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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. Am I the only one who likes Tiki getting her younger version's outfit? I think it's cute. Other than that, I have no strong feelings either way for any of the other outfits. They look okay. Byleth is going to be an annoying wall breaker to deal with. 75% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack and an extra 13~15 damage on her second attack is kind of stupid. Far Save tanks are already bad enough as it is against the current ranged wall breakers. I feel like Valentine Lucina is probably going to end up also being the best Far Save tank on top of already being the best Near Save tank unless they release something better in the near future. Preempt is a new Vantage skill that uses a Spd comparison instead of being based on the user's HP and only works against ranged opponents. I'm not sure how much use it will actually see since it seems really niche. Seliph is fast Legendary Sigurd. Clash looks pretty fun for teleporting units, but otherwise, it doesn't stand out that much against Ideal and Catch. Tiki is a slow, bulky dragon that can block Pulse shenanigans. It looks like she should directly counter Byleth. Finish looks like the new defensively oriented A skill for bulky units to run, and it's actually pretty good. If it can be inherited by armors, you can bet Fallen Edelgard is going to be running it for even more passive healing. Chrom is a ball of stats. He's basically an updated Brave Eirika, but has a worse Canto effect (since it's just Trace) in exchange for an utterly busted version of Reposition. He's also the first unit in the standard summoning pool with S/D Near Trace, which is notable. The new Tactic upgrade is interesting, but still has the same pitfalls as all other Tactic skills. I think I'll just pull for Tiki with priority to Byleth > Chrom > Seliph if there are no green orbs, though I might start skipping Byleth if I get more than just a couple copies of her.
  2. As long as you are using the Reserves feature and are converting duplicate copies of units into Combat Manuals, you should be generally be fine on barracks space as a F2P player. However, it only costs 1 orb to buy 5 slots, but it costs 20 orbs to fill those slots, so spending orbs on barracks space is virtually negligible compared to summoning, especially when you consider that most pulls are going to end up being turned into Combat Manuals instead of taking up a slot. As far as selling Combat Manuals, I typically hold onto 20 of each unit except for units with high-demand skills (Reposition, Desperation, Atk/Spd Ideal, etc.), which I don't sell (until I get too close to the cap).
  3. Which Asset to run should never be chosen based on whether it is a superboon or not. A superboon is only worth running if a regular Asset would have been worth running in that stat. As far as Ewan is concerned, there is no reason to build for mixed bulk on any unit that doesn't already have passable mixed bulk and that isn't being used on enemy phase. Ewan's Def is not great, and there's no reason to build for it. There's also no reason to build for Raudhrserpent since the weapon isn't particularly good, and you should probably switch him to an offensive weapon, like Raudhrfox or Raudhrblade. I recommend Atk since Sheena has the lowest Atk stat of all axe armors, and her defenses have fallen far enough behind that she's not well suited for multiple rounds of combat per turn. However, if you're set on running a defensive Asset, I'd go for Def if you aren't running Distant Counter or Res if you are running Distant Counter. If you're not using her on player phase, you should run Res. If you're using her on player phase, there's an argument for either Atk or Spd, but I lean towards Spd to scrape out a few more doubles. I lean towards Atk. In PvP game modes, the only times he should be engaging in combat should be to finish off a weakened enemy. In PvE game modes, he shouldn't have too much trouble tanking most physical opponents outside of challenge maps and doesn't really need any extra Def. Unless the unit has a really good Atk-boosting effect on their weapon that makes up for their crap Atk, they want an Atk Asset. No, not really. There are very few fast tanks that actually want Def over a different stat since they typically have damage reduction coming from a different stat and would rather either boost that stat or go for Atk if the damage reduction comes from Spd. Spring Maria can run it as a dual-phase skill if you don't have Spd/Def Catch from Sain, but that's pretty much it. Brave Dimitri also has his bulk based on Def, but he already has a guaranteed follow-up and doesn't need the Spd. If she's running Dragon Wall, she'll want one of Atk/Res, Spd/Res, or Def/Res instead. If she's running Quick Riposte or Dragon's Ire, she'll want one of Atk/Def, Atk/Res, or Def/Res instead. If she's running Dragon's Wrath for whatever reason, she'll want one of Atk/Spd, Atk/Def, or Atk/Res instead. Alternatively, there's Bonus Doubler if you're running her with teammates that can consistently give her Bonuses and you're using her in a game mode where Bonus nullification isn't prevalent.
