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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Woah, don't cut yourself on all that edge pal
  2. What exactly is wrong with the story? [spoiler=slight story spoilers] I find that Bowser plots are way better than a generic rando #5 plot. Fawful is one of the worst character's I've ever witnessed in a video game. People also complain about no OCs, but OCs are the worst part of Mario RPGs. Starlow's worst qualities have been made worse, and I'd rather have Nabbit and the Koopalings get actual development (the Koopalings are totally amazing in this game FYI) than some loser who spouts non-sequiturs and analogies. In addition, Nabbit is much cooler than Popple. EDIT: the settings are also totally fine. I prefer tried and true Mario elements to complete nonsense like the Beanbean Kingdom. Would I like some more variety? Sure. I think that the Pi'illo Island was perfect and that DT is the best M&L.
  3. Zelda I -- Zelda II -- A Link to the Past Palace of Darkness 12 Skull Woods 10 Thieves' Town 18 Ice Palace 10 Misery Mire 10 Turtle Rock 12 Pyramid of Power/Ganon's Tower 10 Link's Awakening Color Dungeon 6 Tail Cave 10 Bottle Grotto 10 Key Cavern 10 Angler's Tunnel 12 Catfish's Maw 10 Face Shrine 10 Eagle's Tower 12 Turtle Rock 12 Ocarina of Time -- Majora's Mask -- Oracle of Seasons -- Oracle of Ages Jabu-Jabu's Belly 12[/b] The Wind Waker -- The Minish Cap Deepwood Shrine 10 Cave of Flames 10 Fortress of Winds 10 Temple of Droplets 10 Palace of Winds 12 Dark Hyrule Castle 10 Twilight Princess Arbiter's Grounds 17 Snowpeak Ruins 9 Temple of Time 19 City in the Sky 11 Hyrule Castle 23 Phantom Hourglass -- Spirit Tracks -- Skyward Sword -- A Link Between Worlds Thieves Hideout 0 Ice Ruins 5 Skull Woods 10 Swamp Palace 10 Lorule Castle 22
  4. Absolutely not. Sort of. I still feel like playing: Mystery Thracia Binding Blade Shadow Dragon Fates The other games won't ever offer me new experiences, but I still find these games super fun. Idk what everyone's problem with Fates is. Kozaki's a wonderful artist, the music is grand, the classes are unique, the mechanics are fun, avatars and marriage are great, same-sex S Supports, and a ton of replayablity. I think a ton of people fall into the error of judging based on appearances instead of giving it a fair chance. Best since Binding Blade tbh.
  5. uh you should ignore the Shulk being punched by DK one I beg you otherwise that previous drawing was really really good.
  6. please no one respond I mean, I know English is likely not your first language, but you keep saying things already proven false. Why are you so concerned with "rebellious" Hoshido? Nothing you say makes sense on this front
  7. If FD only means I get to play the unbalanced Gaur Plain then it's fine by me Which is interesting because I could totally write an essay as to why it should be called Bionis' Leg and not Gaur Plain but I also know that something too specific like Bionis' Leg could confuse people who don't know what Bionis is.
  8. Indeed, it is just a game, but link's awakening dx is still the best Zelda game kthnxbai
  9. >attacking the wind fish's egg even if it isn't that good, ballad of the wind fish right before hand with the eight instruments is the most magical moment from any Zelda game~ I hate ALBW's design, but I don't care to murder it. Stuff like Stone Tower Temple is like objectively better than Dodongo's Cavern or Desert Palace or something
  10. Gotta say, I watched N7 vs Elie and the best part of the entire video was seeing them duke it out to Tom Nook's Store. The mood whiplash is insane which is why I must pick Gaur Plains - Omega and have Engage the Enemy play so I can get a power boost from the best song in the game
  11. Please, For Glory is perfectly fine. I lose almost every match, but it's interesting to see how people play. Wish there were more Olimar though. He's like the least used character in the game. fun seeing the holier-than-FG attitudes though EDIT: also I see we're playing the "gang up on Ana" game which is totally great oh wait
  12. Fire Emblem Fan killed a lot of games. There's zero reason to have such grudges here against games omg. Of course, the people slaughtering the Oracles are acting no better. Skyward Sword also only had a few dungeons so it would be easier to strike down.
  13. No way. Tellius is boring and shouldn't see the light of day again. If anything has that right, it's Jugdral. Tellius ended and even an HD remake would be insulting when stuff like translating Binding Blade could happen. But even then, I'd really enjoy just having new continents from here. We can have duologies of course, but don't go back to Archanea through Ylisse.
  14. People please It's Ayanami. I'd rather not see any more misinformation spread. You're misreading conversions as conversations. Niles and Rhajat are still in. EDIT: who even cares if Hoshido becomes "rebellious?" They're under invasion, and even before then, they were enemies with Nohr. It makes cardboard like Hinoka have actual depth.
  15. That loser was a total scumbag for using a registered trademark/copyright to make a profit. It wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't blabbed and whined online. He was going to get off either scot-free or with a very small dee, but because he started a crowd funding thing for the 3,000 dollars, he got the full punishment. He wanted to pay in in increments, but iirc, he almost wouldn't have even had to. That's how law works; you don't whine and expect others to pay a fee like 3,000 dollars. He was at fault in all ways. Not just law, but by serving alcoholic Pokemon themed drinks. Do you actually think TPCI wanted Pokemon, a children's series, associated with alcohol by any means? Either way, I've noticed that people constantly complain when an IP's owner actually does what they should and hands out at least C&Ds. The outcry to the end of Project M was laughable. By similar merits, Toby Fox for instance should totally hit Yandere Simulator for the totally obvious Sans stuff.
  16. All right. 10:30 EST Wednesday then is totally perfect for me.
  17. uhhh will you be free Wednesday night? That's when I'll be at my Dad's again. Sorry if that's an inconvenience :/
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