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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. The fact that there is disagreement in this thread shows that it isn't. No one says "I'm going out to walk the canine." People will look at you funny because people don't use "canine" to refer to dogs in regular speech, even though it can be used to do so. Kind of like how people normally refer to throwing something out the window as "throwing something out the window" and not as "defenestrating something" unless they just learned the word "defenestrate" or are trying to sound cool by using big words. "Canine" is more commonly used to refer to dogs in particular as an adjective (probably because "doggy" isn't appropriate for serious contexts). As a noun, it's generally not used to refer to dogs in particular in regular speech and is typically only used in certain higher levels of diction (such as in the naming of organizations, products, etc. or for PR-related purposes like marketing).
  2. That doesn't exclude the use of the word "bovine" to refer to the species. As I previously said, words can have multiple meanings. Case in point, as I also previously said, the word "ox" is used primarily to refer to cattle used for work, but also to any of the several species with "ox" in its name. There is nothing preventing the word "bovine" from being used to refer to either Bovinae or Bos taurus. The difference between cows and dogs is the fact that people actually do use "bovine" to refer specifically to Bos taurus because there isn't a universally accepted singular name of the species in English (again, "cow" is the most used term, but isn't universal), whereas people don't use "canine" to refer specifically to Canis lupus familiaris because the universally accepted word for the species in English is "dog".
  3. That's not a misconception. People don't use "cow" to refer to the name of the species because they think it's the name of the species. They use it to refer to the name of the species because there is no singular word for an individual of the species, and "cow" is likely to be understood to refer to what the speaker intended its usage to mean. People who are fluent in English are generally well aware that "cow" usually refers to a female of the species, but they are also aware that the name of the species doesn't have a singular version. There is no misconception. There is a gap in the language, and we're filling it in with something that is widely understood to be understood. (And children using the word mistakenly doesn't count because children use a lot of words mistakenly due to their lack of vocabulary or lack of understanding.) Yes. Words can have more than one meaning. That's why context is a thing.
  4. Assuming the description is accurate and precise, it will not activate for Harsh Command, Reciprocal Aid, Ardent Sacrifice, Sacrifice, Maiden's Solace, all non-movement staff Assist skills, and all dance Assist skills. It activates both when Shigure uses a compatible Assist skill and when he is the target of one. I have no idea if movement staff Assist skills count as movement Assist skills, but my gut says yes.
  5. No one using "cow" to refer to a sex-nonspecific cow is confusing a sex-nonspecific cow with a female cow. They're using it to refer to a sex-nonspecific cow because the English language lacks a word that standardly has that meaning, and people hearing it used in that way are unlikely to be confused by its usage. There is no misconception happening here.
  6. A "male dog". You can just use adjectives for that. You can't use an adjective to make "cattle" singular and are forced to use a different word altogether, which is not the same as for a male dog. Also, a "good boy".
  7. We don't have that problem with "dogs" because it has a normal singular "dog", so there's no need to be creative for the singular. This is a uniquely bovine problem. Also, I said nothing of how commonly the word "bovine" is used, just that it is. It's likely that, like where I grew up, "cow" is still the most common word for this for people that don't deal with cows on a daily basis.
  8. According to Wikipedia, "cow" is the most commonly used word in English for a single individual when sex is unknown or irrelevant. "Bovine" is used in Britain. "Ox" was historically used for this, but is nowadays generally only used for work animals (and other species with "ox" in the name). I think "cow" is fine to refer to the species.
  9. I've been noticing that every Legendary/Mythic Hero that I go for a +10 merge on their release banner always ends up getting rerun with another new Legendary/Mythic Hero of the same color, whereas the ones that I don't immediately go for a +10 merge end up never sharing a color with the new unit. (Unless it's a unit I don't care for named Dimitri that has crap fodder, in which case he'll show up on every banner.) This basically leaves me with a million spare copies of every Legendary/Mythic Hero that I have at +10 and a bunch of Legendary/Mythic Heroes that can't get past +5 unless I get a random pull when the summoning circle doesn't have the color I'm sniping for. (Or is named Micaiah and refuses to be summoned even when she shares a color with the new unit.) It's really annoying. Triandra is still cursed to forever be +1 (has never been on a banner with a new green unit), and Chrom is cursed to be stuck at +0 (was on Dimitri's banner and never again). Meanwhile, I have 16 spare copies of Eitri (useless as fodder), 20 spare copies of Ashera (almost useless as fodder), and 22 spare copies of Seiros (just Dragon Wall), not counting any copies I've already used (which is zero for Eitri and Ashera outside of merges because they are crap fodder). So right now, I'm basically cursed to never get Nanna or Askr to +10. On a completely unrelated note, I just noticed that Summer Nifl has her hair up in a (very) short ponytail, and it's really cute.
