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Status Updates posted by euklyd

  1. wait so like

    way back when your display name was set to Vendetta

    ok so now fast-forward a year and a half and be me buying an old vixx song on itunes i forgot about (ftr: eternity)

    and i see this CHAD FUTURE guy in my suggestions amongst all this actual kpop, and i've never heard of him

    and it turns out he's this total white koreaboo wannabe kpop star?????? (or rather, was? since it looks like he quit?)

    anyways apparently he brands himself as 'vendetta'

    i'm assuming this is a big coincidence but i find it intensely amusing either way

    tl;dr i'm avoiding homework really hard rn

  2. "... hijacked the poll via clearing their browser cache/private browsing." 

    They don't even need to do that:


    You should be able to just turn off multiple voting.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The DanMan
    3. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Okay, thanks for the heads-up. I turned off the "Submit another response" prompt and allowed people to edit their votes instead.

    4. euklyd


      sounds good ?

  3. 406c1ad418.png

    I can never disassociate alpacas from you I hope you're happy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kinumi


      tbh getting zero sleep is exactly what id expect of you, maybe its not healthy but it's definitely ALSO CONGRATS ON FINISHING FINALS HAHAAAA

      im OKAY i just took the act which is WHEW but next week i have two major speeches to do and i feel like dyin it's ok though

      life is good i think

    3. euklyd


      GOOD LUCK ON YOUR SPEECHES if you didn't already have them

      I've been forgetting to do like half of my internet things bc playing zelda

    4. Kinumi


      lmao i havent done them yet......tbh i thought i was going to do it this one day and i was so nervous that i planned to faint by pulling an all-nighter and not eating y'know the good stuff but all it did was give me a throbbing headache thats lasted like three days and i didnt even end up doing it that day, not worth it

      i couldnt go to school today bc it got so bad i couldnt see or walk but u kno id do it again if it meant that i got to NOT SPEECH BC FUCK SPEECHES


      but thx i appreciate it also its ok i keep forgetting to reply just bc i dont like social obligations

  4. I was gonna @ you in hhh but idr if I'd seen you post there recently

    thoughts on paranatural plaingorl?????

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. euklyd


      I didn't remember her at all (JUST LIKE MAX) but I still love her

    3. Kinumi


      lmao ya damian didn't either and i had to bring her up.........she was that girl who got traumatized dude


      how do u think she'll be regarding ~plot~

    4. euklyd


      she seems like she'd take max's role as the straight man, since max is already halfway inducted into the ghostcult so his sense of "normal" is already in jeopardy

  5. your skype was hacked fyi

  6. yo your skype was hacked

    1. euklyd


      wait nvm you already saw it my b

  7. How knowledgeable are you about volcano smog patterns on the Big Island and/or Maui? My family is planning on taking a trip over there this December, but my mom is concerned about volcano smoke making certain members of our family uncomfortable. Do you have any idea how Hilo generally compares to Kona as far as such things go?

    1. eclipse


      I have a bunch of links to send, so I'll PM you the answer to this!

  8. yo your skype got hacked

  9. wtf did you do to your name

  10. Apparently we have a PMC tourney set that I completely forgot about; when do you want to play?

  11. You're still at UCSC, right?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phoenix Wright

      Phoenix Wright

      nah haha they're way too good.

    3. Phoenix Wright

      Phoenix Wright

      i guess cause of pewpewu lots of good smash players come here though. kinda interesting

    4. euklyd


      You guys also have the 7th? 8th? ranked NorCal Smash 4 player, who takes our money just about every tournament (and the rest of the UCSC players also do well).

      Haven't seen PPU up here for a while, though when he is it's generally free money for him as well.

  12. Your skype was hacked jsyk; I got the same link as I got from "Elie" a few weeks back

    1. Aura Wolf

      Aura Wolf

      Yeah, I noticed >:

  13. Hi when would you be available to have our matches? Also do you have Skype or anything if so add me

    1. AlexTheClumsyGrandmaster


      how bout the March 21, have family stuff to do the rest of the weekend.

    2. euklyd


      ok, should work for me

  14. I'm worried you're not going to fit in here very well =(

    1. Not_A_Weeb


      Hello, Euklyd. Yeah, I know, my username is kinda... XD. I just couldn't think of a good username, honestly. Have any better suggestions?

    2. euklyd


      lol not really, I have no idea how to come up with usernames

      my advice is generally "pick a name that you like the sound of and doesn't really mean anything" but that's super vague

      also welcome to the forest!

    3. Not_A_Weeb


      Thanks for the welcome!

      I suppose so... Haha!

  15. lol when I asked a mod to delete my doublepost, I didn't expect your post would be deleted as well. Sorry about that!

    1. The DanMan

      The DanMan

      Uhh... I didn't even notice? Either way, apologies accepted.

    2. euklyd


      Yeah, I guess mostly I commented on it because I was surprised it was deleted, rather than because I thought you'd actually taken issue with it.

      Generally deleting posts like that doesn't happen afaik.

    1. You


      For what classes do you have to bs in? Not in math, right? :P:

    2. euklyd


      embedded systems, (somewhat) islam final paper

  16. It's a terrible day for rain.

  17. wait you're alive I had no idea

    1. euklyd


      /glances down

      wow your profile feed is like, entirely "wow ur alive"

    2. NutOfDeath


      Can you blame me? I'm too famous!

  18. JEDI CHECK OUT THIS SICK IKE PLAY http://gfycat.com/RecentCalmFruitfly

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. euklyd


      Really tho I thought you'd appreciate such technical Peach play

    3. Jedi


      Yes, but its vs Ike so I'm 50/50

    4. euklyd
  19. Everything is falling into place.

    1. You


      Like Tetris? :V

    2. euklyd


      Tetris is easy, but only as long as we remain within the margins of fate.

  20. yo you just sextuple posted your latest status update

  21. hi I just came here to compliment your username

    1. Kinumi


      it is a nice username

  22. “Around the Godde there forms a Shelle of prayers and Ceremonies and Buildings and Priestes and Authority, until at Last the Godde Dies. Ande this maye notte be noticed.”

    1. euklyd


      ― Terry Pratchett, Small Gods

    2. euklyd


      probably one of my favorite quotes from a book like ever

  23. [ $LPUPDATED == 'just now' ] && rm -rf / || echo 'Fucking finally.'

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