follow-Up and follow-up prevention by units with middling Spd or higher and the fact that he requires a lot of Dragonflowers (2,660) to max out his stats. As far as builds go, I see two general directions that he can be optimally built: Non-Galeforce: Resplendent Ephraim [+Atk (+Def / +Spd)] Flame Siegmund [unique] [Assist] Astra / Ruptured Sky / Bonfire Sturdy Surge / Atk/Def Ideal 4 Atk/Def Bulwark 3 / Lull Atk/Def 3 / Atk/Def Tempo 3 Atk/Def Menace 3 / etc. Atk/Def Solo 3 / etc. His +1 Special charge allows him to always land Astra on his follow-up attack as long as the opponent can counterattack and doesn't have Guard. If the opponent cannot counterattack, he can always land Ruptured Sky if the opponent doesn't have Guard. If the opponent has Guard, he can always land Bonfire if the opponent can counterattack. Sturdy Surge is preferred over Atk/Def Ideal due to granting healing, though Atk/Def Ideal can still be used for the additional stats or for dual-phase use. Atk/Def Bulwark grants an effective +4 Atk/Def/Res in stats and 7 HP regeneration after combat and fucks up the opponent's mobility. Lull Atk/Def has a smaller effective stat boost, but nullifies the opponent's Bonuses. Atk/Def Tempo is not yet released, but prevents the opponent's Guard from blocking his Special. Atk/Def Menace gives him the greatest boost to combat performance, but he can also run a ton of alternative skills if more combat performance is not necessary, like Tempest, Assault Troop, Time's Pulse, and Infantry Pulse. Time's Pulse also allows him to viably run Aether as a Special. The Atk/Spd and Spd/Def versions of any of the above skills can be used instead of the Atk/Def versions if needed. Galeforce: Resplendent Ephraim [+Atk / +Spd (+Def / +Spd)] Flame Siegmund [unique] [Assist] Galeforce Atk/Def Ideal 4 Atk/Def Tempo 3 / Atk/Def Bulwark 3 / Lull Atk/Def 3 / Wings of Mercy 3 Atk/Def Menace 3 / Assault Troop 3 / Time's Pulse 3 / Infantry Pulse 3 / etc. Atk/Def Solo 3 / etc. Galeforce will always activate as long as the opponent can counterattack, doesn't have Guard, and doesn't die to the first attack. Tempo prevents Guard from blocking Galeforce, and Time's Pulse allows Ephraim to activate Galeforce even if the opponent cannot counterattack. The Atk/Spd and Spd/Def versions of any of the above skills can be used instead of the Atk/Def versions if needed.
  4. Better late than never, the next Resplendent Hero is Jotunheim Ephraim.
  5. 186 pulls from the pirate rerun banner going for 6 copies of Hinoka to get her to +10: 6 Hinoka 2 Surtr And pity breakers: Ascended Ishtar Ascended Idunn Fallen Female Morgan Ascended Idunn (again) Dieck Gatekeeper Guinevere Fallen Female Morgan (again) Arthur (my first copy) Arthur (again) Annette Fallen Female Morgan (again × 2) 3.2% Hinoka rate, 4.3% focus rate, 10.7% total 5-star rate. One of the copies of Hinoka was +Spd, which lets me finally replace my old neutral merge base. The pity breakers on this banner were wild. Three copies of Fallen Female Morgan and 2 copies each of Ascended Idunn and Arthur is a bit silly, especially since Idunn is not even the color I was sniping. Ishtar and the first Idunn were even from back-to-back sessions. Both copies of Arthur are +Spd, which is super nice, especially for being my first copies of him. 49 pulls from the Double Special Heroes banner going for 3 copies of Robin to get her to +10: 2 Robin (+1 spark) 3 Lyn No pitybreakers. 10.2% focus rate and total 5-star rate. Naturally, I get more copies of the unit I don't need copies of than the one I do. Two of those copies of Lyn were from the same session, and all of them were from before the spark. But I can't really complain when my pull rate for the unit that I wanted was still above average (4.1% Robin rate). And because I'm an idiot who hasn't learned his lesson about "just one more copy", I decided to go back and try my luck at pulling for Nina. 82 pulls: 5 Nina Pity breakers: Nimue 6.1% focus rate, 8.5% total 5-star rate. Combined with my previous attempts at pulling from this banner, I now have a 1.9% Nina rate and a 2.8% focus rate, which is still bad, just not as bad as before. Four of the 5 copies of Nina were from the first 39 pulls, the first two of which were from the same session. At this rate, I'm definitely not going to learn my lesson. I'm glad to have Nina at +10, though it did come a day late for last week's Arena season (I decided it wasn't worth it to use Fjorm as a bonus unit and decided to drop to Tier 20 for a week; I was also running on 46 hours of no sleep and decided I would rather sleep than run more Arena than I had to).
