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Everything posted by solrocknroll

  1. I'll sign up. This looks fun. Hopefully it'll be at a time where I'll be able to do it, but 1/24-1/30 sounds fine.
  2. You two can end the day. Why don't you do it? There's no way anyone will vote anyone but me to risk looking like scum. You won't learn a thing.
  3. I enjoy being the variable. Rainbow text and all caps included. But in all seriousness, rolling with accusations is literally the only thing I can do. I was doomed from the moment I switched from Ocean. I'd be lynched today even if I hadn't been so insane. Might as well have a little fun on the way down, no?
  4. You can do it! The people who haven't voted are Refa, Sunwoo, Zero, Shin, and you. I don't think it'll hurt anyone to take us to twilight. It'll end without us waiting until Wednesday night for me to be lynched. It's a forgone conclusion.
  5. Votes for me RN: Junko, Elieson, Miss Kira I only need two more ;) Unless Zerosabers somehow shows up? lol No sense in waiting then. I'm L-2.
  6. Then hammer me. Don't delay the inevitable. Okay though, humor me for a moment: If I somehow flip town by some miracle, how would any of you react? Purely hypothetical of course.
  7. What if I let my scumbuddy Ocean take the fall? After all, I target Eliedon, a seemingly easy target. Or maybe I'm a town and the two scum are laughing at how this is turning out. I expect to get all the cotest Picture me like I'm Lana Skye. Does that help?
  8. Maybe I killed the mayor. Maybe I didn't. Is there any proof either way? Maybe I wanted GP gone. I did have her as a town read after all. Maybe 'twas I who murdered the mayor. Or maybe not.
  9. #FE is good, what are you even talking about people Also, I love XC's cast and have extreme ambivalence to XCX's. I'd rather have Xenoblade II than Xenoblade X please.
  10. But what scum says that? I maintain that I'm town. Any reverse psychology is all strategic. I honestly want to be lynched so I can see the insane reaction when I flip town. So c'mon, pull the trigger!
  11. Can you prove I'm scum? I barely interacted with anyone but Ocean, and I only changed my vote because Sunwoo voted you, Elie. My logic fell at the seams, so I changed because otherwise I'd face fire. Honestly I fail to see how I was the instant target for today. I get how my current behavior looks, but that's the point. What scum actually reveals themselves?
  12. Yeah, I'm scum. I think you should go ahead and hammer me. Unless you don't want to? I'll leave my vote for myself if you so desire. Although, if I truly am town, then it'll soon become 5 town vs 2 scum instead of 6 town vs 1 scum. Can you make the decision?
  13. Update: This was moved to Far from the Forest. It really helps, as when making elimination and end of day posts, double posts would be necessary. Posting instead of editing so that any of the three who signed up know where this is now.
  14. I'd also argue that I've done things that make no sense as a scum. Or have I? I started the day off with two immediate votes because Ocean flipped scum. This is the best way I know to defend myself: make the game Ace Attorney or something. I really have no evidence, so conflicting plays is all I can do.
  15. Also yeah, I totally intend to bluff my way through the day.
  16. Maybe your right, but maybe I am scum. Maybe I'm a town or a scum. Who even knows?
  17. Care to explain? It could easily end up with me being town.
  18. Okay, being serious though: I am really a Town Vanilla. I have zero way of convincing anyone, and I have no reads whatsoever. Maybe with the games I'm playing I'll manage to survive. But, you could always hammer me. That's a good option too. Possibly. This'll also mean I'll be killed Night 3 if I don't get lynched today for that.
  19. I'd also call Shin definite scum. He just gives me that vibe.
  20. I actually really enjoy Mewtwo. I definitely see how he has strengths.
  21. I have no real reads now. I can't really think of anything, but Junko is definitely town. I'm not sure of anything but that. Bring on the turbolynch ;)
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