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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. The fact that Lucy is her own character is the icing on the cake. Maybe since Gematsu is dead, I can start wishing for Chibi-Robo and Isaac again. EDIT: I don't even care that she's a Marth clone omg
  2. [spoiler=Chapter 2] *insert immature joke here* Anyway, the plot maybe be a little out of order, but it works. I got a lot of talking this time. obligatory expostion Vanessa has bad memories of bowmen or something. They also talk behind her back. Obligatory Bandit Chapter is probably the best way to describe this chapter >_> Father and Son. Garcia and Ross. Fighter and Fighter-lite. I'll get into them later. Anyway, the bandits ransack their village, which means they're homeless. yaaaaayyyyyy Ross is hurt. Vanessa has shown more expression so far than Mr. Mustache or Lady Tealhead. That's fine by my book. of course I probably just have a lot of pics of her blinking but still Anyway, Eirika wants to help these poor unfortunate souls, so she gets da boulder on healing Ross. Moulder is a terrible healer who makes an okay Dark Bishop. Not really that noteworthy, as a better healer comes in, like, 3 chapters. Vanessa is probably the best character in the game, but I don't feel like using her. i know im going to try with marisa I also know I should have pics of the starting positions, but oh well. Villages: Elixir. Village 2: Sure it is. And I'm using Moulder. Obviously. :P yay scream time She gives us a waxing philosophical and a Red Gem. Our goal is to rescue Father and Son here, but Son has 5 HP left, so Moulder needs to staff him. Garcia can hold his own though. Pictured: Recruiting Son Son has a name, and it's Ross. He's interesting as one of 3 trainees. He gets 10 extrea levels. The problem is, he barely ever is better than his old man, so he's not worth training. Moulder da Boulder heals him anyway. Vanessa then totes Garcia around to Ross and he's recruited. Meh. He's the best fighter in the GBA games though. Bartre in FE6 is a close second. Better than Ross/10 People die. Okayish levels are attained. whoa omg who are you and what have you done with eirika There is an armory. I bought a Iron Lance and Sword. Oops. Lost the village AND almost had to reset. Seems good. Franz gets STRONK-er. Prepare for words. And lots of them. Seth, being the great benchwarmer that he is, knows a lot. Eirika scoffs at nerdy ness. I have nothing witty to say. No, you're a journeyman. no Boom. Instant Garcia. Eirika has flashbacks to a time where everything is beige. :3 Bluepants McPickpocket strikes again. Actually, do worry. They never get it back the end end of story What not the end? Wow, that took forever.
  3. Wow, do you really hate Chrom that much? Also, not wanting Gematsu means not wanting Shulk, which is saddening.
  4. Anyway, I won't be able to update until Sunday night, but I know I'll get chapter 2 up then.
  5. I pick Priscilla. Even if Serra is free, Pris is probably good for horsey staves.
  6. That's monday.... I'm putting my money on Shulk. In fact, I'm getting Xenoblade next week which makes this even better. shulk sees his victory
  7. What? I mean, those rules are sincerely stupid. I don't know a player nowadays who hasn't time traveled, at least not in New Leaf.
  8. Wow, I read this as Belle. I was about to go off about how Belle is nothing like Sumia but then I saw you were not talking about Beauty and the Beast.
  9. Rinoa - [FE6:HM] I am gonna regret this. - 48352 - Alan, Noah, Klein, Clarine, Echidna, Fir, Cath, Hugh, Sophia I am not ready for Hard Mode... I don't know how to find the thread number. Oh well. EDIT: Thanks.
  10. I'd like to assume that Fiora can do a similar job to Florina, as there are only, like, 3 chapters between them so... Fiora.
  11. Really, it is never necessary to turtle in Fire Emblem, but you're kidding yourself if you think that the same blitzkrieg strategies you use in FE work for Advance Wars.
  12. FOEs, mazes, Shadows, Demons, Tanks, Infantry, Andy, and Swords. Definitely a keeper. sarcasm/10
  13. [spoiler=franz is tasty] Tana is the princess of Frelia and a bit of a damsel in distress. Her problem IMO is that her portrait does not fit, like, any moment in this chapter or any chapter. like lilina or lugh This saint of a man does not break down Mulan's front door or lance his face. no stop i am not a citizen of zozo One of the few lines I cared enough to catalog ended up messed up. Way to teach me to not care about dialogue game >_>. is country a euphemism for body yes it is Also Tana's portrait is still derp. Even when she's set to be Gheb'd by Brequet. >_< i have never seen mulan help me Eirika is sickened by his suggestion that she strips Seth. TUTORIAL I took a lot of pics of this guy for whatever reason. i am not rewarded Franz and Gilliam join but I missed their conversation. Franz is the drafting god, but he's good in regular runs too. Gilliam is TOO THWOMP no seriously, it's a white image Eirika, Gilliam, and Franz mop up while Seth runs from the re-inforcements. now i cant stop listening to ffxiii music now i want to play ffxiii They chat it up AND FRANZ BECOMES MORE THWOMP NOT ENOUGH THWOMP He takes a lot to take down. >_> Can he do it? no he cant wow so bad very hp wow tana don't give no Ephraim brother-blocks Eirika even from far away lands. yay us everyone wants a piece of dat blue hair : [ ; [ Eirika is exhilarated I only screened, like, half of their conversation. With Moulder and Gilliam here, Eirika can continue her Harem of Old Men, Knights, and Old Men Knights no one cares about vanessa PHAT LUTE Emperors and Kings suddenly turning against their allies in FE is as common as crystals in Final Fantasy. :P CONTEXT Chapter 2: Old Men and Protection
  14. shin megami tensei X fire emblem X etrian odyssey X advance wars should totally be a thing in fact, make it a fiveway with persona
  15. also he looks way to old to play a teenage character https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQiJSUqubSotMfC7mQksxu80idX5lGy1e4EGGPBoB72ejO2Hx9xmnypQms i mean, at least tara strong can pull off the whole looking youthful thing
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