  6. The primary use of inflicting damage to allies is to activate Desperation, Wings of Mercy, and/or Escape Route or other similar skill effects. Other than their ability to inflict damage to allies, there isn't much about either of them that stand out. Lif is outperformed by most modern sword infantry due to his middling Spd, and Limstella lacks the Spd to be an offensive threat and lacks the stats to be a reliable tank in the current meta.
  7. There is not a version of big Tiki dressed like that. Big Tiki and small Tiki are not the same character. "As close as they could possibly make it" is the small Tiki we already got at launch. There's literally nothing different here than with Brave Roy or Brave Seliph, who also look extremely similar to the person they're dressed up as. Don't care. Artwork is more important. Voting for small Tiki would not have gotten big Tiki in small Tiki's outfit. Just like how voting for Eliwood would not get Roy in Eliwood's outfit. There are literally only 9 remaining main characters that have not gotten a Legendary Hero version. Furthermore, we've gotten small Tiki, Fae, and Myrrh as Legendary Heroes despite none of them being considered main characters, and big Tiki is Awakening's analogue to them. It's a matter of "when", not "if". And I ask this question again: Realistically, what other outfit could big Tiki have gotten? Banutu is not realistic. Tiki's face poking out from a cloak is not a realistic option for them to take. Lucina and Say'ri are not realistic. Their relationship with Tiki is too far removed to be a consideration when looking at the existing patterns. Marth is not realistic. His relationship is also far enough removed and also makes less sense for big Tiki than for small Tiki. And we already have a Marth cosplayer. Naga is only possible if they aren't already saving the outfit for an Ascended, Legendary, or Mythic version, and it's very likely that they are. Small Tiki is possible. Alternate outfits of big Tiki are unlikely. She doesn't promote, and while she has the option to class change, IS clearly doesn't like class changing dragons due to the pool of characters capable of being implemented as dragons being so small. An original outfit would be possible if they had an excuse for what the outfit is meant to represent, but I don't think they have one for Tiki.
  8. And there isn't a version of big Tiki that you could vote for that is dressed like small Tiki. As a bigger fan of small Tiki than of big Tiki, I do not consider big Tiki in small Tiki's clothes to be equivalent to small Tiki. Furthermore, I don't even consider big Tiki to be the same character as small Tiki. Gaiden and Echoes have never had separate ballot entries. You seem to have missed "or Legendary version", where Awakening notably only has two remaining likely candidates: Female Robin and Tiki. Tiki as Future Past Naga could even qualify as a Mythic Hero if they don't mind breaking their pattern of only including base versions of characters.
  9. Spd Preempt on Byleth effectively just means that you can treat all combat as Byleth initiating combat. Given that she has extremely high damage reduction on the opponent's first attack after Divine Pulse activates (75%), you can very much afford to not kill in a single hit. The only units that actually threaten her on enemy phase are melee units, Hardy Bearing, AoE specials (if the unit has Hardy Bearing or enough bulk to tank a single hit), and skills that ignore percentage damage reduction (if the unit has Hardy Bearing or enough bulk to tank a single hit).
  10. Do you need 2,000 more feathers? Nope. There's nothing left to do after you've cleared every map and gotten all of the daily rewards. Jeralt is literally Hrid with a lance. With an Atk Asset and max Dragonflowers, Jeralt has 42/48/27/40/31, a weapon that grants an effective +0/+9/+0/+6/+6 and a guaranteed follow-up and inflicts -6 Atk/Def and Panic as a debuff with splash Hrid's has 45/45/21/40/30, a weapon that grants an effective +0/+13/+0/+10/+10 and a guaranteed follow-up and inflicts in-combat Panic (only for Atk/Def) and follow-up prevention and an exclusive skill that inflicts -7 Atk/Def and Guard as a debuff with splash Jeralt ends up with -3/-2/+6/-4/-4 and doesn't get Guard or follow-up prevention, but has a free B slot that you can fit A/D Near Trace into to bring the comparison to a pretty close -3/+1/+6/-1/-1. Literally Hrid.
