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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I find Ike to be an idiotic musclehead with good intentions due to his RD depictions. I'd rather see Roy, honestly. Although if Ike comes, back, it better be as PoR Ike. He was interesting and funny. I really like Mother, but I know that it isn't getting more than Lucas and Ness. Oh well. My most wanted FE character is Lucina, but we have Marth, so Chrom. He is different from Marth at least.
  2. I'm sure that someone could give you the Aggronite. I haven't beaten Y yet though so...
  3. I used a Kalos only team on my Y run. It was pretty fun. I'm going to go Mega Stone hunting and then hoard them for future runs in case I want something like Mega Gardevoir in-game.
  4. I'm Bug. I have Beautifly, Combee, and something else.
  5. solrocknroll


    I wish that Vivillon didn't have such insane offers on the GTS. I like its other formes.
  6. i didn't see this anywhere else X: Chesnaught, Blastoise, Lucario, Pyroar, Vivillon, Heliolisk Y: Greninja, Florges, Furfrou, Pangoro, Gogoar, Malamar
  7. Use Raven and Serra at least. Also, I loved your FE8 playthrough.
  8. I enjoy using Ewan as a Mage Knight. I haven't used Nino, but I know that she's an excellent Afa's Drops candidate.
  9. I voted Ephraim, but it could have gone Hector, Marth, Sigurd, Celice, or Leaf as well. If I had to rank them, the only ones I couldn't would be Celica and Alm. Should Julia be on this list since Elincia is?
  10. I'm taking 8 units. Also, this I just to help me. I don't have enough time to play this run in pictures, sorry. 1. Neimi - Sniper 2. Ross - Berserker 3. Dozla - Berserker 4. Natasha - Valkyrie 5. Duessel - GK 6. Gerik -Ranger 7. Gilliam - General 8. Ewan - MK Moulder didn't have a class.
  11. I am having serious issues patching Thracia. It will either have nothing show up, or it will remain Japanese. Genealogy was a fraction of the difficulty honestly.
  12. Is it bad that I had trouble placing Thany and Sue in that picture? I had to look at a post below to see who they were.
  13. I'm planning on doing a rather... interesting run of this game on normal where my endgame units will be: Ilyana - Rexbolt Tormod - Rexflame Heather - Baselard and Peshkatz (Because Sothe gets benched anyway) Mist - Alondite Elincia - Amiti Fiona - Wishblade Zihark - Vague Katti Jill - Urvan Laura - Valaura/Staff Tauroneo - Silver Greatlance Will I have an awful time with Ike's group with only long terming Ike, Ilyana, Mist, and Heather? I think I'll also use Oscar and Mia a little.
  14. Wallace is terrible. Chapter 9 LHM is the only time he should be used. He has awful stats and bases.
  15. Gray was taking Mary for himself :shrug: and Elli started to bore me.

  16. Now I changed to trying to marry Ann, Popuri, or Karen. why

  17. I was going to restart for Lex, but I was on like, turn 18 of the Prologue. I hadn't known about autosave. I'll probably restart, because I used Alec, Noish, and Arden in the Prologue. I'll think, but right now I'm going to play Harvest Moon.
  18. Lex... died. I'm using Ethlin, Sigurd, Quan, Finn, Azel, and Midir right now, with Arden deligated to guarding and the Cavs to Villaging. I also get Princess Whats-her-face and Dew trapped between a rock and a hard place.
  19. This is so hard. The enemies move in formations of like 10 and gang up on the same unit while everyone has a Hand Axe it feels. ;_; I'm floundering. Any advice.
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