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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I HAVE to main Braixen. Otherwise, there are a ton of Pokemon I enjoy here. I might have to dabble in Pikachu, Gardevoir, Blaziken, or Weavile though and see if any of them fit.
  2. I love Meg. She has a great design as a Marshall even if the late maps aren't kind to her.
  3. uh that's factually wrong if you think Ness and Lucas are even vaguely similar then you aren't paying attention I see your point but there's no way Roy could ever be as distinct as Lucas
  4. I'm glad regular Mewtwo is in the game, but I'd totally trade Shadow Mewtwo for Hoopa - Unbound as a boss. I'm more fine with Pikachu Libre because Cosplay Pikachu existed before Pokken and Pikachu was in the base game. I adore Braixen though. I actually like it more than Delphox design wise.
  5. the real question is why would they look to 2005 for a new FE character in 2021 or something I mean c'mon now that'd be like Pokemon getting Blaziken in Smash 5: timed as to where they'd be almost entirely irrelevant
  6. Uh... Didn't we JUST get Tipping Stars like a year ago? I'm not seeing how yet another MvDK is at all necessary right now. Cool and all, but not really that interesting because it pushes amiibo so hard
  7. Happy birthday! (also omg I love your avatar)

    1. Kinumi


      THANK YOU also yes he's my favourite<3

  8. 1. What do you think of me? yeah that's all I have at the moment
  9. RBY has gambling. That's why PEGI rerated it and on a related note, Gamblers got changed to Gamers in FRLG. I really want that N3DS. It looks super cool, but Christmas just happened and thus it isn't happening.
  10. shields are hard also to this day I have zero idea where the smash ball came from
  11. okay yes but could you possibly be a little less obtuse about it I don't post about how much an Ace Attorney or Starfy character would make me physically explode from hype
  12. Who's your favorite FE archer? It's Barok van Zieks from The Great Ace Attorney, an AA spinoff that came out in Japan last yearhe's like literally English Edgeworth or something ingame idk
  13. Has one of my favorite Pokemon ever in their name (I enjoy dark types)
  14. Have you read any books in The Railway Series? Ingame Mirages? Tharja Any Mirage I want? Subaki
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