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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Updating: 1. Lana Impa Greninja: Looks super fun, and I love Greninja is X/Y. Plays like Sheik, my main since Melee. 2. Sheik: Checking for differences of course. 3. Rosalina 4. Villager 5. Megaman Technically Top 10: 6. Charizard 7. Link 8. Zelda 9. Wii Fit Trainer 10. Lucario Funny how Lucina isn't even on this list even though I can't wait for her. I guess I've because I've seen her shtick before. Although I'm certainly checking out all the newcomers.
  2. I had this long explanation all typed up, but I accidentally hit back, so alas, I'll just rank them. Amazing: Sonic 3 & Knuckles, Sonic Adventure 2 (despite the mechs, i love the treasure hunting and i love rouge), Sonic Colors Great: Sonic Generations, Sonic Adventure, Sonic 2 Good: Sonic Heroes, Sonic 1, Sonic Unleashed (amazing if the werehog didn't exist) Bad: Sonic 2006, Sonic Lost World Terribad: Sonic CD, Shadow the Hedgehog
  3. I've used almost everyone over the course of my run, but I actually find using Sully unfun because Red Cavaliers who aren't Kieran are just bleh, Vaike and Virion are bad, and Maribelle is outshined. Of course, I go back and grind everyone for good children on my main file. I've accidentally deleted all, and now I've lost my copy. I guess I need a new one >_>.
  4. Ana, please just stop trying to shoot down someone else's character wants/choices. We get you don't like him. Please don't put this in our faces.
  5. I really wish Skull Kid was the new Zelda character in this game, but instead Sakurai makes him an AT >_>. At least he's in the game in some form. what do i know, i want rouge to return to the sonic series
  6. Yeah, I hope we never get Tellius remakes, at least until the series gets even more steam. I mean, Tellius rereleases could take the series right back into the "nigh unprofitable" zone, which is exactly what Path of Radiance did. And I love both games, so there's no bias.
  7. About assist trophies, I think that 2 is fine, but the fact that they picked Phosphora over literally any better character is the problem. Two of my most wanted characters are assists (Ashley and Skull Kid), so Shulk, Takamaru, Mewtwo, and Mona are any 4 I'd really want to see. Maybe Ridley if by some divine chance he isn't a boss. Andy would be fun, but is really unlikely, even though IS is apparently "always think of new ideas for AW and FE" which is just lies. yeah, no dk or isaac. sue me
  8. *shots fired* Personally, FE6 is the best to get into if you know the other GBA games. However, I'd recommend FE4 first because it's such a black sheep.
  9. What series do you believe should get a character in the new game the most? I made it one choice so it wouldn't be too easy. I'd also say that this is a pretty wide encompassing list. I say Xenoblade. A thousand times Xenoblade.
  10. I don't care about new Tellius, considering I own both already and they sold worse than anything I've ever seen, so this is the only part of the topic that amazes me. I'd shut up and given Nintendo my money if this happened. I want to play them SOOOO much, but my computer can barely run SNES games. GBA is about the best it can do without quality drops. Not even N64.
  11. Lissa > Maribelle Although reclassing, so my point doesn't matter.
  12. Yeah, I was trying to get a Mystery of the Emblem translation patch, and I found myself waiting a good while.
  13. I really hate the topic title and think it needs to be changed. It's very obviously a cheap jab and me and Anacybele and you all seem to find it SO funny.
  14. You'd be thought of as a better Ike fan when you realize that Ike isn't the most popular thing since sliced bread, and that Mother in its entirety is more popular than he is.
  15. Yeah, I suppose you are right, but it's nauseating to see this happen from her again. Bashing a character and game she knows nothing about.
  16. [spoiler=Warning: Creepy Intro and Spoilers] The view count is higher than any thing Ike related I've ever seen. Also, Ana, I dare you to watch ALL of Emile's ending parts. Then tell me Mother 3 isn't heartbreaking or touching. I dare you. He's also doing Xenoblade since you seem to know absolutely nothing about Shulk or Xenoblade itself.
  17. I only put Lyn honestly because Blazing Sword was the first game in America, and who many fans of the series even today were introduced to an FE game. (not marth/roy that technically doesnt count) I'm assuming that's why she's the assist.
  18. You kid yourself. Lucas is more popular in America by far. And that "Lucas only touched Japan" thing is garbage. Maybe you have been, but I have. And many more. Maybe you've heard of this man?
  19. Yes, continue ignoring everything contrary to what you think Ana. You doubt Lucas is more popular than Ike? Don't. Make. Me. Laugh. Ike has more games than Lucas, but the splash Lucas made is far greater than his. Mother may be a "dead" series, but it lives on through the hearts of its fans. THERE IS A FANGAME. Now you've got me mad. Comparing Lucas to Ike popularity wise is like comparing Dixie Kong's to Mewtwo's. --- Jotari, I suppose that's true. However, I'd say Leif missed his chance in Melee when he was cut early in development for Roy.
  20. Yes. Ike will NEVER be more relevant than Lucas, because Mother 3 touched so many hearts, and I know most people would pick Lucas over Ike if one had to be cut from Smash. Relevant is a pretty stupid term anyway. This is Smash, Nintendo's history. No lord like Ephraim or Hector or Micaiah will even get in though, and it isn't about "relevancy" but their mark on the series. Marth, Lyn, Ike, Chrom, Robin, and Lucina are the only FE characters from 1-Awakening who I think ever could. Maybe Eliwood.
  21. Lucas is still far more popular than Ike. If you think even for a second that FE Tellius is more popular than Mother 3, then you're kidding yourself. In fact, I dare say the the Mother series's cult following is larger than a cult nowadays, and that it dwarfed pre-Awakening FE's fanbase. Just sayin'.
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