  4. Yeah, it's just ranged cavalry and fliers. A/R Far Trace also has a pretty limited list of units that want it, but it's at least more than for Still Water. It's most viable on slow units that are expecting to take a counterattack every once in a while or have enough Def or Res to tank a hit from an opponent on enemy phase now and then. The usual problem is, once again, that a lot of units that want the skill already have it. Additionally, there's an argument that, even for slow units, S/R Far Trace is still better than A/R Far Trace if the unit doesn't have a guaranteed follow-up on another skill slot.
  5. Masks are absolute. I keep saying this, but people don't believe me.
  6. Ah, that makes things a bit less weird. Yeah, it's not going to be red.
  7. I'm well aware. The current known roster of the banner just looks really strange on its face. Red not only has the smallest backlog, but the largest number of unfilled slots, but has the rather old Seliph as the only Legendary/Mythic unit. I agree that blue is more likely, but red just looks so completely out of place with the current situation that I cannot rule it out as a possibility like I can for green or colorless.
  8. I'm finding it really hard to believe it won't be red considering that the backlog on standard-pool red units is so small, even if the only Legendary/Mythic unit is going to be Seliph. If it's red, I wanted to say Male Corrin, but the element is earth, so Male Robin is more likely. Maybe Elincia. If it's blue, I'm once again guessing Finn. One of these days, I'll guess right. Male Robin is also a possibility here, though it would be odd to have his Legendary version have the same tome color as his regular version. Lilina is the only tome unit that shares a color with her regular version, and that's mostly because they shoved Forblaze on her. None of the dragons share a color with their regular versions, and the only bow unit that shares a color is Claude. EDIT: Hugh being missing from the graphic changes things. I don't see it being red.
  9. Still Water only worth giving to a unit that satisfies all of the following conditions: The unit uses an out-of-combat stat comparison that includes the unit's Atk stat. The unit does not mind having no Spd boost in its A slot. The unit is indifferent to its Res stat or requires its Res stat to function. If (1) is not satisfied, it is better to use a Solo, Catch, Ideal, Blow, Surge, or Impact skill to boost Atk and a second stat. If (1) is satisfied, but (2) or (3) is not satisfied, it is better to use Life and Death. Right now, the only units that really benefit from Still Water over an alternative skill are Legendary Julia, Legendary Lilina, Bride Lilina, and Duo Thorr. Of these, Legendary Julia and Legendary Lilina both have arguments to still run the easier-to-get Life and Death 4, and Bride Lilina and Duo Thorr already have Still Water in their base kits. My recommendation is to hold onto Duo Thorr for now and wait for another unit to be released that can use the skill and doesn't already have it. Or merge her. Or use her for A/R Far Trace fodder, which has slightly more units worth giving it to.
  10. Ephraim, Tharja, Female Corrin, and Camilla are all long overdue for a Resplendent outfit at this point.
  11. Switch Ignatz's Sacred Seal to Spd/Res Form 3. Savvy Fighter is probably his best B skill, but you can only get that from Lucina at the moment. Special Fighter or Crafty Fighter are the next best options to look out for. My Lucina currently has the Darting Stance Sacred Seal and Ignis as her Special. You can also use something like the Atk/Spd Form Sacred Seal with a 2-cooldown Special. You should also get Kestrel Stance 2 upgraded to Kestrel Stance 3 as soon as you can. A dancer is pretty unnecessary for this team composition since you're going to be relying mostly on enemy-phase combat. I suggest Ash if you want some more mobility support. You can use Future Vision on Ash to make adjustments to her teleportation range without expending a unit's action, which is pretty useful in some challenge content. Alternatively, you can use a unit with Canto or a similar effect as a means of sniping troublesome wall breakers before they reach you. You can use something like Harmonized Edelgard, Legendary Xander, Brave Eirika, etc. for this.