  10. Garbage luck, as usual for a Legendary/Mythic Hero banner, but slightly better than my usual garbage luck. Doesn't make it not garbage, though. Hit my budget then immediately stopped. 198 pulls: 3 Askr (+1 spark) 4 Mediuth 5 Ashera 1 Nanna 1 Mareeta 1 Celica 7.8% focus rate, which is below average (~8.6%) by 2 units. As usual, I get more copies of the units I don't need than the units that I need. At the very least, one of my copies of Askr was +Def. On the bright side, I pulled my first female Byleth since she reached +10, which means I can finally give Ruptured Sky to a cavalry or flier without wasting a copy of Atk/Spd Ideal 4.
  11. The same reason Young Mia has four superbanes. He has a 183 stat total, which is higher than the average for his class of 181-182. This means he got favorable rounding on his growth rates for more stats than usual, which means he'll get unfavorable rounding (i.e. superbanes) on more Flaws (which are -5.7% to growth rates) than usual.
  12. Right. The one Dimitri that isn't a lance.
  13. I have no idea how this has anything to do with teleporting. Is this just a "I don't need to worry about teleportation because everything dies when they try to attack"? Ophelia (Hardy Bearing)? Legendary Lilina (Hardy Bearing)? Legendary Claude (Fallen Star)? Summer Claude (Fallen Star and weapon triangle advantage)? Summer Dimitri (a lot of Def and weapon triangle advantage)? Ishtar (Windsweep)? Young Larchel (Flash)? Brave Eirika (30% damage reduction and weapon triangle advantage)?
  14. The part that lets non-armors mimic having Savior is the super-Obstruct effect that Detailed Report and Bulwark share and has nothing to do with the Warp Bubble effect. Harmonized Catria allowing the entire team to teleport and having extremely high usage in Aether Raids defense says hi. Leaving the enemy alive is also just a normal occurrence nowadays. Null Follow-Up and follow-up prevention are now more common, and there are also commonly used offensive units that either have extremely high bulk or enough damage reduction to avoid dying in one round of combat. It's no longer possible to expect that you'll always kill every opponent in one round of combat.
  15. Beasts and dragons have extra help coming from the fact that their classes are exclusive to specific characters. You can give almost anyone a weapon and have them use it, but you can't give a human a dragonstone and expect them to suddenly turn into a dragon. In order to have a decently sized pool of units for players to pick from with those weapons and have enough different stat distributions, those units are naturally going to have greater percentage representation and have more alts per character. Radiant Dawn specifically suffers from having a much larger number of non-human characters than the average game, which causes the Laguz to leech more banner slots than usual for the reason above.
  16. Well, there's no reason to believe that Embla isn't a bat like Elm, but at least bats are a bit easier to confuse with dragons. Maybe whoever wrote the legends never got a good look at Askr and just assumed that the big thing was most likely a dragon. Maybe they confused him with a Duramboros or a Banbaro.
  17. I think Grima makes Female Robin unavailable as a Legendary Hero, but she's a likely candidate for another Ascended Hero that already has a Legendary version. It would be nice to eventually get her in her Grandmaster outfit since they decided to use her Tactician outfit for her Legendary version for some reason. We still have seasonal and Ascended alts available, so I don't think that's too much of a problem, especially after dragons took over Halloween. As far as Legendary Heroes go, that just reminded me that the Laguz kings are definitely available as options. I've edited them in. Kurthnaga is a possibility for another dragon Legendary Hero. If you're referring to how she reached Roland's cave, Akaneian ice dragons can canonically swim in their dragon form (they even have fins), and Ninian's dragon form is extremely similar to Akaneia's ice dragons.