  11. So far, the relationships we've had were: Parent: Ike (Greil) Roy (Eliwood) Ephraim (Fado) Seliph (Sigurd) Other important ancestor: Marth (Anri) Byleth (Sothis) Sibling: Hector (Uther) Veronica (Bruno) Eirika (Ephraim) Existing alternate outfit: Lucina (Great Lord) Celica (Gaiden) Alm (Gaiden) Micaiah (Light Priestess) Eliwood (Epilogue) Dimitri (Great Lord) Edelgard (Emperor) Claude (Barbarossa) Lysithea (Gremory) Marianne (Dancer) Chrom (Great Lord) New original outfit: Lyn (barely) Camilla Default outfit: Gatekeeper Given the existing patterns, Banutu, Lucina, and Say'ri make zero sense to have as CYL outfits for big Tiki. Naga would work, but Naga is pretty much a given for a Legendary or Ascended version. And again, I cannot see any reason why anyone would want to see Tiki in Banutu's outfit other than spite. It's literally a face and a cloak. Your jealousy and spite is your problem, not the IS's. I should probably expect it by now, but sometimes, the amount of negativity in fandoms that go mainstream still manages to astound me. I'm old enough to be a disappointed dad, and that's kind of how I'm feeling right now at this "controversy". Y'all need to grow up.
  12. The thing is that Clash is actually really good, even if you aren't getting the most out of it, as long as you make sure to always move. In game modes where stat penalties are common, Clash is always going to have an advantage over Ideal/Catch, because trading 1~2 points in two stats is generally worth it to nullify a penalty. After all, we aren't always using both stacks of Ideal/Catch either. In game modes where stat penalties are not common is where the comparison gets interesting: Cavalry don't have many options for their C slot, and so a lot of them optimally run Menace. Despite the fact that cavalry have the highest movement range, this unexpectedly actually tilts the balance in favor of Catch since you need to move the full 3 spaces in order for Clash to match Catch's stat boost. If you have impeccable AI prediction and can make sure your unit is always moving 3 spaces, Clash is strictly better, but for us mere mortals, we probably get more out of Catch. Fliers typically run Rein in their C slot and therefore need to rely on teammates for debuff support. If you aren't running debuff support at all, Clash is better because it matches a single stack of Catch with just 1 movement and beats a single stack of Catch with 2 movement. Fliers also generally have more access to teleportation effects, especially when you are running multiple fliers on a team (Air Orders, Guidance, etc.), which also allows them to gain additional movement to power Clash. However, if you are running debuff support on a teammate, Catch is almost strictly better, as you need to move 3 spaces for Clash to match Catch, which is not something that can be relied on at all. Infantry is also interesting because, like fliers, keeping both stacks of Ideal active is not always reliable, so as long as the unit moves at all, it already gets at least as much out of Clash as it would with only a single stack of Ideal. Obviously, for infantry that are intended to always be at max HP, like Sweepers and some units with Brave weapons, Ideal is typically better since they can consistently keep both stacks active. Additionally, there's Pathfinder to consider because while movement through a Pathfinder unit doesn't count towards movement cost, it does count towards Clash since Clash is only concerned with the distance between the starting and ending spaces, not the movement spent. If you're running units with Pathfinder, you can pretty easily get some additional movement out of your units. Clash is functional on dual-phase units, but it depends on the movement of the opponent instead. In game modes that give you the flexibility to bait out opposing units one by one, you're typically already forcing the opponent to use their maximum movement range, which heavily favors using Clash. In game modes that don't let you do this, you're probably better off using something else on dual-phase units, especially if you're expecting the opponent to just bunch up next do you, like some teams in Aether Raids do. Dual-phase units with Canto also have some synergy with Clash due to the fact that they can move back after attacking to force the opponent to use additional movement. Since Clash is restricted to melee units, all relevant units that have Canto will always be able to move at least 1 space after attacking (Canto Control still allows melee units to move 1 space, and melee units get Canto (Rem.+1) instead of Canto (Rem.), which always allows them to move at least 1 space). Obviously, this is only a comparison between Clash and Ideal/Catch. Specialized skills, like Surge, Impact, and Stance, have secondary effects that some units rely on, which make it harder to use Clash on them, even if Clash grants more points of stats. It's a bit disappointing that it's restricted to melee units because it would've been perfect for units like Halloween Nowi and Ninja Igrene, who can teleport up to 4 spaces with the right positioning. Right. Legendary Corrin can also easily keep her Special charged at the start of combat. I think she benefits most from Atk/Spd Finish + Distant Counter (D), but Atk/Res Finish is probably still viable enough if you are confident in her ability to land one-hit kills with Negating Fang.
