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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. i like braviary, but why do unova pokemon have such blasphemous evolution levels i mean, unova is my favorite region but level 64 tho
  2. Wants to see Dragon Quest VIII localized.
  3. Yeah, this is ridiculous. Although the bigger problem is the tight grip Google is strengthening on the internet. Would playing any game and having a theme from the background (ex. playing Twilight Princess on stream, you turn up the music when Midna's Lament starts playing) activate this? If so then people streaming games will have to wear headphones/mute the volume >_>. EDIT: wait, nvm, I saw that part about OOT and Punch-Out!! now.
  4. Because Midna got brutally murdered, this is the best outcome. She's the best alter ego and was in 2, technically 3, games. (her grandaughter in Spirit Tracks) Although I want Cranky Kong for DK, imagine a trailer with Tetra and K. Rool with the Pirate Ship returning and a Gangplank Galleon stage. yumA I don't think Mario will get a sixth because Mario had 4, Zelda had 5, and Pokemon had 6 in Brawl. The ratio was never fair. (here's to holding out on Ivysaur/Squirtle, I'd be so happy. Much better than Mewtwo)
  5. Well that escalated quickly. You can continue to think of Zelda's alter ego as male, but you're wrong about it. You continue thinking something factually wrong, go ahead and try. Also you are probably the first person I've seen who feels this way about Sheik who doesn't write SheikxLink doujinshi and read yaoi fanfics about it. Also, I'm firmly planted on the Impa side of this. She's been in since Zelda II iirc.
  6. I figured this amazing series was worth a topic, so here. I've been thinking of making a team involving Jill and Thor, but do they have any synergy, a good third member? I'm thinking Doom or Magneto, which Jill/Magneto/Thor sounds like a solid team, unless Thor is a bad anchor.
  7. Updating because y not Sceptile Ludicolo Delcatty Sableye Wigglytuff/Swellow Starmie I might not use Wigglytuff if I can't get two Moon Stones, which I don't remember there being. If I can't then I'll have 5 members by Wattson's gym, so I might have to rethink.
  8. I got my hopes up for nothing. I was expecting Groose, Nabooru, Ashei/Yeta, and Ganondorf. I got 1/4. But instead we get two meh villains who we all knew were playable, and Manendorf. I loved the little extra segments though. Majora's Mask, Link's Awakening, and Twilight Princess (the 3 best Zeldas), are getting good representation, but I really, really, really want Skull Kid.
  9. This. I sincerity doubt Ghirahim will ever get in. Not only is a newcomer for Zelda unlikely, Impa, Midna, Fi, or even Groose are more likely. He's a one off (HW doesn't count, otherwise Agitha is magically not an NPC you can never meet the entirety of TP). He has as much chance as Zant in Brawl or even less than Vaati or Toon 'Dorf. I know Fi, Midna, and Groose are one offs, but they have popularity. Although Groose BETTER be in Hyrule Warriors or ima break something. Shulk, a DK character, and a RH Rep are the only likely ones left. I think Cranky would make a great character. Better than K. Rool or Dixie. (Personally, my dream roster is Shulk, Cranky Kong, Rhythm Girl, Sami, Chibi-Robo, and Prince Fluff, but the miracle ought never happen)
  10. SAKURAI STOP HURTING THE POOR RETRO CHARACTERS agh. First Takamaru, now Prince Sable? What's next Mach Rider or Lip? I feel like Pac-Man is our retro character, as there aren't very many good ones left.
  11. I really really REALLY wish Zoroark had a chance. Him, Shulk, and Prince Fluff are the last 3 I could ever want (besides Chibi-Robo, Sami, and Mach Rider but semantics) It looks like Shulk is the only of them who has a chance. Oh well. Even if it's only him, I'll still be amazed. I mean, Villager and Megaman made this game for me anyway. Everyone else has been icing. Delicious icing... Also, we NEED a Kirby's Epic Yarn stage. The musical and background ideas are too much to handle. Imagine a scrolling stage that starts at Quilty Square, goes to Space Land, and then loops. Oh the icing...
  12. Another stage? We just got one on Tuesday. I'm hoping for an Epic Yarn stage on Wii U. Milotic before Hydreigon or even Alder's Volcarona? I don't remember seeing even a single Milotic in B2/W2... Also, Gen V is my second favorite gen, so yay.
  13. I'm honestly fine if we never get Takamaru by fan demand, as if he listens to fan demand, we'd get Waluigi, Daisy, and Shadow, and Takamaru, Ridley, and even Ashley or Midna aren't worth THAT.
  14. Names all their accounts after Eeveelutions and Fire Emblem classes.
  15. lol my little ponyt thomas and friends master life yes, i know it's for little kids, but the nostalgia is too strong
  16. I really, really wanted Takamaru, but I doubt Sakurai even knows about a bunch of whiny GameFAQs/Tumblr/Imgur users who are flipping their lids all because ONE character didn't get in. I know I didn't react like that. Now, if that Assist had been Shulk, I would have lost it. And if Ridley's confirmed boss tomorrow, all the flippage is justified. (btw, what's the pic of the day comment, i can only see the villagers and two galaga ships, not miiverse)
  17. Only listed the main games/games I've played. That's why I didn't list Battle/the Riders/the Rivals/the Advance games.
  18. This takes forever to load... If only the were all separate to download...
  19. I wanted Takamaru, but I won't be disappointed. I honestly could only want Shulk now to be happy. Shulk could be the only newcomer left, but I wouldn't care. There are still characters like Impa, Mona, or Blaziken I could want, but it's never happening.
  20. SHULK. I'd press the SHULK button. Isaac, Lip, Takamaru, and Andy are a bonus. Although I don't really like some of the characters there... Mike Jones cough Also, if Shulk's confirmed as an assist trophy I'm going to crawl up in a corner and cry.
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