  12. As far as performance, Resplendent Lon'qu is pretty much dead on arrival. His base Spd is quite high, hitting 48 with the Resplendent stat boost, a Spd Asset, and max Dragonflowers, which is only 2 behind the current highest among sword infantry (Resplendent Karla). The problem is that his weapon is pretty bad by modern standards, and his low base Atk of only 35 with the Resplendent stat boost and max Dragonflowers certainly isn't helping, either. Solitary Blade only has the Slaying effect and Life and Death 3, which was okay when it was released, but is now only as good as an inheritable weapon. The newly released Florid Cane, for example, can be refined for either +0/0 offenses or -2/+3 offenses compared to Solitary Blade without the penalty to defenses and only trades the Slaying effect for Canto (Rem.+1). Overall, he ends up with -6/-7 offenses compared to Resplendent Karla before accounting for Karla's Spd-based additional damage. Even with max merges, he falls behind an unmerged Karla. Compared to other 4-star units, Guy has +3/-1 offenses over Lon'qu and doesn't require as many Dragonflowers to max out, but his most damning competition is Rutger, whose newly refined weapon now gives him +5/+3 offenses over Lon'qu with the same Slaying effect on top of having two additional skill effects. Even in Limited Hero Battles, Lon'qu competes with Yen'fay for a slot. While Yen'fay's stats aren't quite as high, being -2/-3 behind Lon'qu, Yen'fay simply has more useful skill effects on his weapon, which has Distant Counter and Dodge 3. As is typical, no complaints about the art. It's solid.
  13. I think the screenshot of my last Nina pull perfectly sums up how this banner went for me: I don't think I've ever been hated so much by a banner that wasn't a Legendary/Mythic Hero banner. 454 pulls, including the ones from the previous post: 5 Nina (+1 spark) 4 Leila 1 Cath 0 5-star Sothe 2 4-star Sothe And new pity breakers, not including the ones already in my previous post: Hugh Ferry Lysithea Bernadetta Duessel August Fallen Dimitri Volke Dedue 2.2% focus rate and 5.1% 5-star rate. If I had gotten exactly the average number of 5-star pulls, I would have all of the above and a +10 Nina and 2 more pity breakers. But no, this banner hates me. Probably karma for my luck on the summer banner.
  14. Having the same icon probably doesn't matter much because on the Sacred Seal selection screen, all of the ones that the unit cannot use are darkened out. It also makes sense to have the same icon because the skill effect is still identical to Distant Counter. The only difference is which unit classes the skill is locked out from. That said, if they do eventually release Distant Counter for other unit classes, I don't think they will do so in the near future. Distant Counter is less out of the ordinary for dragons because they already had access to Lightning Breath. At the very most, they might split it between physical and magical weapons. Splitting the Sacred Seals by class is a disadvantage in the short run because we only get access to them slowly, but it's a good thing in the long run because it means we can use the skill on multiple units at the same time. I personally expect them to make only a single Close Counter Sacred Seal, but I would absolutely not be surprised if they make one for physical units and one for magical units. I would also expect us to get Close Counter before we get any other Distant Counter Sacred Seals.
  15. I don't understand my cursed luck. 144 pulls so far: 0 Nina (+1 spark) 3 Leila 0 Cath 0 5-star Sothe 1 4-star Sothe And pity breakers: Awakening Anna Lilith Marianne (first +Atk copy) Julian Dismal 2.1% focus rate and 4.9% 5-star rate. Most of the orbs came from anniversary rewards and the anniversary orb packs, so I've only scratched my budget for this banner so far (and it looks like I actually have more than I expected, but we'll see if my luck improves). Going to bed for now. Probably won't have time to pull more until late tonight.
  16. Fallen Lyon shouldn't be a problem since his weapon triangle advantage against colorless only applies to ranged units. Full colorless is fine in most game modes. Triangle Adept with weapon triangle advantage against colorless is rare nowadays, and the strongest wall breakers in the game still win even with weapon triangle disadvantage. Double Ash with Fallen Edelgard and a bonus unit is a pretty good Tempest Trials team.
