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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Roy is the problem because he made people hate Corrin. There are two DLC FE characters. There's no doubt that that's going to make people mad. I think that the angry Wolf fans and those who are mad that FE equals Pokemon and surpasses Zelda would all be satisfied. Not to mention that this is barely Roy. Roy was like 15. This isn't really accurate to Roy's character in the first place also I dislike the GBA games but oops opinions
  2. They were also the only series with new characters. Mario had four characters beforehand. Pokemon had six. Pokemon and Mario were justfiably made about equal in this game. Pokemon got two cuts, and even after Greninja was still less than Brawl until Mewtwo showed up. Kid Icarus doesn't count. Dark Pit does not count. Fire Emblem? I don't count Lucina either. Robin was base, and Corrin was DLC. I'm pretty sure that there's really no presidence. Not to mention that in Smash, DK is a Mario spinoff alongside Yoshi and Wario. I never see Wario or Yoshi given four whole characters. It's ridiculous.
  3. Yeah, after really thinking about it, I really would rather Roy just not be in the game. If Roy had been Wolf, then Star Fox fans would be happy. FE would have had a much more manageable 5 characters, and since Lucina barely counts, it sort of be 4. roy is seriously the real problem here
  4. I'd grant DK to have Dixie and that be the end of it character-wise. As for assists and stuff fine, but I think DK doesn't have very interesting locations compared to series like Xenoblade or Kid Icarus. also if DK gets two new characters next game and xenoblade gets nothing I'll totally blame all the DK fans for ruining my life
  5. I unironically think Adam would work as a third Metroid character. I mean, he could use Freeze and Plasma guns and overall be an effective zoner. Of course, the Metroid fanbase would have an aneurysm considering how they reacted to SSB4 Samus being Other M. But it'd be for the best unless they really wanted three characters named Samus. I know Dark Samus is Metroid Prime, but it still would be received like that. I don't think Ridley is at all feasible. He could probably be downsized some, but he'd still be large and would likely be either the best character or the worst character
  6. the entire cast of parks and recreation is pretty much amazing especially aubrey plaza
  7. okay yeah this is probably the root issue Edit: I think a major problem is the whole "deserving" thing. Just because DK sells well doesn't mean it magically "deserves" more stuff. Most of the stuff I like sells poorly and it's frustrating. I love how Sakurai sticks it to the big names and adds stuff like Lucas, Palutena, and Shulk. Some characters I wanted before release? Andy, Starfy, and Chibi-Robo. I hate the whole idea of an objective roster. I don't care about Donkey Kong or Splatoon or something like that, so if the roster was weighted towards them it would e excruciating. I think Mario and Pokemon are perfect, but I do think that Animal Crossing, Zelda, and Kirby would probably get another character. I know that if I were the director, I'd certainly show bias to the little guys. also expect both Elma and Fiora from me
  8. K. Rool fans have whined incessantly for a year since the game released. Robin and Lucina? Bias Palutena and Dark Pit? Bias Mother having two characters, equal to the almighty DK? Bias Xenoblade having even one character less than our lord DK? Bias Someone other than K. Rool winning the ballot? Those are obviously lies. It's so sickening. As someone who's looked at GameFAQs' Smash board for a year, I could not possibly spare sympathy any more. It's maddening. I probably should not base my thoughts on such a cesspool community, but the DK praise and FE hatred echo chamber is disgusting. It's not even one character. I've seen pretty much every character I like, being the "waifus and anime swordsmen" trashed endlessly. And some people have the gall to want both K. Rool and Dixie for equality? No. It's incredibly telling, even if it's not just people who like DK, that Corrin's trailer has probably more dislikes than any other character in any region. I haven't checked Roy, Robin and Lucina, Palutena, or Bayonetta's yet, but I'm sure they're probably up there for no reason. Maybe Shulk or Lucas too. I like every character in the game but DK, Diddy, and Roy. The first two should obviously be here, but I do blame Roy for causing this 6 FE character debacle. If it had been Wolf, Squirtle, or Ivysaur this never would have happened.
  9. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=eZRy6XfJ8mI
  10. Is a New-Type, I think. okay my computer screen is far away and I actually had to squint to see that avatar so I literally could not tell what type of thing it was
  11. When you interviewed him, did you meet him in person? omg I love Ryu it must have been amazing
  12. two of my favorite characters them's fightin' words
  13. Still, as a massive FF fan, it's sad to see it happen. I was expecting Opening - Bombing Mission, JENOVA, and One Winged Angel. I did also want like FFX's Battle Theme and Blinded by Light but whatever, that probably wasn't happening anyway. At least I have Dissidia and Theatrhythm to complete myself.
  14. this topic that I made is now about Bayonetta isn't she the objective best
  15. so people on GFAQs actually think that K. Rool, Inkling, or Wolf actually won and that the ballot was rigged lol stay salty people i get to enjoy Bayonetta while they all will never get K. Tool in Smash. As for Corrin, I do actually like him as well. I think that the preferable scenario would be: 1. Elma revealed in the November Direct. After all, if she came out now, it would be the month of Xenoblade's English release. 2. Bayonetta and Cloud revealed as Ballot characters. Have Elma come out with anaemic content instead of Cloud. 3. Bayo and Cloud come out in February. Complete with Cloud having Steve Burton, better Color swaps, and more than just two songs obviously the best scenario
  16. Tellius was super boring to me. Ashera was the best part, and even then that doesn't mean much. Now me? I think Fates has wonderful designs. You go from stuff like Rinkah to Xander to Subaki and it's all super fresh. I think Fates's changes are cool. I don't need to use any fanservice from My Castle and I love all of the gameplay changes, so all that leaves is stuff like Camilla. Which is okay. I mean, Camilla and Charlotte are two characters. Not like you can't look past them. Call me a casual or whatever. That's fine by me. I do play on Classic only though if that's any consolation /s
  17. Ugh Tellius isn't even that good fates is a fine direction. Just because people stuck in their ways are griping about Fates doesn't mean any change will happen. Also not seeing how Tellius is an antipode because it was the exact same thing as the games before it for the most part. It's actually cool to see something new happen. but considering my favorite FEs are 3-5 and 11-14 then judge me with a pinch of salt
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