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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. My opinion: I like Corrin and Fates. I think he was a cool pick as well. My problem? I feel that 6 FE characters is over the top. I know I didn't ask for Roy back. Lucina's a glorified costume, so she's fine. If Roy had been Young Link or Squirtle or Wolf, things would be fine. So yeah, don't blame Corrin, blame vanilla Roy. Although I will say, I love Elma and Xenoblade more than anything. I would totally trade Corrin for Elma as advertising. That's about it though. Elma be praised. But as we all know, Bayonetta is the best with Shulk and anyone who opposes her is wrong kthnxbai EDIT: did I just see someone talk badly about dark pit in this topic because those are fighting words
  2. Seems to think that something that applies to everyone is exclusive as a fact to me or something
  3. if you need to learn how to talk to a lady, ask your mum
  4. Don't really see how it's degrading. Mewtwo was the absolute worst character. Samus and Zelda were runner-ups, but still not the worst Besides, I guarantee that Corrin and Bayonetta will come with a massive balance patch. It might even be the last one, so he's hoping they aren't too good. but still really good I love them
  5. Yeah I doubt it could work. Their banter was wonderful, but that tone clash would be massive outside of Smash. Not to mention that all the Kid Icarus characters would probably be dead in the end anyway, and that's not very good.
  6. dissing animal crossing's amazing tunes fite me m8 actually please don't
  7. must have missed one
  8. omg tomorrow is mine is so good thank you daddy Sakurai for giving me what I didn't even know I wanted <3
  9. Thanks. They certainly had a feel that reminded me of Sonic Adventure. Really good. unlike midgar's music omg
  10. indeed not even opening bombing mission from the trailer it's the same feeling I had when bowser jr's fiery flotilla was used in Jr's trailer and then wasn't even in the game ;_;
  11. two songs let the battles begin and fight on no one winged angel or anything; no remixes at all
  12. @Ebony Yeah, she has a Jeanne Color. They even pointed it out. BTW: To anyone who's played Bayonetta: What songs played in her trailer? They were beautifully jazzy.
  13. Elise and Xander are completely awful Ryoma and Sakura sound good though. I expected that from the E3 Trailer though. all the more reason to go birthright
  14. lol Bayonetta is no succubus she's not even that bad here she stays fully clothed
  15. Pretty much this exactly. Love the characters, but my most wanted was Shovel Knight. Still great though. It was one of those OMG moments Although Shovel Knight on the side would be super
  16. I thought Geno was the ratings boost with his gun and then Bayonetta demon'd and climax'd all over the game Really love it though. Probably going to make either Corrin or Bayonetta my avatar soon. Didn't expect either, but I'm very happy. also as a non-European it is wonderful to see them getting some love
  17. This was truly amazing. I expected not, but I did indeed receive. Love Fates, love Corrin, but I will say lol 6 FEcharacters Could you not? I think you've regurgitated your extreme disdain for Fates enough.
  18. Undertale at least should have won against mass effect and fallout but not xenoblade xenoblade losing first round to dkc2 is like the scourge of the earth
  19. yeah no one leak plz although uh if great to be a smash fan means k Rool then my entire life will have been a waster
  20. Lol Rubio Doesn't that break the balance of powers though? Flagrantly disregarding a perfectly legitimate decision by trying to overturn it with new Justices? I know new Justices get appointed, but how often do they completely overturn something like that. As a whole, I think of the war of gay marriage as the exact same as the war of Brown v. the Board of Education. Certain people futilely fight it, yet eventually homophobic people will likely end up in the same light racists are seen today if that isn't already about to happen. It's actually really interesting how similar the two times were. When the Supreme Court is right it seems to really make people mad for whatever reason.
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