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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I'm honestly sad. I love Lucina and am glad that Robin's in, but I just... I just wish Chrom was in. Sort of. I wish he was in, but I prefer Lucina. if i could, id replace robin with chrom His model looks so nice, I like Matthew Mercer's voice, and I had just accepted that he'd be in. Now it's like there's a void, that Lucina makes up for, but still a void. Am I crazy?
  2. I admit that I jumped to conclusions, as Smashboards has said it was a mistranslation, but I just got annoyed by the fact that this info was written off simply for the Gematsu reference. It's like the mere mention sends some people off here >_>.
  3. Quit fake mongering people. Gematsu is fake yes. But that GameFAQs topic is REAL. Look at the link on he first post: (https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Bsp5iI2CUAA478W.jpg). It CONFIRMS that Lucina was a late addition. And if you look at the first post, they apologized for the topic title. Just because it seems like "Gematsu lol" doesn't mean you write it off as fake. Sorry, but this really grates me when valid info is brushed off just because Gematsu is in the title.
  4. This is how I feel about Lucina and Chibi-Robo. Because Chibi deserves it. Just like Pikmin did in Brawl. Except Olimar got in because Pikmin was by Miyamoto.
  5. Okay...? I never said Gematsu WASN'T a hoax, I just said Shulk doesn't need even a real leak for me to think he'll be in. Isaac and K. Rool are unlikely as far as I can tell. K. Rool and Golden Sun haven't been well known in forever. K. Rool's last DK appearance was Barrel Blast. Barrel Blast. I'd like both to join, but I don't see it. Dixie is ehh. I feel very strongly we'll get a new Zelda and Metroid character, and ZSS/Sheik don't count. If I had my way, Chibi-Robo, Shulk, Impa, and Ridley would be the last four new characters. Maybe Isaac and Dixie, with Ghirahim instead of Impa or Chibi not in.
  6. I play slow-ish, but that's mainly just because of my unit choice. I'm the kind of person who takes Fiona and Vika over Titania and Haar.
  7. I only think there are 3 newcomers left: Shulk, Ghirahim, and Ridley Shulk: Obvious pick even without a leak behind him. I also can still see a Rhythm Heaven rep due to the Sneaky Spirit, even if it's Rhythm Girl or Karate Joe, but that's iffy. Ghirahim and Ridley. If we go by the Trophy Quiz theory, then we've already gotten a FE and Kid Icarus rep. Ghirahim is Fi's counterpart and [spoiler=Other M]When you defeat King Kihunter, larval Ridley sort of starts eating some of the corpse. I'm grasping at straws here, but I could easily see it happen.
  8. I'm sorry, but I can't continue this run. I don't have the time to delagate to updating this, and I really wanted to play through FE8 at a brisker pace. I'll just post the end results after I finish the game. I figure that'd be fine.
  9. Thank you all for your help. My family has had Melee for about 12 years, and we still don't have everything. I don't have Melee with me, but I'll try when I get back home. I've been practicing basic techniques and when to use them like Air Dodges, rolls, or dodges. I'm going to try to learn more advanced techniques soon, but that'd probably destroy my family lol. Hoshi, that is a really good guide. I beat Mewtwo Strikes by luck. He just ended up being knocked off in a way where he couldn't get back on. Captain Falcon also seems godly when you have full master of the game. dat knee
  10. Aerith doesn't need healing effects. It works fine the way it is. If anyone needs a buff, it's Zelda, not Ike. Or Link, Ganondorf, Kirby, ect. Not Ike. Although Kirby seems to have gotten a buff. EDIT: aether not aerith
  11. I think I know how Golden Sun fans feel, as I would like Andy and Starfy, but Starfy's an assist and Andy is unlikely. Anyone from Advance Wars is unlikely. At least Isaac or gary oak Matthew have a chance.
  12. I've been practicing for the past few days, but "Pikachu and Pichu" in particular is an awful event out of the ones I'm trying. I play Link, Zelda/Sheik, and Ness mainly. I can use Roy, but not as much as them.
  13. You left out Anna and Sumia, so I can't vote. Not that I even think that Fire Emblem will get anymore than Lyn as an Assist.
  14. Argh. I've been trying at the later event matches for a long time and can never seem to beat them, if just because they're set on the harder difficulties. Also, the unlock conditions for Dream Land/Final Destination/Kongo Jungle seem a bit... extreme. At least Yoshi's Story N64 is doable. I'm having trouble with a number of target tests even. Am I just really bad? I mean, Mewtwo Strikes and Fire Emblem Pride are the only two of the last 20 matches I've beaten. Melee had a lot of difficultly that seems unfair. Brawl's gameplay was less fun, but you could pick difficulties that weren't intense for the last few events >_>.
  15. Lucina is basically Melee Marth, so I have no qualms with her clone status. I mean, she seems to be very similar to how Marth used to be. I don't see how you could possibly "go dark" when there's no "one mode unlocks every character." In Brawl, I was too young to appreciate not knowing who's in because I didn't know much. But now there's now Subspace, and I'm not the kind of person who likes to stumble around blindly/play 1000 matches to unlock characters.
  16. I turned it on a few seconds late to Lucina striking Captain Falcon... No words can describe the pure joy that came over me at that moment. Robin was just icing.
  17. I'm fine that Lucina's a Marth clone. I mean, it isn't preferred to her own character, but at least we have her. I like Falco, Ganondorf, and Roy better than the originals in Melee. And Lucas is better than Ness, but they are just Semi-Clones, like Lucina will be. So I'm probably going to main her at least of the new cast, considering I always use Marth or his clone every Smash Bros. I'm going to try to main Lucina and Villager out of the cast. Love Rosie, but she looks complicated. I also suddenly became good at Link in Melee, so I'll try to become good at Ness, Lucas, Link, Zelda, or Sheik. Of course, I'd would scream if Impa joined the battle.
  18. Shulk and Chibi-Robo are the only characters I could hope for left, but I already love the roster. Isaac, K. Rool, Bandana Dee, and/or Impa would be icing on this beautiful cake. Although I will be quite disappointed if Shulk isn't in.
  19. [spoiler=warning, large image] Please tell me I'm not the only one seeing the obviousness of this picture.
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