  18. Characters from the Fire Emblem Leads banner that aren't yet available as Legendary Heroes: Deirdre If she has Naga, she'll likely be a colorless tome infantry to not have the same class as the other three units with Naga. However, I think she's a bit more likely to come with a staff, possibly a take on Silence. Ninian All three of the dragon dancers are blue infantry, so a Legendary version of Ninian is likely to be either green or colorless and ideally can kill two fire dragons and lower a third to 120 HP from whatever it started at with a single attack. Probably still infantry, though. Elincia While Elincia can canonically use a staff, I don't think she'll have one as a Legendary Hero. A variant of Amiti is more likely, but she could also come with an original weapon. Sothe Green dagger, probably infantry. Both of his current Heroes epithets specifically refer to him with the color green. If Legendary Sothe isn't green, something is wrong. Male Robin Levin Sword is the most popular option for him. It's also possible that he'll be a tome unit that has the Levin Sword as part of its animation like the Legendary Byleths. Might float, but probably not. Male Corrin Omega Yato is the most popular option for him. Tsubasa Lance flier. Likely has a variation of Sing, though not necessarily on the Assist slot. And Grail units that weren't on the banner, but probably qualify: Finn Lance cavalry. Itsuki Sword. Probably infantry. And a bunch of characters that border Ascended or border Mythic that are viable options when we eventually run out of the above (not exhaustive): Male Kris, Female Kris Whatever. Cuan Lance cavalry with a Gae Bolg that doesn't suck. Might be dead like Sigurd. Eldigan Sword cavalry with a new Mystletainn. Might also be dead. Levn Green or colorless tome infantry. Innes Some color of bow with a Nidhogg that doesn't suck. Despite being locked to the Sniper class in his source game, he could potentially be cavalry like Hayden or get a wyvern like his summer version. Tana Lance flier with a Vidofnir that doesn't suck. Larchel Colorless tome cavalry with an Ivaldi that doesn't suck or staff cavalry with Latona. Or they could be interesting and have Latona as an Assist skill while still being a tome unit or a bit less interesting and have Ivaldi as a staff weapon with Latona as a staff Assist (but still more interesting than what Elimine got). Joshua Sword infantry in his Swordmaster promotion with an Audhumla that doesn't suck to contrast with his Ascended version, which is in his Assassin promotion. Lyon No idea what they'd do with a Legendary Lyon, but he's also a potential candidate for receiving the Legendary dead Sigurd treatment. Caineghis, Skrimir, Tibarn, Naesala, Reyson, Nailah Beasts of an arbitrary color with their canon movement type. Kurthnaga Dragon of an arbitrary color. Could be infantry or armored. Potentially flying, but unlikely. Sephiran In contrast to Lehran, who is more likely to be Mythic. Creiddylad is likely a blue or colorless tome. Awakening Tiki Borderline Mythic as Future Past Naga if she doesn't get that as her CYL version next month, but could just be normal Tiki. Color could be anything, and movement type could be anything but cavalry. Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, Camilla, Leo, Elise Not familiar enough with Fates to know what classes they could be. And maybe the Warriors main characters, but there's no sign yet that Warriors is ever going to be represented in this game.
  19. Holy shit, that absolutely glorious mane of hair on his transformed sprite. My only disappointment is that he isn't a laser cow like his retainer. Unfortunately, I have very little budget to spend on this banner, so unless I get extremely lucky with my pulls, I'm probably not getting too many merges on Askr. I'm also a bit sad that I have to pass up on pulling for Nanna and Plumeria since I still need merges on both of them. Bulwark looks like it'll probably be melee infantry only. Or infantry only if they're willing to let other ranged units step on Gatekeeper's toes a bit, but ranged units typically don't get access to defensive skills. Atk/Def Bulwark looks pretty nice, effectively granting +4/0/4/4, which is pretty typical for a stat-boosting B skill, and granting healing after combat, which is nice for keeping both stacks of Ideal active. Like Detailed Report, it's basically a pseudo-Save skill for infantry. As far as Askr's exclusive skills, granting both Resonance buffs to both himself and allies is really nice. He really has everything he needs in his base kit to just stack Def. It might even be worth swapping out Atk/Def Ideal for Def/Res Ideal (which conveniently comes from Mediuth on this banner) if you aren't running full Save support. Anyways, the usual translation notes: Askr's epithet, "God of Openness", is "開神" (kaishin), "God of Opening". Possibly pronounced "kaijin" and possibly also interchangeable, but "kaishin" feels more positive, namely because it's a homophone with "会心" (kaishin), "satisfaction" or "affinity", and "快心" (kaishin), "good feeling". But "kaijin" has its own interesting homophones, namely "怪人" (kaijin), "strange person", and "灰塵" (kaijin), "ash and dust", not to mention it's the more common pronunciation of "海神" (kaijin, kaishin, or watatsumi), "god of the sea", usually referring to Poseidon in Western mythology or Watatsumi in Japanese mythology when used without additional context. Illuminating Horn is "絶光の角" (zekkō no tsuno), "Horn of Unparalleled Light". Atk/Def Bulwark is "攻撃守備の防壁" (kōgeki shubi no bōheki), "Atk/Def Bulwark". Opened Domain is "みんなが繋がる世界" (minna ga tsunagaru sekai), "A World Where Everyone is Connected". Also, since I probably didn't do them when they were first released: Resonance: Blades is "双界効果・刃" (sōkai kōka: yaiba), "Paired-Worlds Effect: Blade". "双界" (sōkai), "paired worlds", is the terminology used for Harmonized Heroes and their associated mechanics. Resonance: Shields is "双界効果・盾" (sōkai kōka: tate), "Paired-Worlds Effect: Shield".