  13. I like Mareeta's art. It would be perfect if her sword weren't a giant block of metal. You're not the only one. Her left eye is looking at the viewer, but her right eye is pointed to the viewer's right.
  14. Preempt is only usable by ranged units. It's extremely niche and appears to be aimed at units that can one-hit kill the opponent with a pre-charged Special. The main problem is that units are unable to run Special Spiral at the same time, which effectively limits its viability to just Brave Byleth. Furthermore, it has the same problem as standard Vantage in that it cannot be run with Null C-Disrupt, which leaves the unit still vulnerable to Sweep effects, which remain common in Aether Raids. Clash is only usable by non-armored melee units. It grants +6 to two stats if the unit initiating combat moved at least 1 space and grants an additional +1 for each space the unit initiating combat moved, up to a maximum of 4 spaces. This means it has a floor of +7, which matches the boost from a single stack of Ideal or Catch and a ceiling of +10, which is one point higher than the boost from both stacks of Ideal or Catch. If the unit initiating combat moved at least 2 spaces, the unit holding this skill has their penalties to the boosted stats nullified. The distance moved is counted as the distance between the starting space and the ending space and ignores the actual path taken (so you can't cheese out extra stats by using a squiggly path). Needless to say, this skill is finicky, as you lose the stat boost entirely if the unit initiating combat does not move when attacking. Between Clash and Ideal/Catch, which is preferred depends on how much movement you can expect to consistently get, whether or not penalty nullification is meaningful in the game mode, and whether or not you can expect to activate both stacks of Ideal/Catch. Finish is only usable by infantry. The unit needs to remain within 3 spaces of an ally to activate the skill, which is extremely lenient. The unit gains +7 to two stats as long as the skill is active and gains an additional +5 damage and 7 HP regeneration per attack if the unit's Special is fully charged or if the unit has already activated their Special before or during combat. Finish is most notably useful on dragons due to the fact that Finish + Distant Counter (D) is strictly better than Distant Counter Push/Stance + Sacred Seal if the unit can maintain the Special skill condition. Even without maintaining the Special skill condition, Finish + Distant Counter (D) is still active on both phases (compared to Stance), doesn't have recoil damage (compared to Push), has a more lenient condition (compared to any Sacred Seal), and is not behind by much in stats, being behind 2 stacks of Form in the Sacred Seal slot by 1 point, Solo by 3 points, and 3 stacks of Form by 5 points. The only real downside to Finish is the fact that 5 points of effective stats are forced into Atk and cannot be changed to a different stat. Naturally, Brave Tiki and Legendary Fae are the best users of Finish due to being able to almost always have their Special fully charged at the start of combat. It can also viably be used on any units with Special Spiral, as long as they don't need Distant Counter and are not running an AoE Special. Ascended Mareeta can also viably run Atk/Spd Finish once it's released due to her weapon automatically fully charging Vital Astra after combat. Duo Ike can also viably run Atk/Spd Finish with his default Radiant Aether as long as you're willing to give up Distant Counter and his B slot to run Special Spiral. Inf. Spd Tactic has no inheritance restrictions. It's extremely niche due to having the team composition requirements of being a Tactic skill. The only thing it gains over Spd Tactic 3 is that it also grants the Null Follow-Up status effect to infantry units in range (as long as the team composition requirement is fulfilled). This is cool, but if you wanted the Null Follow-Up, you're generally better off giving Inf. Null Follow to an infantry dancer or other infantry support unit. This skill looks like it exists specifically for Brave Chrom to use so that he could grant Null Follow-Up in order to copy it without needing to be an infantry unit himself and seems pretty useless for skill inheritance. How is representing the version that didn't win any different than representing a character that didn't win? Greil and Eliwood didn't win CYL 1, but were represented by Ike and Roy, respectively. SImilarly, what about Brave Lyn, who is literally in her default outfit, but with a fur pelt over her shoulder (and a few small changes to details here and there)? Or Brave Alm and Brave Celica, who are just in their outfits from a different game? The argument boils down to just "we don't like young Tiki and don't want to be reminded of her existence, and we believe our opinion is more valid than players that do like young Tiki". Sure, I'd also like to see Tiki in Naga's outfit, but I have a feeling they're saving that for an Ascended or Legendary version. I don't know why anyone would want to see her in Banutu's outfit other than just to see her dressed up as anyone associated with her other than young Tiki. And we have more alts of Marth than we have of young Tiki, not to mention we already have someone cosplaying as him from the same game as big Tiki. With the exception of the alfar outfits, Resplendent outfits usually keep similar elements as the original outfit, so you're not going to get anything radically different with most Resplendent outfits.