  17. Keaton looks like one of the units where you're intended to completely scrap his base kit (like Nailah). The refine plays into running Moonbow + Vantage over his default Draconic Aura + Special Spiral. The boost to Caineghis's stats is based on the opponent's Atk at the start of combat, so the in-combat penalty doesn't matter. The units receiving remixes now are less outdated than previous units, so it makes sense that their upgrades aren't going to be as strong. As usual, you can blame the localization team. The effect in Japanese reads: 周囲2マス以内の味方が戦闘開始時、 その味方の守備がスキル所持者より高い時、または、 スキル所持者が現在の 各軍ターン(自軍ターンまたは敵軍ターン) で戦闘を行っていない時、 戦闘中、その味方の攻撃、速さ、守備、魔防+4、 敵は追撃不可 At start of combat for an ally within 2 spaces of unit, if that ally's Def is greater than this skill's owner's Def or if this skill's owner has not yet entered combat during the current phase, during combat, grants +4 Atk/Spd/Def/Res to that ally and foe cannot perform a follow-up attack. It would also be nice if the localization team learned how to break up text into blocks instead of just vomiting everything out all at once. Technical writing is not the place for prose formatting. (This is why I've recently been putting my effect breakdowns in bulleted lists.)
  18. Rutger: Wanderer Blade Base effect is Slaying effect If opponent's HP is 75% or higher: +5 Atk/Spd If unit's Spd is higher than opponent's Spd: +1 Special charge rate Refine effect is If HP is 25% or higher: +5 Atk/Spd Dodge 3 Compared to (non-Resplendent) Karla, Rutger still has only +1/-2 offenses with a Spd Asset and max Dragonflowers before accounting for Karla's Spd-based damage, which adds about 10-12 additional damage depending on how maxed out she is. The most notable effect on his weapon is the +1 Special charge rate, which applies to both his own attacks and the opponent's attacks. In addition to getting Dodge on his weapon, it's pretty clear they're trying to make Rutger into a dual-phase unit, which at least gives him something to separate him from Karla and Fallen Mareeta. Additionally, he can actually viably run Aether as a functional Special. Compared to Ascended Mareeta, Rutger has -1/+3 offenses with a Spd Asset and max Dragonflowers, and his Dodge is stronger and more reliable than Vital Astra, but he doesn't have Null Follow-Up on his weapon and doesn't have access to a free Ascended Asset. Keaton: Wolfskin Fang Base effect is updated: Permanent -5 Spd Meister effect Standard beast transform condition New beast infantry transform effect (updated, previously old transform effect) Refine effect is If opponent's HP is 75% or higher or Stance condition: -5 Atk/Def to opponent Neutralizes opponent's Bonuses to Atk/Def +1 Special charge rate on unit's attacks -5 Atk/Def is a bit underwhelming since other units get -6 instead, but it's probably justifiable simply because he has a Meister weapon and the highest Atk of all all beast infantry. The Special charge rate boost allows him to run Moonbow or Glimmer without the need for his default Special Spiral, which lets him run Vantage instead in his B slot, and Tempo on his transform effect prevents the opponent from stopping the Special activation. Unfortunately, being a beast unit, he doesn't have access to Vital Astra or Ruptured Sky, which means he's still stuck without a functional Special in the Arena. It's a pretty conservative refine, but that's to be expected for a Meister weapon. But it does the job. Summer Laegjarn: Worldsea Wave Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Spd If HP is 25% or higher (updated, previously 50%): +5 Atk/Spd (new) Desperation effect Refine effect is With Blow-or-Unity condition: +5 Atk/Spd Increases Atk/Spd by 40% of total Bonuses on unit and opponent, max +10 (25 total Bonuses) With Blow condition and if unit's Spd is at least 10 higher than opponent's Spd: The offensive half of Null Follow-Up Unfortunately, Laegjarn doesn't get an effect to guarantee a Special activation, but does get a huge boost to Spd and Null Follow-Up. She also gets the expected upgrade to her base effect's condition. Before accounting for the stat boost due to Bonuses, Laegjarn now has +1/+4 offenses compared to Levn with a Spd Asset and max Dragonflowers and has +1/-2 offenses compared to Fallen Mareeta before accounting for the +8 Atk or +8 Spd from Shadow Sword's stat comparison. Laegjarn gets the maximum stat boost from Bonuses when the total Bonuses on her and her opponent are at least 25, which is pretty easy to reach in the high Arena. Reaching a total of 24 is relatively easy outside of the Arena just from her own Bonuses. With a +9 Atk/Spd boost, she