  20. As far as stats go, Larchel now has 38/36 offenses with max Dragonflowers and the Resplendent boost, which is identical to Valentine Soren, who shares the exact same class, and is only -1/-1 compared to Halloween Larchel, who is a green tome cavalry. Ivaldi grants Larchel +8/+3 offenses, which is pretty underwhelming, but does come with a higher consistent Atk stat than inheritable options other than Blarblade. For a more typical Spd build, it's better to run Flora Guide or Drifting Grace if you can get your hands on one of them or Blarfox otherwise, but Valentine Veronica is better than Larchel for that build since she has the same Atk stat and 4 more Spd. Larchel goes from being the third worst blue tome cavalry (after Olwen and Ursula) to tying for the third worst blue tome cavalry (with Valentine Soren and Groom Pent). Better, but unless she's a favorite of yours, probably still not worth using if you have any of the units that are better than her (and Reinhardt and Valentine Veronica are both F2P options).
  21. I ran into that one guy that has a Bonus Doubler Doubler Doubler Nowi again. That team is really annoying. I should try to copy it because it seems fun to use. Anyways, 3 wins and 1 loss for this week, which is enough to bring me up one tier into Platinum C. Currently sitting at rank 444 with 3,720 points. No motivation to continue. This week's setup looks like this: No real surprises on my builds other than Galeforce on Xander and my usual hilariously bulky Maria. Each team runs the Captain Skill that moves the capture zone towards your side of the map. The goal is to use my offensive units to zone the opponent out while forcing them to have to come to me if they don't want to constantly lose capture points. Or just rush them down if they make a mistake and lose a key unit. I ended up using team 3 for 3 matches and team 1 for my last match. Having both Sigurd and Xander on team 3 was very interesting. Since Far Save is still the dominant Savior type, it's really nice having two melee attackers because I can viably use Sigurd as bait to lure the opponent's primary ranged attacker into coming in for a kill, and Mediuth prevents it from using Canto to get out while Xander can kill the baited attacker and still get out with his own Canto, even if the attacker is still covered by Far Save. This functionally neuters the Captain Skill that grants +1 Movement, which seemed to be pretty popular, since I can intentionally let Sigurd sit in the opponent's attack range.
  22. It's not strictly worse than any inheritable weapon. That's why it's "almost" strictly worse.
  23. Beorc's Blessing has always been awful. Even at launch, there really wasn't any reason to use it. It was clearly intended to act as a counter to Litrblade, but Ike's Res was crap, and he had to give up his default Steady Breath in order to run Distant Counter. Running Beorc's Blessing also meant giving up Quick Riposte, which was not yet available as a Sacred Seal. Its effect also makes zero sense in terms of lore. (I see what it's trying to do in the absence of beast units, but it didn't age well.) Sacae's Blessing is actually still pretty good. It doesn't compare to modern exclusive skills, but it's still comparable to modern inheritable skills and is therefore worth consideration over other options for the slot. Being countered by Null C-Disrupt is not that big of a deal, as not many units actually run the skill over the many other better B skills that exist. Lyn's problem is the combination of her outdated stats and outdated weapon. With Dragonflowers, she only has 36/38 offenses, which is crap when considering that Wolf has 40/43 offenses and Leonie has 38/41. Even with a Resplendent outfit, Lyn would only be at 38/40, which still falls behind. Unlike units with more recent refines that can make up for worse stats with a stronger weapon, Mulagir only grants a maximum of +4/7 offenses and only when she has higher visible Spd than the opponent, which is worse than Whitecap Bow+ [Spd], which grants +5/7 offenses with a more lenient condition. The fact that Mulagir is almost strictly worse than an inheritable weapon means that she's never going to be stronger than another unit with the same stats, much less stronger than any unit with higher base stats, even if their exclusive weapon is worse than Mulagir (because both units still have access to all inheritable weapons).
  24. Tellius literally has half of its units represented. Even if Brave Ike didn't get a Resplendent outfit, Tellius would still be in the top half at 38% representation. Tellius "continues to get nothing" for the same reason that Thracia and Sacred Stones haven't gotten anything for a long time: there simply aren't that many characters from those games that are were released that early. Anyhow, Brave Lyn is currently the CYL unit that is absolutely most deserving of receiving a Resplendent outfit. Mulagir sucks and has worse offensive stats than Whitecap Bow, which means that Lyn is literally worse than Summer Leonie right now, and receiving the stat bonus from the Resplendent outfit isn't even enough to surpass Leonie. I also think Brave Roy is deserving of a Resplendent outfit. Eliwood also has access to Blazing Durandal and has similar offenses and better defenses with his Resplendent stat boosts. There's currently almost no reason to use Brave Roy over Eliwood if you have Eliwood's Resplendent outfit. (Roy's only real advantage is 2 points of Spd.)
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