  15. In general, you want to run the strongest Special that you can still activate in a single round of combat. Moonbow is generally going to be better for her since she can activate it on her follow-up attack if the opponent can counterattack, but she's capable of fully charging Iceberg if you're running Time's Pulse. If the opponent cannot counterattack (or if she has Desperation and it is active), she's unable to guarantee a Special activation regardless of the Special you choose (unless you're running Time's Pulse), so it's generally best to pick one with the shortest cooldown. There are a few exceptions to this guideline, but none of them apply to Guinevere.
  16. 266 pulls from the CYL banner: 9 Tiki (+2 spark) 1 Byleth (+1 spark) 0 Chrom (+1 spark) 0 Seliph (+1 spark) And pity breakers: Jill Letizia Fallen Gustav Sara 3.8% focus rate is almost exactly average. 5.3% total 5-star rate is quite a bit below average. Those are my first copies of Letizia and Gustav, which is cool. But my luck with Assets is awful. None of my copies of Tiki were +Res. Letizia is +Def. Gustav is +Spd.
  17. The clothes are still pretty similar in size to Brave Tiki's. That's not an issue with infantry and fliers. It's an issue with all slow units that aren't sword, dragon, or armored. EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention this last night, but the character introductions are all up, so you can see all of their art. And they had to censor Tiki's art for YouTube. See if you can spot it. I'm dying because it's so silly.
  18. So... she tried them on anyways? And of her own volition? I don't know about anyone else, but my tsundere senses are tingling. Why is there no fanart of this? I can find big Tiki in small Tiki's clothes, but not big Tiki in small-Tiki-sized small Tiki's clothes. This is relevant to my interests.
  19. Byleth and Chrom are probably the best in the current meta. Seliph seems to be the most versatile given his massive mobility and built-in Miracle, but he doesn't stand out quite as much when compared to similar units. Tiki is basically an infantry version of Fallen Rhea, but has a more reliable way to prevent the opponent's Special from activating and ensure that her own Special activates. Standard tanks are currently not meta, but she might potentially be good enough to actually function as one. Out of last year's CYL units, Eirika is the most notable. However, she overlaps heavily with this year's Brave Chrom. Eirika has a better Canto and more immediate power, but Chrom's exclusive Assist skill is absolutely busted with the right setups. Marianne and Gatekeeper are extremely niche units, and Gatekeeper has seen his niche steadily being eaten away by other units that do the same things that he does.
  20. I forgot to mention this earlier, but I find it funny that Chrom has Surge Sparrow on his base kit, but no Special to use it with, because he has an exclusive Assist skill and they were definitely not going to give up one his of passive skills to fit in a Special. His weapon's effect clearly says he's designed to be running Aether, though. He has a horse like a Paladin, but his outfit is his Great Lord outfit. I think her skirt is actually longer than young Tiki's. Eirika is actually 1 point faster with max Dragonflower investment since she has the same base Spd, but 5 more Dragonflowers. However, Chrom has an open B skill that can be used to boost Spd, whereas Eirika doesn't. Meanwhile, Chrom has a 1-point advantage in Atk compared to Eirika with max Dragonflower investment, but Moonlight Bangle's damage boost on Special activation blows that out of the water. Unless Chrom is able to stack at least 3 non-stat Bonuses or Penalties on himself, Eirika actually has higher effective Atk against most opponents (+12 damage against opponents with 30 Def when running Luna, and Luna does the same damage as Aether), and Chrom needs even more stacks if the opponent has a more respectable Def stat. I found this kind of amusing. He doesn't get the movement for free, but it's very close to free since it only requires starting the turn with an ally within 2 spaces of him. Preempt not activating against melee units prevents her from getting her damage reduction on the opponent's first attack, and melee units are very much capable of burning through 39/26 base physical bulk in a single hit. That's only 65 bulk at +0+0 or 75 bulk at +10+5. 75 Atk is pretty easy for offensive units to reach these days. Summer Nifl hits 70 Atk with no merges, no Dragonflowers, no Asset, no Sacred Seal, and with only one stack of Catch active.