cleanly beats Levn with a +10/+13 difference, and hits +2/+7 over Fallen Mareeta if she gets her Atk boost or +10/-1 over Fallen Mareeta if she gets her Spd boost. She didn't get everything she wanted, but she's definitely viable again. Naga: Divine Breath Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Atk Effective damage against dragons Dragonstone common effect +3 to all stats to allied dragons and allied units with effective damage against dragons within 4 spaces of unit (new) +3 to all stats to unit for each allied dragon and allied unit with effective damage against dragons within 4 spaces of unit, max +9 (updated, previously 3 spaces) Refine effect is If there is at least one ally within 3 spaces: +4 to all stats 25% damage reduction on opponent's first attack If unit's Atk is greater than opponent's Res: Additional damage equal to 25% of the difference between unit's Atk and opponent's Res Naga still seems confused. She got Dive-Bomb from her remix, but gets a damage reduction effect on the opponent's first attack on her refine. It's like they can't decide if they want to make her a dual-phase unit or a player-phase unit and just half-assed both. Increasing the search range for her base effect's stat boost is pretty useful and makes it slightly easier to get her maximum boost, but it still requires her to have three allies that are either dragons or have effective damage against dragons, which is somewhat difficult to line up in Aether Raids unless you actually have dragons on the team. Unfortunately, we still don't have any particularly good Far Save dragons that can handle all of the recent bullshit that has been released. The additional support effect is at least decent, and the additional damage is certainly welcome. In the end, as a Mythic Hero, it's good enough that she can provide decent support when she's a bonus unit. Since they decided to increase her defensive stats even more, I don't really see the need to switch over to Dive-Bomb, so I'll be sticking with Wings of Mercy for the mobility. Hilda: Freikugel Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Spd At start of combat, if there is no ally with higher Def than unit within 2 spaces or Solo condition (updated, Solo condition is new): +6 Atk/Spd Additional damage equal to 10% of Spd (excluding AoE Specials) At start of combat for ally within 2 spaces: If that ally's Def is higher than unit's Def or if unit has not yet participated in combat during the current phase (updated, lazy Hilda condition is new): +4 to all stats on that ally (updated, previously +4 Atk/Spd) Prevents opponent's follow-up attack (new) Refine effect is If HP is 25% or higher: +5 Atk/Spd 40% damage reduction on opponent's first attack Well, I guess that fixes Freikugel's base effect. Previously, Freikugel was best utilized if Hilda moved first during player phase. Obviously, that makes no sense. Now, it is fixed. Hilda now gets +11 Atk/Spd on top of her permanent +3 Spd with a pretty lenient condition, which makes her by far the best offensive axe infantry in the game. The additional Spd-based damage is nice and essentially allows her to copy Karla to some extent, and the damage reduction on the opponent's first attack means she doesn't really need to give up her default Null Follow-Up for something like Frenzy. The support effect being upgraded to +4 to all stats and preventing the opponent's follow-up attack is really nice, though staying within 2 spaces of Hilda on player phase can still be quite difficult. Legendary Alm: Luna Arc Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Spd Effective damage against fliers With Blow-or-Unity condition (updated, Unity condition is new): +5 Atk/Spd (new) Additional damage equal to 25% of opponent's Def (including AoE Specials) Refine effect is If HP is 25% or higher: +5 Atk/Spd The offensive half of Tempo If opponent is physical and unit's Spd is at least 5 higher than opponent's Spd: Opponent cannot counterattack As predicted, they gave him the offensive half of Tempo and a defensive effect. I wasn't expecting the defensive effect to once again be Windsweep, but I guess they really don't try to be original. Other than that, Alm just gets +10 Atk/Spd, which once again puts him in contention for the best bow infantry. Alm is now -7/+1 offenses over Neimi, with the deficit in Atk made up for by Luna Arc's pseudo-Moonbow and Lunar Flash being better than anything Neimi has access to. Alm is +0/+3 over Ulir and again has Luna Arc's pseudo-Moonbow to boost damage. Ulir's defensive effect, however, is a bit more reliable as long as she can kill the opponent