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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. Interesting... That's certainly something I didn't know. I'll have to... test it out some time. I think that if I could make any changes to Fates's pairings, it would just be to allow Silas, Kaze, Azura, and Soleil as candidates. Of course, that really is probably asking a lot from a Japanese company.
  2. "I think you're pretty great."

  3. 5 - What's your favorite Movie? Mine is probably Pokemon 3: Spell of the Unown. I love Entei and I really enjoy the plot. also totally dodging favorite Gen question because I would die if someone said gen I tbh
  4. Might know I didn't know it was Finn because FE4 portraits are weird
  5. Has a badge of a character I honestly don't recognize. Weird.
  6. Ana can think whatever she wants IMO It's obvious she's getting beaten, but everyone keeps pulling the "opportunity to improve" thing. No one seems to realize that no matter how skilled she could get, most of you are like extreme deities at Smash who probably never lose. Her frustration is easily justified and I'm getting tired of stuff like I mean, it's no fun losing every single match. I know how she feels IRL with my brother. I lose a ton. She's obviously trying so being borderline patronizing isn't good That's why if I ever come in here to play when I'm at my dad's, I'd prioritize playing wacky stages with wacky characters like Villager. Including FFAs. if I want to indulge in xenoblade music while playing as Wii fit trainer then no force in the universe can stop me
  7. Sticker Star didn't bomb though, it was the highest selling PM* EDIT: *at least in Japan idk western sales
  8. Blumiere and Timpani's story wasn't beautiful, it was over the top. Imagine if in Romeo and Juliet that when Romeo thinks that Juliet is dead that he suddenly becomes a creepy psychopath who wants to end the world. I cared more about Nastastia and Tiptron than either of them, but the game doesn't care about either. Dimentio is a total loser who thinks that he's interesting with all of his similes and non sequiturs. He's basically the same as Fawful, and both are lol random until they decide they want to be serious. To this day I have zero idea what was being smoked when SPM's final boss was designed. I did like it's gameplay though. I liked the music, and I thought that Flipside was the best hub in the series. I like SPM well enough, but the soap opera story ruins the entire game. You're free to think whatever. Never once did I point you out specifically, just stated how I felt. Not trying to change how you feel.
  9. lol TTYD was absolutely awful. Terrible settings. Rogueport was bleh and and the other areas were different for the sake of being different. Overly dramatic story. I only enjoy Bowser and Wario as antagonists. Shadow Queen and the X-Nauts were boring, and the story was basically a precursor to SPM's hideous train wreck story. Bad partners. The original PM had 8 Mario enemies given new life and were interesting to see. Here we have two weird OCs, another Goomba and Koopa (which is fine I guess), a Yoshi which isn't an enemy, another Bob-omb, and a Little Mouser. Ms. Mowz is what I'd like to see. How about scrapping Flurrie and Vivian for actual Mario characters? The backtracking was inane. People bring up the Twilight Trail, but the Boggly Woods is small. Chapter 7 is ridiculous with General White. Glitz Pit was basically a tiny sandbox. There was Chapter 5's forest. I did enjoy the Excess Express though. And then you have things like Francesca forcing Frankie to say I love you 100 times which isn't funny whatsoever. SPM is an even bigger mess that I won't even start on. My favorite PM is probably Sticker Star. I enjoyed the settings, I liked Decalberg, it had some fun worlds like World 3 or World 4. I actually loved the gameplay with stickers, and the writing was so good. People say the story's bad, but I enjoy helping Wiggler more than helping random fire ghost. A ton of people would hate it, but I'd rather have Sticker Star 2 or whatever than anything else.
  10. That source has at least a fine record, but I'll remain skeptical since Paper Jam came out here yesterday. I wouldn't expect this so soon. I hope the game is more like the original Paper Mario and Sticker Star than TTYD/SPM. I loved Sticker Star and PM64 but disliked TTYD and SPM. Give me a SS aesthetic, Bowser as a villain, PM64-esque partners, and SS's amazing writing. Please no random melodrama like SPM. That was awful.
  11. NES 12 SNES 12 N64 20 Gamecube 15 Wii U 11 Gameboy Advance 11 NDS 17 N3DS 25 PS1 1
  12. Yeah, what's the issue with her using customs? You don't like them, but no one's cataloging your wins/losses here and you don't have to use any. Also, you should play on Gaur Plains with Engage the Enemy blaring and fight Metal Face. For science!
  13. Are your parents the type of people who would look the other way if a straight couple kissed but would sneer if a gay couple did the same? If so, don't listen to them. also >implying that I'm doing something wrong
  14. Question 4 - What's your favorite spinoff? There are a ton of excellent spinoffs. I really like the Stadium games, Snap, PokePark, the Shadow duology, and Mystery Dungeon. I also like Battle Revolution. I enjoyed character customisation. Oh, and I unironically love Pokemon Channel. Never played Hey You, but Channel is a game I'd be willing to LP tbh
  15. I didn't mean to just quote you, I meant the other guy. The one with the middle finger avatar and "you don't get everything you want" which we all know is false
  16. Nah, I want to be able to marry said character as my own gender. It's not the same pretending to be female and seeing the dynamic between them. I like seeing how two males for instance would come to love each other. Females too, but I'm not female so I can't really identify there.
  17. I have at least 6 pairs of shoes and I use like two of them often. I mainly wear flip-flops everywhere. I'd like some really nice dress shoes to match some of the guys I'm friends with though. I have some but none like they have.
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