  21. And the usual translation things: The banner's name, "Weave of Fate", is "未来紡ぎし魂たち" (mirai tsumugishi tamashi-tachi), "Souls That Weave the Future". "紡ぐ" (tsumugu) actually means "to spin thread" and not "to weave", but as this is a figurative usage, "weave" makes more sense as a translation. Byleth's epithet, "Sublime Light", is "覇天顕照" (haten kenshō), "The Clear Light That Conquers the Heavens". "覇天" (haten), "conquering heaven", is the name of the Sublime Heaven skill. Inner Wellspring is "内より溢れる魔力" (uchi yori afureru maryoku), "Magic Power That Overflows From Within". Divine Pulse is "天刻の拍動" (tenkoku no hakudō), "Heaven-Engraving Pulse". Spd Preempt is "速さの先制" (hayasa no sensei), "Spd Preemption". Seliph's epithet, "Enduring Legacy", is "父の志を追って" (chichi no kokorozashi o otte), "Pursuing His Father's Ambition". Holytide Tyrfing is "聖日ティルフィング" (seijitsu tirufingu), "Holy Day's Tyrfing". Atk/Spd Clash is "攻撃速さの激突" (kōgeki hayasa no gekitotsu), "Atk/Spd Clash". Heir to Light is "光をつぐもの" (hikari o tsugu mono), "Inheritor of Light". This is actually Seliph: Heir of Light's epithet, though it's styled differently as "光を継ぐ者" (hikari o tsugu mono). Tiki's epithet, "Fated Divinity", is "神竜の目覚め" (shinryū no mezame), "Divine Dragon's Awakening". Remote Breath is "悠遠のブレス" (yūen no buresu), "Faraway Breath". Atk/Res Finish is "攻撃魔防の秘奥" (kōgeki mabō no hiō), "Atk/Res Secret". In Heroes, "奥義" (ōgi), literally "secret skill", is the term used to refer to Special skills. This word is commonly used in video games in general to refer to special attacks. "秘奥義" (hiōgi), literally "secret secret skill", is commonly used to refer to "super" attacks. New Divinity is "新たなる神竜王" (aratanaru shinryū-ō), "New Divine Dragon King". "神竜王" (shinryū-ō), "Divine Dragon King", is Naga's epithet. Chrom's epithet, "Fated Honor", is "覚醒せし正義" (kakusei seshi seigi), "Awakened Justice". Geirdriful is "ゲイルドリヴル" (geirudorivuru), "Geirdriful". A Fate Changed! is "運命は変わった!" (unmei wa kawatta!), "Fate Has Changed!". Compare with "運命を変える!" (unmei o kaeru!), "I Will Change Fate!", which is the name of the To Change Fate! skill. Inf. Spd Tactic is "速指揮・歩行重視" (soku-shiki: hokō jūshi), "Spd Command: Infantry Emphasis". "速指揮" (soku-shiki) is an abbreviation of "速さの指揮" (hayasa no shiki), "Spd Command", which is the name of the Spd Tactic skill. Jeralt's epithet, "Blade Breaker", is "壊刃" (kaijin), "Blade Breaker". Breaker Lance is "壊刃の戦槍" (kaijin no sensō), "Blade Breaker's War Lance". It's worth noting that the wording of Inf. Spd Tactic's skill name leaves open the possibility of versions for other movement types, unlike the usual infantry skills, which have a different naming scheme. I get that this was probably meant to be hyperbolic, but that doesn't change the fact that this statement ticks me off as an artist myself.
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