in one round of combat. Caineghis: Lion King Fang Base effect is updated: Permanent +3 Atk If opponent's HP is 75% or higher or Stance condition (updated, previously only Stance condition): +4 to all stats With Stance condition (new): 70% damage reduction from AoE Specials 70% damage reduction on opponent's follow-up attacks Standard beast transform condition Standard beast armor transform effect Refine effect is If HP is 25% or higher: -5 Atk/Def to opponent Guaranteed follow-up If transformed: Increases Atk/Def/Res by 25% of opponent's Atk at start of combat, minus 8, max +10 (72 Atk), min +0 (32 Atk) Caineghis can now get rid of his default Vengeful Fighter and run either Hardy Fighter or Special Fighter. Using him as a Far Save tank is still a bit awkward since he needs to be transformed to function, though Light season gives you access to Ash for mobility and Askr and Mila as non-human units that can help with remaining transformed. The full stat boosts bring his defenses up to 57/53/49 with max merges, max Dragonflowers, a Res Asset, and only his weapon equipped before accounting for the additional stats from the opponent's Atk. The most annoying units to tank right now are Harmonized Lysithea, who has 61+6 visible Atk, and Duo Chrom, who has 67+6 visible Atk. Against Lysithea, Caineghis has +8 Res for 57 Res before skills and 68 Res with a Svalinn Shield A/R Far Save build. Lysithea typically gets an effective +21 Atk from skills and deals somewhere around 20 damage before Special activations, damage reduction, blessings, and any status effects that Caineghis has. (C Feud prevents Caineghis from getting support effects other than status effects.) Against Duo Chrom, Caineghis has +10 Def for 63 Def before skills and 70 Def with a Svalinn Shield A/R Far Save build (because D/R is expensive). Chrom typically gets an effective +23 Atk from skills and deals somewhere around 26 damage before all of the other stuff, including team support this time. Chrom typically has Deadeye fully charged, so it should run into Sacred Cowl instead of nullifying Caineghis's damage reduction on follow-up attacks. I'm not yet 100% convinced Caineghis is going to properly function as a Far Save tank. It might be required to run him on Light season with Askr to provide follow-up prevention since Lysithea doesn't have Null Follow-Up on her without team support, and Chrom is slow enough that it's possible to block his guaranteed follow-up with enough Spd stacking from teammates.
  19. The units that benefit the most from the swap effect are units with Rem.-type Canto effects. However, the effect is versatile enough that most units benefit from it in some way or another, and it can be used with both offensive and defensive units.
  20. The problem I see with Distant Counter (D) is not the fact that it competes with other Sacred Seals, but the fact that Distant Stance comes with enough stats to often be strictly better, even with the Sacred Seal slot not having access to tier-4 skills (assuming you have the resources for Distant Stance). If you aren't using Quick Riposte in the Sacred Seal slot, Distant Stance + Def/Res Form 3 is just flat-out better than Distant Counter (D) + any A skill except in the Arena where Distant Counter (D) + Distant Def 4 is better due to the Dull effect on Distant Def 4 being reliably useful. Fast infantry and armored dragons should probably still be running Distant Dart / Distant Pressure + the Spd-boosting Sacred Seal of their choice over Distant Counter (D). For cavalry and fliers, since it's easier to maintain the full +9 Atk/Spd with Catch than Ideal, it's potentially worth giving up 2 Spd to gain 3 Atk by running Atk/Spd Catch 4 + Distant Counter (D) instead of Distant Dart / Distant Pressure + Atk/Spd Solo 3. It's a bit harder to justify, however, if you can consistently get the full boost from Atk/Spd Form 3. My tentative conclusion is that Distant Counter (D) is very good for the average player, but its usefulness decreases the more resources you have for premium skills. Since they are intended to be the phantom thief trope, stealth is only necessary on the way in. The exit should be stylish because they're supposed to taunt the bumbling police chief. As long as she isn't wearing her own perfume, it's fine. Dropping perfume bottles on opponents' heads seems like it would be a viable strategy. If the bottle breaks, the target is drenched in perfume, which would make their sense of smell worthless due to everything being overpowered by the smell of the perfume. Reminder that wearing a mask instantly makes it impossible to discern your identity.
  21. Added the new Sacred Seal from the Tempest Trials to the translation notes to keep things together.
  22. And the usual translation notes: The name of the banner, "Risk and Reward", is "危ないお宝対決" (abunai otakara taiketsu), "Dangerous Treasure Showdown". Cath's epithet, "Caper Captain", is "怪盗団団長" (kaitō-dan danchō), "Leader of the Phantom Thieves". Lofty Leaflet is "気高き怪盗の予告状" (kedakaki kaitō no yokoku-jō), "Noble Phantom Thief's Calling Card". The word "予告状" (yokoku-jō) literally translates as "letter of advance notice". Given the context, I think "calling card" is more fitting than the literal translation. Canto (Unit 3×3) is "再移動(自分中心に縦横3マス以内)" (sai-idō (jibun chūshin ni jūō san-masu inai)), "Move Again (within 3 spaces horizontal and vertical centered on self)". This is about as literal of a skill effect name as you can possibly get. And long. As before, "再移動" (sai-idō), "Move Again", is the Japanese name of the Canto skill. Atk/Res Snag is "攻撃魔防の干渉" (kōgeki mabō no kanshō), "Atk/Res Interference". Leila's epithet, "Keen Lookout", is "密偵怪盗" (mittei kaitō), "Spy Phantom Thief". Soothing Scent is "影潜む密偵の香水瓶" (kage-hisomu mittei no kōsuibin), "Perfume Bottle of the Spy Hiding in the Shadows". Canto (Ally 2) is "再移動(周囲2マスの味方隣)" (sai-idō (shūi ni-masu no mikata tonari)), "Move Again (next to an ally within 2 spaces)". Def/Res Smoke is "守備魔防の紫煙" (shubi mabō no shien), "Def/Res Smoke". The word "紫煙" (shien), "smoke", literally translates as "purple smoke", hence the purple color of the icon. Sothe's epithet, "Rushing Dawn", is "暁の疾風" (akatsuki no shippū), "Gale of Dawn". Florid Knife is "薔薇のナイフ" (bara no naifu), "Rose Knife". Nina's epithet, "Shadowy Figures", is "闇に舞う影" (yami ni mau kage), "Shadows Dancing in the Darkness". Shadowy Quill is "双夜舞う怪盗の羽根" (sōya-mau kaitō no hane), "Feather of the Phantom Thieves that Dance in the Two Nights". The word "双夜" (sōya), "paired nights", refers to Hoshido and Nohr, which are "白夜" (byakuya), "white night", and "暗夜" (an'ya), "dark night", respectively, in Japanese. This was also used for Hinoka: Fair Pirate Pair, whose epithet was "双夜の海賊王女" (sōya no kaizoku-ōjo), "Pirate Princesses of the Two Nights". Canto (Recall) is "再移動(移動前)" (sai-idō (idō mae)), "Move Again (before movement)". Chill Def/Res is "守備魔防の封印" (shubi mabō no fūin), "Def/Res Seal". For comparison, the Seal skills are named like "守備封じ" (shubi-fūji), "Def-Sealing", using a gerund (from "封じる" (fūjiru), "to seal") instead of a regular noun. Rickard's epithet, "Carefree Culprit", is "お調子者怪盗" (ochōshi-mono kaitō), "Easily Carried-Away Phantom Thief". The word "お調子者" (ochōshi-mono) refers to a person who is easily flattered, likes to chime in, or gets easily carried away. Derived from "調子に乗る" (chōshi ni noru), "to get carried away", which literally translates as "to ride on the mood". Florid Cane is "薔薇のステッキ" (bara no sutekki), "Rose Cane". Dist. Counter (D) is "遠反・竜専用" (enhan: ryū senyō), "Distant Counter: Dragon Exclusive Use". "遠反" (enhan) is an abbreviation of "遠距離反撃" (enkyori hangeki), "long-range counterattack", which is the name of the Distant Counter skill.
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